The American POW's *Not for the faint of heart*


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
I just finished viewing the Al-Jeezera footage.

Some of the American Soldiers were dragged into a garage/storage building and executed.

Shot in the head, powder burns on their face and head. Some were stripped down to their underwear.

The other portion of the video showed the American's being man-handled. Nothing severe though.

At that time they showed no signs of abuse.

One young man was very brave and said his name, rank, and ssn.

One young man was terrified, I see him crumbling under pressure and being used as propaganda. He's under a great deal of stress and I will not blame or fault him for anything he says.

I'm not shoving this in anyone's face if you want to see the video go to:

Kazaa search for POW or
BTW, the footage from ogrish was not the only footage I watched. So if my description doesn't match up, it's because it's from multiple clips and explained as a single synopsis.

It is very evident though. Brains were on the floor of the building they were in.
HeavyStick said:
I just finished viewing the Al-Jeezera footage.

Some of the American Soldiers were dragged into a garage/storage building and executed.

Shot in the head, powder burns on their face and head. Some were stripped down to their underwear.

The other portion of the video showed the American's being man-handled. Nothing severe though.

At that time they showed no signs of abuse.

One young man was very brave and said his name, rank, and ssn.

One young man was terrified, I see him crumbling under pressure and being used as propaganda. He's under a great deal of stress and I will not blame or fault him for anything he says.

I'm not shoving this in anyone's face if you want to see the video go to:

Kazaa search for POW or

I'll skip the movies.

But I do find this very detestable. The handling of Iraqi POW's and the disarmed are shown on live TV. None of them are being mistreated, and in fact, many of them are being given their best meals in months...probably years.

I hope that this, combined with the possible newly discovered chemical warfare plant, influence some European naysayers to wake up.

These soldiers...if they are the 507th Maint. are not combat troops. They are support troops that only handle weapons when they qualify at ranges every year. They aren't trained to withstand torture or interrogation, so they were brave no matter if they stood up or not.

BTW, the 507th is the sister unit of the unit my wife just left at Ft Bliss.
My god..

so young! I'm in tears. Only 2 more years and that could be my son.

Re: Re: The American POW's *Not for the faint of heart*

Bob_Bytchin said:
These soldiers...if they are the 507th Maint. are not combat troops. They are support troops that only handle weapons when they qualify at ranges every year. They aren't trained to withstand torture or interrogation, so they were brave no matter if they stood up or not.

Bob, my interpertation was in NO way meant as disrespectful. I agree they all are very brave.
HeavyStick said:

It is very evident though. Brains were on the floor of the building they were in.

Thanks for saving me the heartache of watching the damn thing.

I wanted to with a strange curiousity. I just wanted to know what had happened, to believe for myself.

Thanks, HS.

It just seals the resolve of many, myself included, that we need to kick Sadaam's ass.
Earthquake Felt In France!

March 23, 2003. Today it was reported that severe earthquakes have occurred in 10 different locations in France. The severity was measured in excess of 10 on the Richter Scale. The cause was the 56,681 dead American soldiers buried in French soil rolling over in their graves. According to American Battle Monuments Commmision there are 26,255 Yankee dead from World War I buried in 4 cemeteries in France. There are 30,426 American dead from World War II buried in 6 cemeteries in France. These 56,681 brave American heroes did in their youth to liberate a country which is guilty of shameful unspeakable behavior in the 21st Century. May the United States of America never forget their sacrifice as we find ways to forcefully deal with Godforesaken unappreciative, forgetful country of France.
Re: Re: Re: The American POW's *Not for the faint of heart*

HeavyStick said:
Bob, my interpertation was in NO way meant as disrespectful. I agree they all are very brave.

Oh, I wasn't knocking what you said. I was just stating my opinion. :)
HeavyStick said:
BTW, the footage from ogrish was not the only footage I watched. So if my description doesn't match up, it's because it's from multiple clips and explained as a single synopsis.

I was about to ask tha question.
I just don't understand how people can condemn them.. how they can call them killers. - them being American soldiers.

They've discovered the chemical plant, they've used missiles against us.. so we were suppose to wait for how long? What about the Iraqi people that have been tortured by that evil man? Now this on top of it all..

How can any country still stand behind Saddam after viewing that tape of our POW's?

I pray that the family members don't watch that footage.. that they don't have to see the ones that they love being killed.
Well kitty, IMHO to other countries they are viewing it as news. With it being the people who might live down the street from us we view it differently.
Iraqi war suprise..

War demands death, epws, and crimes against humanity. The trick is to find the perpetrators, expose them in court, and punish them in accordance.
I went to a POW camp in Spokane, WA for aircrewmen lasting for three days straight. I can feel what they're going through.
Perhaps the Iraqis will want to treat the survivors nice, like the NAZIs in April 1945, for the same reasons.

If you really want it to sink in, go to this link: :rose:
I can not believe anyone, with any intelligence, could compare this with pictures of Iraqi POW's. I've got a strong stomach, thankfully. All these images will do is infuriate anyone who views them.
bump this for anyone lamenting the poor regime of Saddam.
Sick bastards.
HeavyStick said:
Well kitty, IMHO to other countries they are viewing it as news. With it being the people who might live down the street from us we view it differently.

For some of us it IS a person who lives down the street - one of the British soldiers killed in the last 2 days is from the town I live in.
Did we actually expect the Iraqi Military to comply?

.. and this is what so many want us to leave alone and stay in power.
The Rooster said:
Did we actually expect the Iraqi Military to comply?

.. and this is what so many want us to leave alone and stay in power.

I can't think that anyone who has some inkling of what is going on expected Saddam to comply. I mean, why start now? :rolleyes: