The All New Stalking His_kitty thread!


montani semper liberi
May 7, 2002
Now, isn't this nicer?

No more hi-jacking other nice peoples threads.

I'll even see if I can get Odaddy to bring the pastry cart.

Carp are you here yet?

Funny you should post this Like Minds go see what I wrote in Online get togethers......

Kitties have nine lives, I have nine inches....coincidence?

Thank for putting a leash on the kitten Emi!:p
lmao you hussy

I was just scrolling down the board, minding my p's and q's and saw this!

Damn you for making me laugh out loud, it echoes here!

Killswitch said:
Funny you should post this Like Minds go see what I wrote in Online get togethers......

Kitties have nine lives, I have nine inches....coincidence?

Thank for putting a leash on the kitten Emi!:p

Actually it was your thread that put the evil thought in my head.

Happy to be of service ;)

btw, she loves that damned leash!:devil:
His_kitty said:
lmao you hussy

I was just scrolling down the board, minding my p's and q's and saw this!

Damn you for making me laugh out loud, it echoes here!


I know I (no) know, just one of the reasons ya lurve me!!!

:devil: :kiss:
hotlittlegirlwv said:
His_Kitty rocks. I love her. :D

Awww! and I leibe ya as well doll! And just where have you and your sweet sister been lately? Missed seeing you around. :)

lol emmaroo you bitch with the I no's grrr :D
I had just finished writting a response to another of her posts, and was getting set with the "Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty" thread, when I saw thin one. Beaten to the punch. Just don't call me late to dinner.

Hi Kitty. I'm reading some of your old posts to find good flirtin material. I must say, you seem like a genuinly nice person. I know, not very flirty, but still true.
Carp said:
I had just finished writting a response to another of her posts, and was getting set with the "Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty" thread, when I saw thin one. Beaten to the punch. Just don't call me late to dinner.

Hi Kitty. I'm reading some of your old posts to find good flirtin material. I must say, you seem like a genuinly nice person. I know, not very flirty, but still true.

lmao you don't need to find good flirting material, you were doing quite well on KS's thread. :D

Thank you.. that's a huge compliment. I try to be nice and hope that others find me as well.

Penguin boy (btw nice new av :D ) rarely am I overly willing about anything.. as you've found out.

Killswitch said:
What are the rules here....can I flirt with more girls than just Kitten?:eek:

We have no rules except the lil feline must be accorded her daily stalking ration....after that, just have fun!:D
*goddess*emi* said:
At least she's not an eager beaver :D

Clearly emi knows kittie best, but are you sure? Or, maybe that's more descriptive of you?

Hmmm. this should be following the post that is next. Perhaps I am becoming psychic...
Speaking of beavers..

I really want to get that toy and see if it's as good as everyone says.
Carp said:
Clearly emi knows kittie best, but are you sure? Or, maybe that's more descriptive of you?

Hmmm. this should be following the post that is next. Perhaps I am becoming psychic...

I am only the humble instigator. :devil:

DA ... choc chip or snickerdoodles?
today you have a choice:D
His_kitty said:
Speaking of beavers..

I really want to get that toy and see if it's as good as everyone says.


Why am I not surprised?
His_kitty said:
Speaking of beavers..

I really want to get that toy and see if it's as good as everyone says.

Exactly what kind of toy are you speaking of here?
*goddess*emi* said:
I am only the humble instigator. :devil:

DA ... choc chip or snickerdoodles?
today you have a choice:D

O boy.. i got a choice...

DarkAngel said:
O boy.. i got a choice...


I heard they had oodles and oodles of Lit cookies, but they're in another thread.

Want me to go "borrow" some for you?
Had that one, loved it... but I must move on. :D

Pfft why are you laughing miss "I have a trunk load of naughty toys in my closet?"

What kind of toy do you think I'm talking about Carp? ;-)