The AD (Open - PM for invite)


Literotica Guru
Jan 24, 2012

RP is now closed

Name: Eve McDowell

Age: 19

Personality: Meek and mild. Eve takes awhile to break out of her shell, but once she does, she is ready to cut loose. All she needs is the right person to help her out.

Summary: A young college student in need of some extra cash posts a "Situation Wanted" ad. The ad reads:Young and eager woman in search of a position that pays well. Lots of experience and willing to learn new things. Naively thinking that she was posting an ad in a local paper, little does she know that she actually placed it in an adult magazine.


Twenty dollars, that was all Eve McDowell had in her wallet. Hell, that was all she had period. After buying textbooks for the new semester and paying her rent for the month, Eve was completely tapped out. If only she hadn't snapped at that customer who had grabbed her ass, then she might still have her job at Carson's Diner.

Hindsight was a bitch.

With a sigh, Eve sat back on her couch. Her laptop sat in front of her, open to the depressing bank page that showed her zero balance checking account. She knew asking her parents for money was out of the question, they could barely afford to pay their own rent let alone take care of the four kids they still had at home. No, Eve had to find a way to get some cash on her own.

She grabbed her laptop, deciding that no time was better than the present to start her job search. However, after nearly two hours of finding absolutely zero prospects, Eve had to admit that she was screwed. But she persisted and began a search for websites that she could post a Situation Wanted ad. If she couldn't find the jobs, the jobs could come to her. There were several local sites that allowed for listing ads, and Eve quickly posted an ad on each one. She continued searching, thinking that perhaps more sites would pop up. A link popped up on her screen and Eve clicked on it, blushing as the image of a nearly naked woman came onto the screen. The site was for women who were advertising themselves as escorts, but Eve knew that really meant they were prostitutes.

"No thank you." She said. Eve moved to click out of the screen, but as she did so her phone rang. Her eyes not on the computer screen as she reached for the phone, Eve believed she had clicked out of the website. Little did she know she had posted her ad onto the site.

An ad which read: Young and eager woman in search of a position that pays well. Lots of experience and willing to learn new things.
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Name:Jordan McKinley
Age: 20
Personality: Outgoing yet shy around women. Able to talk and flirt, but takes a bit to trust women. Very easy to talk to and able to break down barriers. Doesn't press advantage until trust is mutual.

Summary: Young college student who is financially very well off due to a large trust fund left by grandparents. He is looking for a very attractive, sexy date for a number of events and parties that his parents and friends host. He wanted a drop dead bombshell and girl who could possibly satisfy other needs, so he posted an ad in an adult magazine.


Jordan McKinley was tired of always going alone to these stupid events his parents planned every few weeks. It was bad enough when hanging out with his friends, but when his parents tried to set him up, it just irked him.

It wasn't that he hadn't tried either.

Jordan was always just shy around women. Even if he had the finances to throw at a woman and really show her a great time, that wasn't what he did. Yeah, he was well off, but didn't want to buy a girl. It really went against his sensibilities.

The last party was the breaking point though. Jordan's dad had tried to set him up with a "family friend" who turned out to be a complete gold digger. He finally left the party early, tired of it all. When Jordan got home, he pulled up his laptop, deciding to see what was going on around campus. An ad popped up and Jordan decided to click on it just for the fun of it.

He wasn't totally surprised when it turned out that the ad was for an escort service. Jordan set his laptop down and then went to get himself a glass of water. He thought about the last party and finally decided that enough was enough.

Jordan went back to his laptop and sat down before clicking on the link to view some ads. He started to scroll through them, only to find that the only one up to date had been posted an hour ago. He decided to try it out.

"Hello, I read your post, and decided that I'd reply. I have a proposition for you, and if you are interested I'll make it worth your while. Reply back if you are interested." Jordan typed out, then hovered over the send button. He wasn't prepared when the "message sent" icon popped up.

Jordan set the laptop down and decided to wait and see what happened.
"Hello, I read your post, and decided that I'd reply. I have a proposition for you, and if you are interested I'll make it worth your while. Reply back if you are interested."

Well that was fast. Eve had posted her ads barely an hour ago and, already, she had a response.

Maybe this was the best way to go about finding a job, she thought, if I'd known it was going to be this easy I would have done it long ago.

Reading over the e-mail again, Eve decided that she had nothing to lose in responding.

Thank you for responding to my ad. I would be happy to discuss any position you have in mind. I am extremely flexible and willing to do anything you would like. I can be reached anytime through e-mail or by phone.

After listing her phone number in the e-mail, Eve sent off her response and waited, eager to hear back about the new job.
Thank you for responding to my ad. I would be happy to discuss any position you have in mind. I am extremely flexible and willing to do anything you would like. I can be reached anytime through e-mail or by phone.

Jordan couldn't help but get excited. He took a deep breath then typed a response.

How about we meet up? It will be easier to explain in person. Can I take you out to a late dinner, or coffee?

Jordan hit send then went and changed. He quickly changed out of his party clothes and into a suit he had.

This is technically a job interview, so I should look the part, right? he thought.

Jordan checked himself in a mirror, then happy with his appearance, went back to wait by his laptop. He started to play with his keys while waiting for a response, hoping this woman would say yes.
As she sat, trying to figure out what to write in response, Eve thought back to the twenty dollars sitting in her wallet.

Well dinner is definitely out, she thought. Writing up a quick reply message, she said that coffee would be great and gave the name of a popular coffeehouse in town, Bag o' Beans. Telling her potential employer that she would meet him in two hours (and giving him a brief description of what she looked like so he could find her), Eve then logged off her computer. And the panic set in.

What if she couldn't do it? What if he met her and decided that he didn't want her for the job after all?

"Okay, Eve, get a grip." She told herself, her voice echoing in the empty apartment. "Just focus and be yourself and...and don't screw up. That's easy enough."

Finally, at the appointed time, Eve walked into Bag o' Beans dressed in a knee length, black pencil skirt and cream, silk blouse. The blouse was loose and sheer, prompting Eve to wear a black lace camisole underneath. She had left her hair loose, so that it flowed around her shoulders in a gentle wave.

Nervously, she took a seat near the back of the coffeehouse, which wasn't too packed since most of the college students were away on break. Sitting down, Eve fidgeted, crossing and uncrossing her legs as she tried to look calm and casual.
After getting her reply, Jordan grabbed his keys and headed to his truck. The drive to Bag o' Beans didn't take long to make, and Jordan arrived earlier than the arranged time.

He grabbed a seat in the back of the shop, turning his collar up to ward off the chill whenever the door opened or closed.

I wonder if she will show or not Jordan though, then immediately saw her.

She was gorgeous in her blouse and skirt. The flowing hair really helped her become drop-dead gorgeous. She walked in and sat down a few tables away from Jordan. He got up, adjusting his suit jacket, and then walked over to her table.

"Are you Eve McDowell?" Jordan asked, looking down at her before smiling shyly.
Looking up at the man that had approached her, Eve did a double take. Damn he was gorgeous. If she got to work with this fine specimen of a man, who didn't look much older than herself, every day then Even didn't care what the job was, she was going to take it.

Stop it, she thought, berating herself, you're here for a job, not a boyfriend.

She smiled warmly and held her hand out to him.

"Yes, I'm Eve. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat."

Fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, Eve waited for him to take the seat across from her. She truly hoped that he liked her, because she was desperate for the job and the money.
Jordan smiled again, this time a little more confidently as he shook Eve's hand. He sat down then waited as the waitress came over and took their drink orders. Jordan saw Eve fidgeting with her skirt and realized she was just as nervous as he was.

It's now or never he thought to himself

"I responded to your ad because it was the only up to date ad and the only ad for someone close by. I need an escort. If we click, this can be more than a one time deal, but right now it depends on you. My parents like to throw these big parties and I'm expected to be there. I've gotten tired of either being set up by my friends, or introduced to a girl by my parents. What my proposition is, is that you escort me to the next party. We will see how you do, and if you handle yourself accordingly, there will be many more parties and other social events to go to. Price isn't an option, but I was thinking of offering you $2000 for the party this weekend. I will buy you a new dress and pick you up to get your hair and makeup done, and then you will accompany me. It's okay if you don't know how to formally dance, but that would be a plus if you did. Does all of this sound okay to you?" Jordan asked, catching his breath.

As he waited for a reply, Jordan couldn't help but admire the beauty that Eve exuded. He could tell she was in a financial bind, but it still didn't detract from her beauty. He found that he really wanted to help her, and hoped that she would accept the proposal. He couldn't place it, but there was something about her that he was drawn to as well.

She's your date, not your girlfriend. Quit thinking of things she's not Jordan quickly reminded himself. He sat calmly, waiting for a reply and sipping on his iced coffee while Eve thought about her decision.
Sipping on her chai latte, Eve listened as Jordan laid out the situation.

Escort? What's he talking about? I didn't post any escort type ads. Eve's mind was running at full speed as she tried to process what Jordan wanted from her. Maybe he had the wrong person? Maybe he had gotten her ad mixed up with someone else's, someone who didn't mind playing the arm candy for a night.

But mix up or no, two grand was nothing to sneeze at and Eve would be an idiot to turn down such a lucrative "position." In what seemed like hours of internal discussion, but really was only a few brief seconds, Eve made her decision.

"I would be happy to accompany you." She told Jordan. "While I admit it's been awhile since I've danced, I did take ballroom lessons, so I won't embarrass you on that front." She smiled sweetly. "Now, when is the party?"

As she listened to Jordan rattle off the details of the party, Eve took the time to really study him. He was handsome in a boy-next-door meets boy band way, with dark hair and eyes and a lean build. Eve found herself wondering what kind of muscles were hiding beneath his shirt. The way the perfectly tailored fabric stretched across his frame gave a hint at the defined physique beneath his suit.

Focus girl, her inner-voice snapped, and Eve returned her full attention to Jordan.
Jordan heard her agree to the proposal and couldn't help but smile. He would finally have a date, and a gorgeous date at that.

"The next party is this weekend. That gives us 4 days to find you a dress, get you a hair appointment, and have your makeup done. The party will be very formal, so you will need a full length ball gown. I'm glad you know how to dance, because I actually enjoy it and am tired of poor partners," Jordan said, giving a few more details. He finally took another sip of his iced coffee, then sat back. Jordan rolled his shoulders a bit then slipped the suit jacket off of his shoulders, standing up and draping it over the back of his chair.

Jordan sat back down in his chair then sighed, letting the tension out of his 6'4" 225 pound frame. He hadn't realized how much he was worrying about Eve's answer.

"A few more things, then we can either call it a night or talk a little more, whichever is your preference. We should exchange numbers so that we can stay in touch and set up the shopping date and appointments. The other thing is how would you like to be paid?" Jordan finished asking, then sat back, waiting for Eve to reply.

As he waited for Eve to answer, he had another iced coffee brought to him. As he waited for the drink, he took Eve in again. He couldn't help but admire her features and her beautiful eyes. Her hair really framed her face and enhanced her features. He thought of how lucky he was for her agreeing to help and come as his date to this party.

Whoa! Get a grip on yourself. She is just going to help you out with these parties Jordan reminded himself.
"We should exchange numbers so that we can stay in touch and set up the shopping date and appointments. The other thing is how would you like to be paid?"

Nodding as she listened to Jordan rattle off the details of the party and what she would need, Eve couldn't help studying the young man seated across from her.

"Of course," she said grabbing a napkin off the table and scribbling her number down on it. "All of my classes are done by two in the afternoon, so I'm free at any point after that to go out shopping." She paused as she considered the tricky subject of money. Being paid in cash would be ideal, since she wouldn't have to claim it as income on her taxes. But, there was the whole idea of keeping everything 'above board.'

Oh what the hell.

"I guess cash would be best." Eve said, picking at the napkin beneath her latte. "If that's alright with you, I mean."

After getting the matter of payment settled, Eve excused herself for the evening, begging off due to an eight o'clock class the next morning. As she made her way home, her mind tried to wrap around the whole ordeal and how it had come to take place. None of her ads had been posted on any type of dating site, so how had Jordan even found her name in order to contact her? The whole thing was a complete mystery to Eve.

The next day, as she got ready for her morning classes, beginning with 18th Century British Literature, Eve kept revising the events of the previous night and wondering if/when Jordan would call her.
After getting the matter of payment settled, Eve excused herself for the evening, begging off due to an eight o'clock class the next morning.

Jordan smiled as he accepted the napkin, then wished Eve an amazing night as he picked up the tab happily. He started planning a good date, since his classes also ended at two.

As Jordan got into his truck, he couldn't help but think of how this could work out. He had clicked on a random ad site and then saw Eve's ad. from there it had turned out really good so far. Jordan stopped by an ATM, pulling out $5000 for hair, makeup, a dress, and Eve's payment.

As Jordan got ready for the night, he immediately regretted his choice to have an early class. Even though it was 18th Century British Lit, he still didn't want to wake up early.

As Jordan packed his laptop into his backpack, Jordan shot Eve a text message.

Good morning Eve! It's Jordan McKinley. I hope you had an amazing night. If you are amenable, how would you like to go shopping today for a dress? I have 18th Century British Lit, a math class, a science class, then two hours for a break, followed by my last class, 19th Century French Lit. I'm done by two as well, so would you like to meet after class and see what kind of dress you'd like?

Jordan hit send then drove to campus before parking and walking into his class. He sat down in the back, removing the light jacket he had on, leaving himself in jeans and Tee. Jordan pulled his notebook out, waiting to take notes on the poems the were supposed to read before class.
Dressed simply in a pair of faded jeans and a purple, v-neck shirt that clung to her curves, Eve made her way into class. Taking her usual seat in the second row, she pulled out her books and notebook, arranging her pens (each one a different color depending on the type of notes she would need to take - blue was for historical significance, green for literary notes, and purple for any notes about the author), and waited for class to begin. Inside her messenger bag, her phone began to vibrate.

Curious as to who could be texting her right before class, Eve grabbed her phone. It was Jordan.

Good morning Eve! It's Jordan McKinley. I hope you had an amazing night. If you are amenable, how would you like to go shopping today for a dress? I have 18th Century British Lit, a math class, a science class, then two hours for a break, followed by my last class, 19th Century French Lit. I'm done by two as well, so would you like to meet after class and see what kind of dress you'd like?

Out of the whole message, 18th Century British Lit stood out to her.

Shit, she thought, her eyes instantly searching the building crowd of students. Is he here right now? Her eyes caught on a form that could have been Jordan, but his back was to her and she couldn't tell. Slinking down in her seat, she prayed that, if he was there, he wouldn't see her.

Eve had had a great time with him the night before, but, as she thought more and more about his offer that morning, she couldn't help but wonder exactly what he wanted from her on the night of the party. After all, what man offered to pay a woman to go to a party, plus buy her a dress and pay for her hair and makeup? The whole situation seemed extremely sketchy to her the more she thought about it. But there was no denying that Jordan was attractive and it wouldn't be completely horrible to spend more time with him.

Eve had to admit that she didn't have the most experience when it came to dealing with men. The most experience she had ever had was with a boyfriend back home. A guy she had known since first grade and who she had dated for five years. Of course when you dated someone for that long people assumed that you had "done the deed," but the furthest the two of them had ever gone was Eve giving him the occasional blow job while he would feel her up or slip his hand down her pants.

And now, here was Jordan, who probably expected something more than just a date to a party. Especially if he was shelling out two grand or more (considering he was paying for all those extras). Eve just didn't know what to make of the situation. Of course, would it really be so bad if he wanted more from her than a dance partner? Eve bit her bottom lip, considering all her options before she sent a quick text in reply.

That sounds great. Meet me at the entrance of Smith Hall, that's where I have my last class for the day.
Jordan was sitting in his chair, his back to the door as he was digging around in his backpack, trying to find a pen that worked. His phone buzzed, letting him know he had a text message. He looked down to see that it was from Eve. Jordan's stomach did a little flip as he opened the message up.

That sounds great. Meet me at the entrance of Smith Hall, that's where I have my last class for the day.

Jordan smiled, then grabbed a working pen and turned around in his desk. He immediately caught a side glance of a face that looked familiar. Without thinking, he sent a reply.

Are you in 18th Century British Lit with MacGregor?

Jordan put his phone back, then saw the girl pick her phone up quickly, before turning around. He smiled shyly at Eve as their eyes met for an instant, then he immediately looked down, blushing profusely.

Jordan knew that from the instant he met Eve, something worried her about their meeting. He had figured it out on the ride over. A lot of his friends had hired escorts, and usually had a wild night after a dance. Jordan had heard about those conquests, as the guys described them. He wasn't like that, and wished that he could make Eve believe it.

Jordan hadn't had a great relationship history. The one girlfriend he had lasted for a year before he found out that she was cheating on him with his supposed best friends. He broke it off after that, hurt by her. He had never even tried to pursue sex with her, only getting as far as feeling her up once or twice. Since then, Jordan had shut himself off from dating, concentrating on his schoolwork, and deciding to pursue an English degree.

Throughout the class, Jordan couldn't help but glance at Eve. He caught her glances a few times, and looked away, blushing. Class was over much quicker than Jordan remembered, and he realized he hadn't paid attention at all. He saw Eve leave, then quickly made his way to his next classes.

The day went by in a blur, and Jordan gladly tossed his bag in the back seat of his truck and drove over to Smith Hal. He texted to tell Eve that he was in the big silver Dodge pickup in the small lot. He saw her walking towards him and quickly got out of his truck and opened her door, offering his hand to help her into his truck.
Eve's day went by relatively quickly and before she knew it she was walking out of Smith Hall and making her way towards Jordan, who waited patiently by his truck.

"Hi," she greeted him with a shy smile. She accepted his hand as he helped her into the truck. Once settled, Eve set her bag on the floor by her feet and waited for Jordan to get in.

She had gone through the rest of her day trying to figure out how she had never noticed Jordan in her British Lit class until that day. It wasn't a very large class, maybe a hundred students in all, but she had never seen him in there before. Or maybe she had and just never really noticed him. But then again, how could she have not noticed someone as handsome as Jordan? The questions had gone around and around in her mind all morning, distracting her from her classes.

Eve found herself thinking that, no matter what Jordan expected of her after the party, she really was starting to become attracted to him.

"So, where to first?" She asked once he had climbed into the driver's seat.
Jordan smiled as he started the truck up, then pulled out onto the highway.

"Well, first we need to find a dress to suit you," Jordan said, then smiled as they drove to a very high end dress store.

Jordan helped Eve out of the car, then had to quickly look away to stop from staring. He couldn't tell how many times he caught himself glancing at her on the drive to the store. There was no denying it now, Jordan was extremely attracted to Eve. He had seen her in one class a year ago, but he didn't really pay attention to her. Now, he couldn't get enough of her, and his body evidently couldn't either.

Jordan blushed as he caught his train of thought and then roped it back into place, quickly fixing the front of his pants behind Eve as he caught up with her and held the door open for her.

When a sales associate came to greet them and ask what they needed help with, Jordan smiled and pointed to Eve.

"Whatever she thinks. We are here to buy a gown that will absolutely floor everyone with her beauty," Jordan said, then stepped in line behind Eve and the associate.
The drive had been slightly awkward for Eve. She had caught Jordan glancing over at her from time to time, his eyes trying to take in every detail of her profile. Finally, they arrived at the boutique and Jordan helped her from the truck. When they walked inside, Eve was awestruck by all the beautiful dresses, all of which would have cost her at least a year's rent.

He must not be doing too poorly, she thought, casting a glance at Jordan who seemed much more comfortable in the extravagant shop than she did.

When a sales associate came to greet them and ask what they needed help with, Jordan smiled and pointed to Eve.

"Whatever she thinks. We are here to buy a gown that will absolutely floor everyone with her beauty," Jordan said, then stepped in line behind Eve and the associate.

Eve blushed at his words. People rarely used the word "beauty" when speaking of her.

The saleswoman bustled about the shop, pulling dress after dress off the racks. When she had an armful, she gently prodded Eve towards the dressing rooms.

Time seemed to tick away slowly as Eve let the saleswoman dress her up like a Barbie doll. Dress after dress was laid out for Eve to step into, and dress after dress she rejected. It wasn't that they weren't stunning dresses, but on her they just looked overdone and she felt, for all intents and purposes, like a giant cream puff.

"Well, this is the last one," the saleswoman sighed, seeming to have given up completely on Eve. As she zipped the gown up, the woman turned Eve to face the mirror.

It was beautiful. A deep sapphire blue, the dress brought out the color of Eve's eyes, making them pop. It was a simple, strapless neckline, and the whole dress clung to ever curve of her body. The dress was simple and elegant and utterly perfect.

Stepping out of the dressing room, Eve stood in front of Jordan, her face lightly flushed as she waited for his reaction.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked, spinning slowly.
Jordan was just lounging, commenting on a dress when asked. He was enjoying this, but knew it was for Eve. When she stepped out, he wasn't ready for how gorgeous she looked.

"Y...Y...You look breathtaking!" Jordan said, stumbling over himself in an attempt to take in Eve standing before him. The dress was perfect for her. It hit her in all the right places, and she seemed to feel beautiful in it. Jordan ran his hand over his face, partly to hide his wide open mouth, but also to make sure the image before him wasn't an illusion.

"Is this the dress?" Jordan asked, already knowing the answer. He saw her flushed and embarrassed look, then on impulse stepped forward and gently tilted her face up.

"You look gorgeous," Jordan said, kissing her on the cheek, then gently on the lips. The last kiss surprised Jordan, and from the look of it Eve. He backed away, blushing a deep scarlet, then cleared his throat and turned away, embarrassed himself now.
When Jordan's lips brushed hers, Eve felt sparks shooting up and down her body. The reaction frightened and embarrassed her and she stepped back slightly, if only to get room to breath. From the look on Jordan's face, he was having the same feelings. His cheeks were flushed and he quickly turned away.

"I'm...I'm gonna go get changed." Eve whispered, quickly heading back into the dressing room. As the saleswoman helped her out of the dress, Eve fought to catch her breath.

Oh god, she thought, what the hell was that? What just happened?

Her thoughts were spinning a mile a minute as she tried to process the kiss and the feeling it had triggered inside of her. It had been well over a year since anyone had kissed Eve, and, while it could just be her hormones talking, she couldn't deny the way that Jordan's lips had felt against hers.

Once dressed, and feeling a little more steady and in control, Eve rejoined Jordan in the boutique. The saleswoman rang up the dress, the price of which made Eve's jaw drop.

"You know, we don't have to get this one. It's a a bit expensive, I don't want you to spend all that money on me." She stuttered quickly, laying a hand on Jordan's arm. Her heart fluttered slightly as she felt his arm flex beneath her fingers. It seemed she had gained as much control as she had thought.
"You know, we don't have to get this one. It's a a bit expensive, I don't want you to spend all that money on me." She stuttered quickly, laying a hand on Jordan's arm.

Jordan jumped, feeling Eve's hand on his arm. He looked down quickly, seeing Eve's hand on his arm, and felt a jolt as his body momentarily stiffened from the shock. Jordan smiled then regained his composure, or at least enough to answer.

"No, it's perfectly fine. You looked absolutely stunning in that dress, and amazingly happy. That dress is yours," Jordan said as he pulled his card out of his wallet, not even caring that the dress was over $5000. He just wanted to see her look that happy and beautiful again.

As they walked out of the store, Jordan couldn't help but replay that kiss. It had surprised him, but at the same time, a kiss had never felt so good or right to him. He knew he was blushing like an idiot, but there was nothing he could do.

After almost tripping over the curb, Jordan unlocked Eve's door, then hung the dress up in the back seat after helping her into the cab. After closing Eve's door, Jordan made his way to the back of the truck, taking his time and trying to catch his breath.
Eve was overcome by Jordan's generosity. No man she knew would ever treat a woman to such a dress, nor would he be so humble about being able to pay five thousand dollars for something she would wear only once.

"Thank you." She smiled, letting him see how truly grateful she was to him.

As they made their way out to the truck, Eve hid a giggle behind her hand as Jordan tripped on the curb in his haste to get the door for her. She accepted his hand up and gracefully as she could, climbed into the truck. Once Jordan was settled in to his seat, Eve asked, "Where to now?"

She hoped that he wouldn't say they were done for the day, because she was truly enjoying spending time with him. He was so sweet, and his slightly dorky demeanor was endearing. Eve was beginning to think that this party wasn't going to be so bad after all, especially if she got to spend an entire evening with Jordan.
Once Jordan was settled in to his seat, Eve asked, "Where to now?"

Jordan smiled, then looked at Even knowingly, then winked playfully. "you'll see," was all he said before handing her a blindfold.

"Put that on so that the next stop is a surprise," Jordan said, hoping she would trust him. He had planned to take Eve to a local salon, but decided against it after seeing her in her dress. Jordan wanted her to be phenomenal when she stepped out of the door for the party.

Jordan pulled out of the parking lot, then started making his way to a little hole in the wall shop that only a select list of people knew about after Eve decided to play along. Halfway through the trip, Jordan took Eve's hand and gently squeezed it to reassure her, then let go of it, leaving his hand right next to hers as they continued towards the shop.
Eve looked nervously at the blindfold he held out. Did she dare to trust him? Jordan had given her no reason to doubt him yet. Nervously, she plucked the blindfold from his hand and put it over her eyes.

"Just promise me you're not taking me to some warehouse to kill me." She chuckled, only half joking. When Jordan assured her that that was not his plan, Eve tried to relax in her seat as the truck moved along the road.

The drive seemed to take awhile and, with her vision cut off, Eve's other senses were heightened. She could hear every shift Jordan made as he drove, she could smell his cologne - subtle and manly - and the hairs on her arms stood up as she felt his presence, so close that they nearly touched every time the truck rounded a corner.

Tapping her foot in time with the soft music that played on the radio, Eve tried not to continually ask the dreaded "are we there yet" question. Instead, she decided to trust in Jordan and hope he wasn't a serial killer who lured girls in with promises of pretty dresses and makeovers.
Jordan could see Eve's hesitation, as well as her fear starting to grow as he drove towards his friend's salon. Luckily they arrived shortly after it became evident she was starting to feel in danger.

Jordan gently removed the blindfold from Eve's eyes as he helped her out of the car. He noticed her surprised look, then jokingly said, "Sorry, no warehouse for you. Besides, you are too nice of a girl for any serial killer to murder. Besides, I am definitely not a serial killer."

Jordan draped a hand along Eve's back to gently guide her through the door. He couldn't help but smile and chuckle as her surprise became even more evident once they were inside the salon.

"Jordan!" Molly screamed as she ran over and practically tackled him to the ground.

"Hi Molly. I have a friend who I want you to work your magic on," Jordan said, comfortably shrugging Molly off, and warmly smiling at her. He gestured to Eve when Molly looked at him confused.

"Alrighty. Come with me darlin!" Molly said, taking Eve's hand and guiding her to a chair. Jordan smiled as Molly's southern drawl came out, then couldn't help but follow Eve back, his eyes casually resting on her throughout the whole appointment. He was just happy that her back was to him, and there wasn't a mirror for her to see him. He blushed at the thought, then couldn't help himself as he went right back to glancing at her.
A salon. He blindfolded her to bring her to a salon. Eve chuckled and shook her head.

"You really had me worried there for a moment." She teased. Just then, a ball of energy that, Eve assumed was a person, launched itself at Jordan.

Jordan introduced her to Molly, who then promptly whisked Eve away to a styling station.

As she worked on Eve's hair and makeup, Molly chattered on happily, her Southern accent soothing. Soon, Eve found herself chatting along with the stylist, whose easy demeanor and bubbly personality were contagious.

"So, Jordan over there must have taken quite a shine to you." Molly said as she worked a brush through Eve's hair before making a little snip here and there. "I've never met a girl of his before, not that there have been many, mind you. He's a real good one, that boy."

Eve found herself nodding along with Molly.

"And he can't seem to keep his eyes off you," Molly continued, her words bringing a blush to Eve's cheeks.

"Really?" She asked quietly.

"Mmm hmm, he keeps lookin' over here like he's afraid you're gonna disappear."

A rush of pleasure coursed through Eve at Molly's words. She didn't want to fall for Jordan, but she was afraid that that was what was happening. He was so kind and considerate, not to mention extremely attractive. Eve knew that she was probably fighting a losing battle every time she tried to deny her attraction to him.