The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

I can relate as I used to do QAQC check on my former employer’s work. I am now fully retired and no longer do it. Taxi services is more rewarding.

Not there yet. I got a farm to buy a few more parcels for, some more toys, and some toys that need money thrown at them. It's coming together, one workday at a time . . . .
Took a drive in rural Menard..........remember when trees did this?

I wish! 🌟

There's a full moon tonight. I'm going to try to get some moon shots. 🌕
Full moon was beautiful last night.

I am so tempered to show a pic of me mooning my friends at a wedding years ago.

It’s a wedding tradition. Back in the day they’d put those little disposable cameras out. Inevitably one of them would have a pic of my ass…

I wonder why I don’t get invited to weddings anymore???