The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

Busy weekend. Did our show yesterday and taught around 65 kids to tie their first trout fly. It was a great day with warm bright weather and temp around 70; hard work though. Today I have. 6 or 7 hour drive to visit my kids for their birthdays over the next few days so might not be on here much until I am back.

Take care everyone
That sounds great!! I grew up in a small town near a really great fly fishing area called the Ken Lockwood Gorge. Still an amazing place to fly fish. I am not terribly good at it. Only tried a few times.

Safe travels!!
It’s a one off show and this is the second year it’s run. Last year though we sponsored eight kids through our winter formal classes. They come along each week and I teach them and provide all the tools and materials free. Then we have them join us on trips and teach them to fish with the flies.

I do quite a lot of community stuff up here. I Chair two organisations, one community and one sporting and sit as Trustee of two charities. I just see that this time of my life is about putting back in what I have taken out!
You are a good man, greylag.

It’s all about paying it forward!
I might not agree with a lot you have to say @Wat_Tyler but we all have common values that link us together one way or another. ❤️
So this is the essence of community.

We don’t have to agree w one another, maybe not even like or love each other’s thoughts or perspectives.

But we can let all of that drop for a common cause of community, understanding and laughter.

(And I so wanna mention the coffee too, but I don’t wanna put off our non Coffee lovers)

So here’s to all of you!! I think this picture covers everything. Beer, water, coffee, and a giant German pretzel.

Can anyone tell me why I have five left-handed gloves and only one right handed glove?

I will take any and all advice, wisdom, ideas etc….😂😂😂

When working in a garden or the workshop, I'm right-handed, and tend to take off my right glove to better manipulate things with those fingers. So, it's rather common for me to lay that right glove down somewhere and forget it there.

As for advice: "Don't do that!"
Morning catch up (barely but still morning here):
Really weird ones.. I used to have nightmares but lately theyve just been disturbing.
I almost think the disturbing ones are worse than the nightmares. 🤗 Hope your dreams are sweeter tonight!
Busy weekend. Did our show yesterday and taught around 65 kids to tie their first trout fly. It was a great day with warm bright weather and temp around 70; hard work though. Today I have. 6 or 7 hour drive to visit my kids for their birthdays over the next few days so might not be on here much until I am back.

Take care everyone
Enjoy the birthdays! And thank you for all you give back! 💖
there is an endgame
Thinking of you, Wat. Sounds like you have a good handle on things, but somewhat bittersweet as well. 🫂 Be kind to yourself during the wrap up.
The cats didn't say anything
Cats are more ninja than security guard. 🥷 If there was an egregious breach of protocol there would be noise. Caterwauling is used very judiciously. 🐈‍⬛
Have been a fly fisherman my whole life…I hate to admit this…I’ve never tied a a fly! 😲. It’s been on the to-do list for the last 45 yrs!🙄

Thanks for giving back to the community. You never know what kid you’ll reach and how it will and can make a difference. Maybe you can teach this kid how to do it?
Would love to help teach you. Our club is on Facebook if you are interested but private group and we strongly vet applicants to protect our members particularly kids. DM if you want details I can point you to some great tyers on YouTube too.

Yesterday's final total was 61 kids taught and 9 adults! Our best ever score.
Thanks for all your positive replies about my recent posts.

I was fortunate having a father and grandfather who were contrymen. They could shoot, trap, fish and taught me this and about the birds and mammals, their songs and signs. Many of this generation have no such mentors without which that knowledge and love of the outdoors, in an increasingly urban population, is lost.

I am a self taught fly tyer for over 50 years. I learned from books with black and white diagrams or a written description. This generation is spoiled by You Tube but you have to sow the seed first and sometimes it germinates; I just try to sow seeds.
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Would love to help teach you. Our club is on Facebook if you are interested but private group and we strongly vet applicants to protect our members particularly kids. DM if you want details I can point you to some great tyers on YouTube too.

Yesterday's final total was 61 kids taught and 9 adults! Our best ever score.
I was watching a BBC cooking show and the chef went to Scotland in October to catch a salmon. She was fly fishing and her instructor said "that was terrible".....she didn't catch a fish....hahahahaha..she was a good sport about it
I was watching a BBC cooking show and the chef went to Scotland in October to catch a salmon. She was fly fishing and her instructor said "that was terrible".....she didn't catch a fish....hahahahaha..she was a good sport about it
The good ones make dry fly fishing look effortless. I took a two day class once and it is harder than it looks