The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive. All are welcome!

It’s midnight here . I am watching a live drag race on tv that happening in rockingham nc . Got some friends there racing and staying up supporting them or I would already be i
racing and staying up supporting them or I would already be in bed lol
Drag racing, wow, I haven't been to an event since I was in my 20's. I'm sure it's much bigger there than here. I go watch circuit racing occasionally, but it's not like an obsession or anything.
Good morning all, from UK and not sure if allowed to be here as have a couple of months before I join the 50+ club

Meh, come on in. It's close enough.

Happy Sunday!!! The coffeemaker just completed its daily task of allowing Wat to be able to go out in public. Grocery trip here in a couple of hours. More heat and more sun today. The truck needs a couple of things done.

I used to be a big follower of Formula 1, for years and years I never missed a race, but now I hardly know what's going on there anymore.
You should jump back in! Formula one has been enjoying its biggest global reach ever. They’ve finally tapped into the US market and have three races here now (Austin, Miami, and Vegas), with Las Vegas being the marquee venue now for all of North America.

Some of it has to do with Top Gear being very popular over here on BBC America before Amazon picked up The Grand Tour, ESPN carrying every race live now, and in no small part to Netflix’s F1: Drive To Survive series. In fact if you just watch that you’ll be back up to speed!

Now’s a great time to get back into it. Although Red Bull has outclassed the field for two years straight, major shakeups are coming next year.

I started an F1 thread over in the PG side of the house before I sort of found my tribe over here. I just may revive that thread on the Gen Board side if there’s any interest.
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Here is the sorta-finished Juniper Bonsai. Notice how the Shari has already turned white? Pretty excited about that as I was led to believe it would take some time! Eventually I’d like to Jin the two knobs that were limbs I pruned years ago. This fall this thing should look close to what I can envision for it. Now just need to train the long limb and prune the dome to shape.

This is a Kengai (cascade style) shape. It represents a tree on a windswept rocky hillside.

Thank you so much for sharing!
1st time I noticed Bonsai was on a visit to a Monastery years and years ago. Naively then thought it was unique to them - pretty sure you are not a monk :)
I expected Chargers to select a WR like Marvin Harrison Jr. or the guy from LSU, or maybe ND TE Brock Bowers with the 5th pick and was surprised Harbs went OT, but I like the pick. I’m sure Herbert does too. Overall a good draft for LA. Raiders fans were pissed by ATL taking Penix. 😂 And then drafting a TE after taking Michael Mayer with the 35th overall pick just last year. Bowers was the consensus best pick available but passed on great players in positions of dire need.

..I am mighty partial to SEC teams & players :) greatness evidenced by its growth (16) and reign. Falcons are acting like the Chargers in past - will watch Ladd McConkey. Lucky Raiders!
Good morning to all and on my second cup of coffee. It is raining and will continue all day.
Yesterday was busy with grandchildren birthday parties and board and card games with friends. Off this morning for brunch and the afternoon is doing the odds and ends around the house.