THE 208th week of Trump!

Daniel Dale ✓
Twitter › ddale8

Five years of rolling over, hitting the alarm, opening Twitter
to see what lies Trump had already told before I woke up.
What an era.

9 minutes ago
Give Us A Break: McCarthy Now Wants Congress To ‘Call On Our Better Angels’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is readying himself to seize the title as the nation’s great unifier — never mind his robust record of trying to undermine the democratic process.

McCarthy announced on Friday that he had plans to chat with President-elect Joe Biden on how to unite the country days after McCarthy supported an effort to overturn the presidential election that culminated in a deadly insurrection on Wednesday.

“I have reached out to President-elect Biden today and plan to speak to him about how we much work together to lower the temperature and unit the country,” McCarthy wrote, adding that he opposes calls from Democratic colleagues pushing for Trump’s impeachment in the aftermath of the Capitol siege.

Biden can heal the country by enforcing the law and forcing all the Rethuglican insurrectionists out of office.
As the 208th week of Trump ends with Donnie running off to Camp David after inciting a riot in the Capitol Building an then limply denouncing his minions for not pulling his ass out of the fire, we can look forward to the 209th Week with some hope that Nancy and Chuck will Impeach his ass again on Monday!

Gutless Pence will not 25th his ass and the Cabinet is jumping ship, Rethuglicunts are in disarray and starting to turn on each other.

Trump has lost his tweeter and is now voiceless except for "official" channels. The White House Staff is unemployable and whining they can't find a job now that their Orange Meal Ticket is toast!

The insurrectionists are being Id'd and rounded up to face charges and the DC cops are being turned on the spit for not doing their jobs.

So just another week of Trump trauma for America.