The 2023 Geek Pride Story Event: Official Support Page


Literotica Guru
Apr 14, 2015
I'm posting this thread to officially kick off the "2023 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event”. Laurel will be creating the Event Page shortly - submissions can be sent in between May 15th and May 24th, with a Wednesday May 25th Go Live Date. That's MONTHS AWAY. Plenty of time for you to write something!

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2023 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event. If you have questions, post them here and someone will answer. It might be me, it might be someone else here but don't be shy. Ask.

Here on Literotica, in recognition of Geek Pride Day, one of our fellow writers, PuckIt, organized the inaugural Literotica Geek Pride Day Story Event on May 25th, 2018. This was such a popular event with writers and readers last year that we ran it again in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, and we’re enthusiastically running it again for 2023 - our 6th year for this event!

Yours truly has volunteered once again to kick the Geek Day Event off and at least try and answer any questions. (Although I may plead for help if the answers to the questions are beyond me).

The 25th of May was first organized as Geek Pride Day in 2006 by the Spanish blogger Germán Martínez (known online as Señor Buebo). Since then, Geek Pride Day has slowly gained international recognition (in certain Geek circles) and we on Literotica want to do our bit to continue to celebrate Geek Pride.

So let your freak flag fly! Write a story for Literotica’s 2023 Geek Pride Day Story Event.

Let the Force guide your fingers. Start writing! This is an OPEN TO ANYONE event - it's not “by invitation only." This isn’t a competition. There’s no placing. There’s no prizes. This is for the sheer joy of writing alongside a bunch of other Literotica writers. This is for anyone on Literotica who would like to try it out. You don't have to have written anything before to write for this event. First time writers and veteran Literoticans alike are all invited and encouraged to participate.

The Rules are actually awesomely simple
1. Have a story idea with some kind of geeky theme. Sci-Fi or Fantasy is the most likely category, but if you want to get geeky in any other category, you go for it!
3. Any geeky subject, any category, any length you like. But please, only stand-alone stories (if you want to clarify that, just ask right here in this Official Support Thread).
4. Author must copy and paste the phrase "2023 Literotica Geek Pride Story Event " in the "Notes" field of the submission. We recommend that you COPY & PASTE it into the NOTES field to avoid typos.
6. Please use “Geek Pride” as a story tag.
7. All entries to be submitted from May 15th through to 11:59pm, May 24th - with a Go Live Date of Wednesday May 25th. You can submit any time between May 15th and May 24th. All stories will be posted on Wednesday May 25th.

That’s it.

So what are you waiting for? Start writing?

Lastly, a special thank-you to PuckIt for originating this very fun story event back in 2018, and to Laurel, Manu, and Literotica for hosting.
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I'll definitely plug the event, though. It got me started on one of my longest, funnest, and most satisfying tales, a story I'd never have thought about if PuckIt hadn't insisted on all the entries being SF that first year.

I'll see if I can prod the muse a bit.


I'll definitely plug the event, though. It got me started on one of my longest, funnest, and most satisfying tales, a story I'd never have thought about if PuckIt hadn't insisted on all the entries being SF that first year.

I'll see if I can prod the muse a bit.

Thx a million - and I'm going to get one of mine in this year too. I was a bit lazy the last year or two, I have to get more stories in for the events and competitions this year.
This is great news. I hadn't seen a schedule or notice for this event and I was hoping it would happen. I've had two story ideas teed up, outlined, and partly written for this event since last year. As always, I don't know if I'll get it done, but I'm going to calendar it and see what I can do. It's a great story subject area. Thanks for spearheading this, Chloe.

My two story ideas are quite different. One is an incest story where the "geek" element is obsessive fandom over a particular sci fi show, and the other concerns artificial intelligence.
Laurel just got back to me today on this and Geek Pride is officially added to the list for 2023.
This is great news. I hadn't seen a schedule or notice for this event and I was hoping it would happen. I've had two story ideas teed up, outlined, and partly written for this event since last year. As always, I don't know if I'll get it done, but I'm going to calendar it and see what I can do. It's a great story subject area. Thanks for spearheading this, Chloe.

My two story ideas are quite different. One is an incest story where the "geek" element is obsessive fandom over a particular sci fi show, and the other concerns artificial intelligence.
Hmm... this is totally down my alley... I'll see... I generally dislike these themed things, but the theme is really good ;)
I'll be there. Probably.

I mean, I haven't missed GPD since it's inception, I'm not going to start bad habits now.

That said, I have NO fucking idea what I'm going to write about. My current, very vague idea is super heroes. *reads rules*

Hmmmm... the lack of the "no sequels" stipulation might be just what I need. I have two stand-alone sequels to other GPD stories which could be done in time, three if Loqui is up for more Red Tsonia. Well, May is still a ways away, isn't it? :)
Now! Now is the time for me to publish Max Steelglare and the Harems of Beta Fuckzor 7!
Know what?

Fuckit. I'm in. I think a return to space might refresh my head. Might take a few days, though.
Thank you for kicking this off - now... should I continue last year's story or find a new anime to fan fic...
I better start emailing and messaging and asking for stories for this one....
Mine’s done. So you’ll get at least one submission.
Mines about 80% done, but right now getting a chapter of Jeong done and finishing my Valentines Day story.... I keep crying tho, it's so sad, and its hard to write when you can't see the display has a happy ending tho. Coming back to my Geek Day story after that - it's ...hmmm....not sure how to describe it, but my heroine is rather amoral. And a geek....
Last year my geek pride was a fan fic of an Anime I loved, this year I'm aiming at the swords and sorcery money machine of my favorite author.

It involves a big turtle.
Mine's about 10% done. I've got the title figured out, and it's my all-time favorite story title. I feel like I have to complete it just for the title.
Curious; does ANY Sci fi / fantasy related tale qualify? Or is it more the idea that the characters involved should be "geeks," heavy into geek culture, etc?

I ask because I've been working on a story that I suppose would fall into the Sci Fi / Fantasy category, but isn't really "geek" related.
Curious; does ANY Sci fi / fantasy related tale qualify? Or is it more the idea that the characters involved should be "geeks," heavy into geek culture, etc?

I ask because I've been working on a story that I suppose would fall into the Sci Fi / Fantasy category, but isn't really "geek" related.
I think it can be both, and you should feel free to interpret the event guidelines generously. It can be geek subject matter (fantasy/sci -fi) or geeky characters. My story this time is the latter and will center around a Star Trek convention. My 2018 story for the event was a sci fi/tentacle porn story.
Curious; does ANY Sci fi / fantasy related tale qualify? Or is it more the idea that the characters involved should be "geeks," heavy into geek culture, etc?

I ask because I've been working on a story that I suppose would fall into the Sci Fi / Fantasy category, but isn't really "geek" related.


The first year of the event featured 100% SF, because the initial sponsor of the event conceptualized it that way. I remember because my intent had been to write a non-SF story about a couple of nerds, but I was told to forbear. I wrote a space opera instead.

Under Chloe, almost anything goes!
Curious; does ANY Sci fi / fantasy related tale qualify?
I think Chloe would have final say on that. Last year I did a fan fiction of a Japanese anime - i took the anime and did my own version of the story with their characters and added several of my own. Fan fiction is a VERY geeky thing to do. Believe me, I did a lot of fanfic on the old Farscape TV show.

The first year of the event featured 100% SF, because the initial sponsor of the event conceptualized it that way. I remember because my intent had been to write a non-SF story about a couple of nerds, but I was told to forbear. I wrote a space opera instead.

Under Chloe, almost anything goes!
LOL. Pretty much. As long as there's an element of geekiness in it, that works. I doesn't have to be SF. Mine isn't at all, it's a high school Chess Club. THAT is geeky, when you think about it.