That's Not Spelled Wrong, Computer!


Cum Guzzling Slut
Jul 30, 2003

Fellow authors, yesterday I added "boipussy" to my dictionary on Word. I got tired of all the red lines claiming my dirty words were misspelled. This made me wonder, what are some of the weirdest words you've grown tired of Word or Grammerly, etc claiming that you spelled wrong?
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Fellow authors, yesterday I added "boipussy" to my dictionary on Word. I got tired of all the red lines claiming my dirty words were misspelled. This made me wonder, what are some of the weirdest words you've grown tired of Word or Grammerly, etc claiming that you spelled wrong?
Okay, it's boi-pussy; at first I thought it was bio-pussy. Well, you really can't expect Word or any other program to arrive equipped with such words. That's why they allow you to create your own dictionary.

The classic Grammarly one I like has nothing to do with sex. It changes "brown stone" (the color of a rock) to "brownstone" (a row house that may or not be made of the same substance.) In New York even brick ones may be called that.
I may be showing my age here, but don't the youngsters these days just abbreviate it to 'bussy' ?
I'm really showing my age because when I was twenty (1975!), I thought Christine Jorgensen was one of the few transgender people to ever exist. (Hey, another person born and raised in The Bronx. Growing up in Belmont couldn't have been easy.) It was quite a surprise when I saw that it was the main plot point of Dog Day Afternoon.

I guess the word can apply to gay men as well as transgender people? I admit, I'm not sure.
One day, you'll be be writing something unrelated to erotica, and this will come up as a correction and you won't notice it.

That's my concern, too. I do add words to the dictionary when I know and back it up with online references that they are current and correct, and not something as specific to sexual context as "boi-pussy". I don't even add "cums" or "cumming" even though the default dictionary recognizes "cum". The flagged words annoy me but the risk of it making it through to non-erotic writing is too large to let it go.

One thing I'd like to correct but don't appear to be able to is the grammar checker. In my version of MSWord, using "they" (not in the new pronoun sense) to signify a group is always flagged to be "him or her". Like hell!
That's my concern, too. I do add words to the dictionary when I know and back it up with online references that they are current and correct, and not something as specific to sexual context as "boi-pussy". I don't even add "cums" or "cumming" even though the default dictionary recognizes "cum". The flagged words annoy me but the risk of it making it through to non-erotic writing is too large to let it go.

One thing I'd like to correct but don't appear to be able to is the grammar checker. In my version of MSWord, using "they" (not in the new pronoun sense) to signify a group is always flagged to be "him or her". Like hell!
MS Word is very "sketchy" when it comes to checking grammar. Grammarly is better (at least it tries to deal with commas) but it needs to be watched carefully. Anybody know of a non-free program that is worth having? I know we've talked about this before.
MS Word is very "sketchy" when it comes to checking grammar. Grammarly is better (at least it tries to deal with commas) but it needs to be watched carefully. Anybody know of a non-free program that is worth having? I know we've talked about this before.
ProWritingAid is one that seems to be well regarded.
That's my concern, too. I do add words to the dictionary when I know and back it up with online references that they are current and correct, and not something as specific to sexual context as "boi-pussy". I don't even add "cums" or "cumming" even though the default dictionary recognizes "cum". The flagged words annoy me but the risk of it making it through to non-erotic writing is too large to let it go.

One thing I'd like to correct but don't appear to be able to is the grammar checker. In my version of MSWord, using "they" (not in the new pronoun sense) to signify a group is always flagged to be "him or her". Like hell!
I've noticed the grammar checker does some odd things. Ithates certain intensifiers now, tries to tell me not to use "really" or other words which I guess are technically not needed but still super normal. It also wants me to use "spoke" a lot :rolleyes:
I've noticed the grammar checker does some odd things. Ithates certain intensifiers now, tries to tell me not to use "really" or other words which I guess are technically not needed but still super normal. It also wants me to use "spoke" a lot :rolleyes:
Yes, Grammarly almost always flags "really," "actually," "in fact," and other things. It's another judgment call. There is a lot of that in dialogue, because people talk like that.
ProWritingAid is one that seems to be well regarded.
Yes, we've talked about that one. The paid version is $10 per month, which isn't bad I suppose. The free version has a 500 word-count limit (per document, I guess), which is a deal-breaker I'd say.
My work computer and phone, and my home computer and phone, have their contents kept very, very separate! Even if they sit next to each other on my desk.

I counted it a win when my phone stopped autocorrecting 'fuck' with 'duck'. Now it does it the other way round. I blame those pervs at Google. (A few of my friends work there)
My work computer and phone, and my home computer and phone, have their contents kept very, very separate! Even if they sit next to each other on my desk.

I counted it a win when my phone stopped autocorrecting 'fuck' with 'duck'. Now it does it the other way round. I blame those pervs at Google. (A few of my friends work there)
I would never attempt to write on my phone. I don't even like texting that much. The keys are too small and the output is hard to read. I probably need Jitterbug or whatever that phone for geezers is called.
I would never attempt to write on my phone. I don't even like texting that much. The keys are too small and the output is hard to read. I probably need Jitterbug or whatever that phone for geezers is called.
All my forum posts and almost all my stories on Lit have been written on a phone. I can type as fast with my thumbs and suggestion buttons as I can on a keyboard, without the need to get out of bed. It's not quite touch typing, but getting close.
All my forum posts and almost all my stories on Lit have been written on a phone. I can type as fast with my thumbs and suggestion buttons as I can on a keyboard, without the need to get out of bed. It's not quite touch typing, but getting close.
You must be quite a bit younger than I am, although I had guessed that a long time ago.
I've been using G-Docs for ages and ages now. At one point their spell checker was so bad that looking back at my Personal Dictionary I've had to add almost every word. My name "Defluer" of course, blowjob(s), areola(s), clit. At one point Incestuous was in there but then it realized that it was a word, now it's back to not recognizing it and I have to add it back.

And the word of my own creation (I think, unless I subconsciously absorbed them from somewhere.) Liquim: Arousal fluid from a woman's vagina. Looking it up now, it appears as if it my might be my word, only things that come up is that it's also a Band and an Australian Research company.

I have separate Accounts for almost everything I do. Anything I add to the "Defluer" account does not cross over to whatever my real name and identity account is.
I would never attempt to write on my phone.

Heck, I even tried writing on an iPad for a while - I wanted to make a frisbee out of the damn thing on an hourly basis. The autocorrect - can't live with it or without it - was beyond infuriating, as was the way it handled "undo". I lost a lot of prose that way. Drove me to buying a real laptop for the away trips.

I can't imagine for a picosecond authoring on a phone. Nuh uh. Sorry. I hate the small screen, anyway. Seriously?
Heck, I even tried writing on an iPad for a while - I wanted to make a frisbee out of the damn thing on an hourly basis. The autocorrect - can't live with it or without it - was beyond infuriating, as was the way it handled "undo". I lost a lot of prose that way. Drove me to buying a real laptop for the away trips.

I can't imagine for a picosecond authoring on a phone. Nuh uh. Sorry. I hate the small screen, anyway. Seriously?
I've never used an iPad. Nor have I written on any laptop. I used to write on an old Apple desktop. I forgot the name of whatever program it used, but it seemed okay. The weird thing is that it could convert documents to MS Word, but not the other way around.
I turn off all autocorrect when I write. I can't stand it. The only serious spell checking that I ever do is in the very final edits when I run it all quickly through a spell checker just to see if there is anything that I have missed.
You must be quite a bit younger than I am, although I had guessed that a long time ago.
I'm 50. Old people are allowed smartphones, you know. My dad uses his phone a fair bit now, mostly for the camera zoom function so he doesn't need to carry a magnifying glass everywhere to read menus and such. Both parents love their iPads, though I did have to produce a child to teach my mum how to use hers. Dad's been a programmer since the 60s, so has acquired new tech or software when he sees a need.

I can't imagine for a picosecond authoring on a phone. Nuh uh. Sorry. I hate the small screen, anyway. Seriously?
Necessity is the mother of invention and that. Imagine you can't move your arm and/or are spending much of the time lying down. Or just want to write during a crowded commute or other snatched moments.
I'm 50. Old people are allowed smartphones, you know. My dad uses his phone a fair bit now, mostly for the camera zoom function so he doesn't need to carry a magnifying glass everywhere to read menus and such. Both parents love their iPads, though I did have to produce a child to teach my mum how to use hers. Dad's been a programmer since the 60s, so has acquired new tech or software when he sees a need.

Necessity is the mother of invention and that. Imagine you can't move your arm and/or are spending much of the time lying down. Or just want to write during a crowded commute or other snatched moments.
I'm going to be 68 this year; I wish I was still fifty. Well, actually I might have guessed that you were about ten years younger, although of course I had no real evidence to go on.

My mom did live into the Internet era, although my dad didn't. She did ask me computer questions quite often. One of her complaints was, about both the hardware and the software, "They could make these things more user-friendly." (She had a point.) She had one or two cell phones at times, but she never went to a smartphone. She indeed was considering Jitterbug (kind of a dumb name) before she passed more than three years ago.
Necessity is the mother of invention and that. Imagine you can't move your arm and/or are spending much of the time lying down. Or just want to write during a crowded commute or other snatched moments.
For a while I had lots of lunches in my car, not going anywhere. Required to sit around for an hour. I ate, then could either watch some more videos or work on some stories. A good portion of my Fucking Magic series was written on a cheap bluetooth keyboard linked to my phone. At that same time I was doing a lot of editing, between working with customers, which was kind of easy to do on my phone. Pulling it up and read a few paragraphs before the customer stopped ignoring me. But I don't do to much Literotica work on my phone anymore. I'm back in front of a computer for most of the day.
I never add words to the dictionary for my spell checker, and I never, never, ever enable auto-correct. I've had too many auto-corrected words that I missed when proof-reading because the substituted words are usually close enough to what I thought I was writing that my brain changes them back.