That was a bad car wreck.


We are in for it now.
Dec 10, 2000
I arrived on the scene a couple of minutes after the woman lost control and tried to clear out the tree line with her small car.

The trees won.

The first of the local fire and rescue arrived within five minutes of the call.

Their wasn't much i could do except hold my flashlight so a man could put her on oxygen and a neck brace and cut her jacket off of her. By that time the rest of the gang arrived along with everybody except maybe the dog catcher.

Nobody told me to leave or move so i stayed where i was giving them as much light as i could, maybe they thought i was one of them.

In the fullness of time they pulled the car apart enough to get her unpenned and the gass pedal unwrapped from around her foot.

I know she had at least one broke leg, a broke ankle and i think some internal injuries as well.

She never did say anything, although she did move her arms and hands some.

I'm glad i was able to help some anyway.

Good luck to you Janet S.
She was fortunate you were there.


At times like those, every little thing counts and your postive wishes will count as well.

Be well, Janet.
Right on FG.

I was coming home from work one day when an older woman lost control of her car going around a bend and hit an apple tree flipping her car and pinning her inside. It was at my apartment complex. I ran as fast as I could, maybe an 1/8th of a mile and only because there was a gas leak did risk moving her. I managed to open the door and free her. I pulled her out and got her away from the car.

The only things that bummed me out about it was that after the fact(I gave a statement to the police) I called the police department asking if she was ok, or if I could send her a card or something in the hospital. They refused to give me any information. I also lost a very expensive pair of glasses that were in my pocket during the emergency.

Thanks for getting involved FG...I am sure the appreciation that Janet and her family have for you is beyond simple words.
