That if I dont know you

Greetings and Salutations.


Pleased to meet you?

*insert further strokes of ego*

Anything else? :)
Nice to meet you all! *smile*

All strokes welcome, ego or otherwise.
I figured... A wonderful way to meet new and interesting people, is to tell a little about yourself.. :)


Who are you?

What makes you tick?
I will just reacquaint myself since I was absent for a spell...

Hello and how have you been?
Hi Dilly,

*stroking the ...............ego*

So nice to meet you, I am a loyal reader stalker of yours.
*looks all around for a "talked to you a little bit awhile ago but don't know you very well yet" thread and finding none, sneaks into this one*

Hi again Dillinger!

Is the knee all better? (probably ages ago, huh?)

hi! my name's Eddie! i'm a wanker! i'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!

damn my negative B cups.
Hiya Dillinger.

I'm Temptress.

Nice to meet you.

*edited due to name change*
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I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. I'm doing very well, in fact.

And nice to meet you all as well - old and new friends alike.

I'm running a bit late for work so I don't have enough time to do a full run down and answer all the questions - but, as far as a bit about myself...

I'm horny.
Ok, let me formally introduce myself. Hi, I am bad kitty. I am a shamelss flirt and nymphomaniac.