That alleged fiscal cliff....


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2005
Bring it on.

Think of all the money Uncle Sam could save with raising tax and cutting spending.
What? You at least got the cut spending part right, but raising taxes? There isn't enough money to offset a deficit of $1.5 trillion a year, let alone to reduce the debt of $16 trillion.

The only way out of this fiasco is to cut spending, cut it until it hurts.
What? You at least got the cut spending part right, but raising taxes? There isn't enough money to offset a deficit of $1.5 trillion a year, let alone to reduce the debt of $16 trillion.

The only way out of this fiasco is to cut spending, cut it until it hurts.

I say a 40% income tax on the top 2% every year.
What? You at least got the cut spending part right, but raising taxes? There isn't enough money to offset a deficit of $1.5 trillion a year, let alone to reduce the debt of $16 trillion.

The only way out of this fiasco is to cut spending, cut it until it hurts.
What is it with you guys and logic? Is there bad blood between you? A family vendetta? Did logic steal your girlfriend in high school?
It will net the Feds. a lot of money.

You think, but it will be in the millions, not the billions or trillions that would be needed. Go research. Go find out who and what the evil filthy rich are. Go, now grasshopper.
You think, but it will be in the millions, not the billions or trillions that would be needed. Go research. Go find out who and what the evil filthy rich are. Go, now grasshopper.

Tax the filthy rich and have the Treasury stop printing more money until the dollar has no buying power.

That happened to Germany after W.W. II.
Tax the filthy rich and have the Treasury stop printing more money until the dollar has no buying power.

That happened to Germany after W.W. II.

But who are the filthy rich? Who does Obama believe the filthy rich are? And how much money can you squeeze out of the filthy rich to pay for the wasteful programs of government?
But who are the filthy rich? Who does Obama believe the filthy rich are? And how much money can you squeeze out of the filthy rich to pay for the wasteful programs of government?

Like I said, end the big oil Co. grants, hit places like G.E. on big taxes, stop giving money to outfits that cost more to produce green energy then it costs to keep them running.

Think coal, it creates jobs, America has a lot of it and just cut money to the E.P.A. like Reigan did.

China loves cheap coal.

Because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. By cutting Govt spending and raising taxes on those that can afford it yields more money than just making the same cuts alone. It really is Math 101 but some people need remediation.

Because the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. By cutting Govt spending and raising taxes on those that can afford it yields more money than just making the same cuts alone. It really is Math 101 but some people need remediation.

Just quoting this for those RWCJ cheap seats.
We need another stimulus package. Christmas is right around the corner.

No, what is needed is a radical rethink.
Christmas shouldn't be about who can spend the most money on the biggest presents, and having tables of food that won't get eaten...
What if - and here's a thought....
Every single American knows the country is in the shit.
So, why not ask for donations to the treasury! Say, 1/4 of what each family would normally spend on Xmas?
And do the same for Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, etc.

Brilliant, huh!?
No, what is needed is a radical rethink.
Christmas shouldn't be about who can spend the most money on the biggest presents, and having tables of food that won't get eaten...
What if - and here's a thought....
Every single American knows the country is in the shit.
So, why not ask for donations to the treasury! Say, 1/4 of what each family would normally spend on Xmas?
And do the same for Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, etc.

Brilliant, huh!?

Will you stop making sense?
Will you stop making sense?

I'm trying, but it's quite difficult.
I thought it was a good idea..... this way, treasury gets money, and families still have 3/4 of what they would have spent to play with.
I'm trying, but it's quite difficult.
I thought it was a good idea..... this way, treasury gets money, and families still have 3/4 of what they would have spent to play with.

But what about the gasoline bill to drive?
I also think they should implement a 1c levy/$ on every single electronic transaction.
Eftpos, bank transfers, deposits, withdrawels, investments, everything.
Do you know how much money gets electronically moved around every single day?
It's more than the average mind can comprehend.
Conservatism Cannot Fail, It Can Only Be Failed....

What? You at least got the cut spending part right, but raising taxes? There isn't enough money to offset a deficit of $1.5 trillion a year, let alone to reduce the debt of $16 trillion.

The only way out of this fiasco is to cut spending, cut it until it hurts.

Another True Believer spreadin' the Gospel of Grover Norquist.

"If at first you don't herp-ceed, Derp, Derp again!"