that’s an old-fashioned personal ad


Loves Spam
Apr 27, 2022
I am posting here today. And I hope I’ll run into you, dear woman with old-fashioned longings, who sees personal ads like I do. As a statement of availability for a deeper kind of connection; one with some substance to it. And an invitation to you, to aim for connecting with me. Since I hope you possess a soul I find beautiful.

Let me attempt to define my understanding of substance and of the beauty of your soul. Best to start with your soul, because then defining substance is easy: a verbal connection between you and me, which pleases and pleasures our souls. Since I am really searching for a soulmate.

So what are they like, your and my souls? Old-fashioned first of all, in the sense of our connection becoming very much “un-Facebook like”. Perhaps no more words are needed, when you tick anywhere close to my way of valuing what counts. But when I aim for more clarity: I long for us to have three matters work out and “resonate”: I hope our souls will feel fondled, when we talk with one another by mail. And I’d like our libidos to entice and arouse each other. And now and then, I would love to venture with you into a discussion that tingle our intellects.

Don’t believe you possess no intellect, because every person does. It’s got little to do with IQ scores, and much more with your curiosity and your open minded way of looking at the world around you. As long as you’ve got both, and you enjoy using the words that language provides us, you are an intellectual in my eyes.

And my overall aim is for both of us to like one another, and to express our affection freely. I don’t mind admitting this: my own self-esteem needs a lot of fondling too, right now. And maybe yours can use some as well. If that is so, I’ll be happy to provide it to you.
Perhaps something to add to my ad above: I should have written the last paragraph with much more emphasis. My biggest aim is for some badly needed pampering of your and my erotic self-esteem. Since both of us have not been spoiled much that way by our spouses, lately.
a few days ago, I sure felt more optimistic about the chances of a meaningful response to my ad. But maybe the right pair of eyes merely has not read my ad yet?

But on the other hand, perhaps I’m attempting to sell radiators to women in sub-Saharan Africa? And they just don’t need those kind of things, while I am too stubborn to realize it.

Or could it be that one particular woman here longs for feeling “radiated” after all? By me, I hope.
Dear Mandy, In my signature I told you I am a mature man. Does it really matter to you how mature I am, exactly? Older than you for certain, and then some.

And in case my ad truly interests you, why don't you send me a PM?
Maturity doesn't necessarily keep pace with age. Just saying.