Thanksgiving = "white-supremacist holiday"


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
No Thanks for Thanksgiving

Instead, we should atone for the genocide that was incited -- and condoned -- by the very men we idolize as our 'heroic' founding fathers.

by Robert Jensen

One indication of moral progress in the United States would be the replacement of Thanksgiving Day and its self-indulgent family feasting with a National Day of Atonement accompanied by a self-reflective collective fasting.

Yeah: "collective fasting"... know where this is going.

The entire piece is here:

Jensen is a "journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin and board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center."
I usualiy like alternet except when a far left nut contributes.
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Oh look, a lecture on the internets just like the ones I get from drunken relatives.

Happy, "feed 'um and they'll never leave" day, everyone.