Thanks to my "Super Soaker Gen X 6000" friends are gone....


Flirtin' an' stalkin'
Nov 7, 2002
For those that remember the posts...I am officially calling the "Stalking of the wild condor" off.....they have decided to dump me before I could bag 'em. Seems after back-to-back violent storms (in California, that means we had about an inch of rain each time), they vamooosed with the wind. I never did get a chance to even load the water guns up and try for the ever-popular "enema shot" as I had hoped to introduce the birds to.

So, since I have yet to clean up after they ate my sliding screen door, my doggie door in the garage, my cushions for my outdoor furniture and the rubber seal of my sliding glass is now time to get moving.

I sorta miss "my buddies" 15 minutes of fame are over...and I am back to the same inept, pathetic, loser of a pervert I always was.....sigh....