Thanks Sunstruck


Dec 26, 1999
I love you!

Remember that hair product convo? I took your advice and bought it, and I adore it.

You rock.
Citre Shine, (the stuff for curls - I saw some for straight hair too, I'm willing to bet it's just as great). I'm in awe.

YAY! Another woman saved from the nightmare of friz by the wonderous superpowers of Citrus Shine hair care products!!

And did you notice? They are NOT test on animals!

This thread makes me happy. Soft manageable hair for EVERYONE!
Yep, I noticed :D

You've converted me, I bought everything I saw on the shelf that was labelled with anything remotely for curly hair.

My mom even commented on my hair yesterday.

I'm so impressed. :)

I've even given up my Frizz Ease brand serum for this brand's version of it.