Thanks for tearing me a new one!


Mar 18, 2003
This is to the person who sent me an anonomous feedback abot my first story on here. The person really jumped my hide over a few grammer errors that I missed. To this person I want to say this:

Grammer errors never bothered me. All I care about is what people think of the content in the story. It was my first attempt, and I promise that my skills will get better as I write more.

I just have one question:

If you were so big on tearing my playhouse down, why didn't you leave your email

Remember, Feedback, even the negative kind, I will always reply to it.

Whoa, there! Hold on for a minute.

First, welcome to Literotica, and congratulations on your first posting. Glad to have you here.

Second, always be prepared to received negative feedback. It's part of the game, no matter how long you post stories. You might think a story is flawless, or nearly so, and somebody will come back with something like, "You are a freak!" The response? Shrug it off and move on.

Third, if a some one responds to you without giving you an email address to allow you to respond, then how worthy is it? Most negative feedback is given minus email addresses, because readers believe writers will go off on them and get upset. Strange how readers think we will be defensive about our work. (I suppose they know us pretty darn well!)

Fourth, if some one writes to you and tells you, "You're story sucked," without benefit of email address or any other comment, igonore it. It's worthless. If they point out something that has validity, then sometimes you have to swallow your pride, really read what they say, and see if they have a point. If their point is valid, take it to heart and work on improvement, thanking them for seeing this. (Of course, it all depends on how a person states their opinion as well.)

It sounds as though your reader pointed out something you already know might be a weak area for you. Depending on the tone of the feedback, you can use this to your advantage. Grammar can be difficult, yes, but not impossible. If a reader has pointed this out to you, then perhaps you might want to consider boning up on grammar for your next story, or asking another writer to take a look at your story. Many here are willing to do that.

I'm not the person who wrote the feedback you received; however, not all negative feedback should be ignored or discounted. Sometimes it does have merit. I hope this doesn't discourage you from writing, but be prepared that whenever you put anything out in public, you are giving people the right to comment on it, and sometimes those comments are not always positive.

Good luck to you in your writing!
sick_boy said:
Grammer errors never bothered me. All I care about is what people think of the content in the story. It was my first attempt, and I promise that my skills will get better as I write more.

I'm not your anonymous person, but I do have an opinion (like I never do).

You can't chuck a pebble in the Lit Sea without hitting at least half a dozen grammatically incorrect stories from people who don't care about grammatical errors.

Your choice. Run-of-the-mill or not. One thing that sets stories around here apart from the herd of mediocrity is to have them error free.
Two more cents

Hey, one idea would be to write your next story in first-person mode, and open it with a disclaimer: "The narrator of this story has occasional lapses in grammar. Any such errors in the text are by design." :)

Good luck with all your stories and remember to always listen to SexyChele's advice because she's smart. :heart: