Thank You Laurel


Literotica Guru
Oct 18, 2002
Ok just wanted to take a moment to publicly thank our wonderful provider. Laurel, Thank you. I wish to convene many thoughts and ideas seen on various threads as well as My own ideas.

First for hosting this website and allowing all of us would be authors the chance to see our works "in print". So far it is the closest a lot of us have come to real publication. It is a great outlet and a wonderful site all around.

Now I for one have recently been surrounded by a little contraversy, I will be the first to say I was miffed until I got a response from Laurel. She stated not only the reason for why a story was pulled but cited an area of law that it could fall under. Plus a short apology for the whole ordeal. Now that is class.

See even I can be reasoned with. I also love how she runs little monthly competitions, (which I have yet to win) and holiday and end of the year ones. I have searched many other sites and been asked to post some of My stories elsewhere by certain people. For one I feel no reason to leave the site I consider home or even visit others.

Laurel, your honesty and no bs replies make it fun to work here. So I tip My hat to you dear hosting one and let you know that no matter what you have a fan in Me and I'm sure many other fans here. I just wanted to publicly thank you for your outstanding site and work. Also just to pat you on the back and say thank you in general. I doubt you get a lot of that. :rose:

No I didn't write this to brown nose just to say something that I think should occasionally be mentioned here. We all with a few exceptions take people and the things they do for granted. I doubt that many people bother to pm Laurel or email her and say, "Hey thanks for the site and allowing us so much freedom and entertainment."

She is a pretty terrific lady (emphasis on lady, ain't she? We are lucky to have her!
This is the only site I would be willing to pay to subscribe and it's free!

Master_Vassago said:
She stated not only the reason for why a story was pulled but cited an area of law that it could fall under.


Would Laurel mind if you told us what the "area of law it could fall under" is? I'm not aware of anything specificly related, so I'm very curious.

Thanks, MV ;) ... and thanks to Laurel as well. :)

Pookie :rose:
Pookie_grrl I responded via pm. See I knew there were others that felt the same way. Oh yes and I forgot to mention how Laurel is a first rate Lady. My mistake. hehe.