Text me, mofos


Gnome where you want to
Feb 17, 2010
Text me, amadeus

Edit/update: Looking for a decent Android texting app. Post the pros/cons. Not handcent or Go sms. Hate both of those, they wacked my phone out. I need an app that will batch delete, can be managed through a web application and has fancy notifications. Other bells and whistles would be good.
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I can't get the batch delete to work on Go. It just gives me the spinning wheel of death, then crashes. So irritating. I hate deleting texts individually, I want to batch delete. So much more efficient. I get 100 texts a day for work and life.
Motherfucker! Where the hell have you been? Answers, please. Like now. Stop being a damn stranger.

Currently I'm in the Holland Tunnel on a bus. Let's see--I've been to London and Cambridge. Dublin and Dingle (in Co Kerry), and the home place. The last week I've been in Far Rockaway without power, heat or hot water. It's a bitch.

How's by you?
Currently I'm in the Holland Tunnel on a bus. Let's see--I've been to London and Cambridge. Dublin and Dingle (in Co Kerry), and the home place. The last week I've been in Far Rockaway without power, heat or hot water. It's a bitch.

How's by you?

Going on a year with the bf (aka Roadhead), the child is doing fabulous, the job keeps getting busier (a good thing) and I have been cooking a shit ton of awesome things lately. I also have discovered ginger flavored liqueur, for better or worse. I miss seeing you around here, stop being a stranger.
Also: Post pics of your travels at the other place!
Koty, it's been years! Yeah, some parts of the city are still a friggin' mess. Sucks. A lot of my restaurant friends took a big hit.

iPhone user here, too. Sowwy. The only way doing texts get easier on that puppy is if they implanted a Bluetooth biochip at the base of your skull.
I was sans Internet at home for a while. Hence the absence.
I want to sext LTR.
Koti, glad you have interwebz again. You were missed.