texas parent gets school trip to see James and the Giant Peach canceled because 'drag'


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
"save our chilllllllldrennnnnnnnnnn!!!!"

one parent pitched a fit about actors acting in roles that didn't match their gender; claimed actors playing female roles who were male and vice-versa was 'drag' and 'grooming' in a 20-character show with a 12-actor cast. SHAME on that school, kowtowing to such blatant stupidity!

Main Street Theaters’ marketing director Shannon Emerick said that theater has used cross-gender casting for thousands of years. It allows actors to demonstrate their different talents and allows theaters to reduce the number of actors required to produce a work.
no actors were 'in drag', but this stupid parent got triggered by a picture of one actor (taken 5 years ago) wearing drag and so went ballistic, claiming that if men are wearing women's clothing that's drag, despite there being no drag in J&tGP, just actors acting.

My favorite use of lipstick is in the Philippines. A fight school puts lipstick on practice blades to simulate blood. After the fight, the lipstick marks on the bodies show what would be superficial, severe, or fatal injuries with real blades, to determine the winner of the fight.