Texas Legislature #1 Priority in 2024: Cracking Down On Pot


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
Having successfully eliminated rape as we know it in Texas (by renaming it "sexual assault" legally) and essentially banning porn from adult computers, the Texas legislature has announced it's number one priority in 2024: cracking down on pot.

Specifically, Lieutenant Governor Dan "Limbaugh Junior" Patrick is seeking stiff fines and penalties for all sorts of cannabis deritatives such as CDB oil and gummies. Both are the by-product of the "Devil's Lettuce", and seeing that Marijuana is still classified as a Class 1 drug ("Most addictive"....worse than cocaine and morphine), Patrick is compelled by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to make Texas safe once again.

Oh, also, no legislation to improve the power grid will make it out of committee again this year. Profits Uber Alles, let the poor folks freeze in teh dark.
I think we should just let people grow their own and enjoy it at home. Keep transporting it and selling it illegal. This avoids the Colorado problem where legalization merely strengthened the black market.
I think we should just let people grow their own and enjoy it at home. Keep transporting it and selling it illegal. This avoids the Colorado problem where legalization merely strengthened the black market.
The Ohio amendment allows citizens of the state to grow their own.
The Ohio amendment allows citizens of the state to grow their own.
Great idea. Even Canada had in at least one province the rule or informal convention that you can grow up to four plants for yourself. That would hold me for a weekend.
A few years ago I was on a cross country motorcycle trip passing through Galveston. I stopped for the night at a hotel and Ubered to a nice restaurant for dinner. I tipped my driver with a nice bud from my stash purchased in CA. Happiest Uber driver I’ve ever encountered.
People in Texas smoke a ton of weed. Because it is illegal, a lot of that comes in through Mexico and strengthens cartels.

I am 100% OK with a world of decriminalized drugs of all sorts including heroin. The price for this is that we let the bodies hit the floor and do not intervene.
Having successfully eliminated rape as we know it in Texas (by renaming it "sexual assault" legally) and essentially banning porn from adult computers, the Texas legislature has announced it's number one priority in 2024: cracking down on pot.

Specifically, Lieutenant Governor Dan "Limbaugh Junior" Patrick is seeking stiff fines and penalties for all sorts of cannabis deritatives such as CDB oil and gummies. Both are the by-product of the "Devil's Lettuce", and seeing that Marijuana is still classified as a Class 1 drug ("Most addictive"....worse than cocaine and morphine), Patrick is compelled by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to make Texas safe once again.

Oh, also, no legislation to improve the power grid will make it out of committee again this year. Profits Uber Alles, let the poor folks freeze in teh dark.

Wait until the Republicans realize that Boomers love pot (it’s great for their aches and pains). And Boomers vote.

Trump will quickly distance himself from the moronic opinions of Texans, and most other Republicans will too.
This will definitely stop the Chinese from smuggling fentanyl through the border via the MS13 Cartel!
People in Texas smoke a ton of weed. Because it is illegal, a lot of that comes in through Mexico and strengthens cartels.

I am 100% OK with a world of decriminalized drugs of all sorts including heroin. The price for this is that we let the bodies hit the floor and do not intervene.

I support legalization. Money from sales taxes on drugs should be used for rehab programs.

It should be obvious to everyone that the illegal drug trade fuels gangs and violent crime. If you want to reduce crime, legalize drugs.
Having successfully eliminated rape as we know it in Texas (by renaming it "sexual assault" legally) and essentially banning porn from adult computers, the Texas legislature has announced it's number one priority in 2024: cracking down on pot.

Specifically, Lieutenant Governor Dan "Limbaugh Junior" Patrick is seeking stiff fines and penalties for all sorts of cannabis deritatives such as CDB oil and gummies. Both are the by-product of the "Devil's Lettuce", and seeing that Marijuana is still classified as a Class 1 drug ("Most addictive"....worse than cocaine and morphine), Patrick is compelled by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to make Texas safe once again.

Oh, also, no legislation to improve the power grid will make it out of committee again this year. Profits Uber Alles, let the poor folks freeze in teh dark.
Rob inadvertently provides the motive behind his hate for Republicans.:D
What happened after Prohibition was repealed? Legalized booze washed away all of the alcohol sales that were supporting gangsters.
Apples to oranges. Among other things, it was not as highly taxed as it is now, and big industry muscled them out of place. Decriminalize drugs and prices have farther to fall, unless legal alternatives cause them to go back up, at which point the profit motive remains and so does the black market.
Apples to oranges. Among other things, it was not as highly taxed as it is now, and big industry muscled them out of place. Decriminalize drugs and prices have farther to fall, unless legal alternatives cause them to go back up, at which point the profit motive remains and so does the black market.
Yes, the government wanted a part of the action.
Best to keep government and industry out of as much as possible.
Ron DeSantis hears your cries. He's outlawed government-mandated water breaks for outdoor workers in the hot Florida sun. If someone dies of heatstroke, their family has access to teh courts to file wrongful death claims (if they can afford attorneys).
Apples to oranges. Among other things, it was not as highly taxed as it is now, and big industry muscled them out of place. Decriminalize drugs and prices have farther to fall, unless legal alternatives cause them to go back up, at which point the profit motive remains and so does the black market.

You’re tying yourself in knots, but still fail to make a coherent argument.
Best to keep government and industry out of as much as possible.

So you’d rather have the money from drug sales flowing to gangs rather than to legitimate businesses or the government?

Being pro-gangs is a uniquely dumb take. Congratulations!
Wait until the Republicans realize that Boomers love pot (it’s great for their aches and pains). And Boomers vote.

Trump will quickly distance himself from the moronic opinions of Texans, and most other Republicans will too.
The Boomer generation popularized weed in the 60s, drove decriminalization in some states in the 70s, medical marijuana in the 90s and early 2000s, and full blown legalization for retail sales in many states today. Former California governor Jerry Brown resisted full blown legalization at the time it was approved in his state. As he put it, “California doesn’t need more stoners.”

Go into any cannabis store in CA and I guarantee you’ll see plenty of grey hair. I keep a stash of indica buds at home for when I have trouble falling asleep. There are problems with it in CA, CO, and other states. State and local governments have gotten so dependent and greedy with taxation that black market weed is hurting licensed retailers. In CA, the left is concerned that minorities are under represented in the industry so there’s a new concern they refer to as “cannabis equity.” You can’t make this stuff up!

The biggest problem is that today’s cannabis isn’t the bunk weed my generation grew up with. Young people are experiencing severe psychosis issues and addiction. Another problem is edibles are falling into the hands and mouths of children and pets.