Texas leaves National School Boards Association after White House collusion revealed


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
The Texas affiliate of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) cut ties with the national organization Monday after an investigation showed the group colluded with the Biden administration to investigate concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”

The Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) is the twenty-third state school board association to sever its affiliation with the NSBA after it sent a letter to Biden asking the administration to treat parents speaking at school board

The TASB said in a press release that an internal investigation into the creation of the letter showed “operational deficiencies and lack of internal controls and processes within NSBA.”

Within the letter, the NSBA bluntly admitted to collusion with the White House — a move many believe was used to develop a pretext to go after parents. The organization even wanted to ask for National Guard deployments to local school board meetings.
Based on what we've seen, these "concerned parents" are domestic terrorists. Not seldom, they issue death threats against school board members.
Texas schools could use some improvement in the quality of education (ranked 31st in the nation). Not all are bad, but collectively, that's room for improvement. That doesn't start with partisan politics such as anything that Breitbart spits out and calls news.
Another step in the right direction and by that I mean Texas becoming its own 3rd world country. ;)