Texas GOP Passes Resolution Saying Biden not Legitimately Elected


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’​

By Gary Bai

June 19, 2022 Updated: June 19, 2022

Texas Republicans passed a resolution on June 18 stating that President Joe Biden was “not legitimately elected,” and that “substantial” election fraud in key metropolitan areas influenced the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden.

“We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020,” stated a resolution passed on Saturday, the last day of a three-day biennial Texas GOP convention held in Houston, the Texas Tribune reported.

“We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr,” the resolution continued.

“We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States,” it added.

The state’s GOP, the largest in the nation, passed the resolution after delegates sat through a Thursday screening of “2000 Mules,” a documentary directed by conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.

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This probably won't be reported inside the DC bubble but out here in reality the truth is being revealed.
Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump along with any other Republican put under oath said that Biden won.

All this proves is that the Texas GOP panders to hard-core right-wing nut jobs and doesn't care about reality.
Rightguard points out another reason why we will someday celebrate Augusteenth, the day in 2048 when Texas finally gets word that Biden won and that it's not OK to enslave women.
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Expect nothing less from a state where it's still legal to ride a horse on the street. And believes it can succeed from the union more puppet theater for the maga faithful
2000 Mules. JFC. That’s been roundly debunked.

But looks like we’re in for a wild ride if Texas is going full tin foil hat.
Who cares? The election was decided already and their electors went for Trump
The state’s GOP, the largest in the nation, passed the resolution after delegates sat through a Thursday screening of “2000 Mules,” a documentary directed by conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.

Sounds like a cry for help to me. Who the fuck would subject themselves to that?
This probably won't be reported inside the DC bubble but out here in reality the truth is being revealed.
I'm fairrrrrrly sure that anything an old Republican kook in Idaho shamelessly shaking his ass for Cheeto on the daily can find on the internet can be found by those "inside the DC bubble."

can't speak on if it's worth their time looking at.
We’ll just have to see if the Texas delegation is seated in the next Congress.
We’ll just have to see if the Texas delegation is seated in the next Congress.
I don't think their election was legitimate. Checking with Giuliani to confirm. I expect an answer by 10am after his morning fifth of vodka
“Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.”

So said the SCOTUS.
Hasn't Texas tried to leave like every other year. Can't we let them and Alaska form the the American Oil Taliban?
Hasn't Texas tried to leave like every other year. Can't we let them and Alaska form the the American Oil Taliban?

The threats to leave from a state where there's a 50/50 chance at any given time it won't have an operational power grid are about as serious as a preschooler's tantrum.
I haven't checked all the elections in recent history. Isn't there a 100% chance they vote to keep that stupid system, to lower taxes and put Reds if not in office at least try?
Funny how these people always say there was "Substantial Election Fraud" but cannot provide one iota of credible evidence, despite multiple audits and deep forensic investigations.

Even Trump's closest advisors and his own V.P. know he lost legitimately fair and square. At this point, anyone who still promotes the "big lie" is only digging themselves deeper as far as looking like a Down's Syndrome child with a temper tantrum.
I haven't checked all the elections in recent history. Isn't there a 100% chance they vote to keep that stupid system, to lower taxes and put Reds if not in office at least try?
The margins are getting closer with every election, but yes, it's still a red state.
The margins are getting closer with every election, but yes, it's still a red state.
I haven't checked the trend religiously. However that is why I can only be so upset that instead of Hillary going for what should have been free points she tried to move the window for us. It didn't work out but in her position I probably would have done the same.
I would love to see Texas secede from the Union. Then the Union could send in troops to bring Texas back into the fold but only as a territory. Then Biden could appoint Pete Buttigieg as Governor of the territory of Texas which would leave Texans with no right to vote on anything. Next the Union could turn the District of Columbia into a state so there is no need to change our flag.

The Texas Republican party is nothing but Trump Russian assets and idiots.