Test Yourself...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001

The Personality Test
The most popular online test of all time.

The Love Test
The Dateable Test 709,636 taken
The Inner Child Test 1,159,555 taken
The Lazy Test 1,591,085 taken
The NEW IQ Test 3,627,715 taken
The Gay Test 5,878,332 taken
The Stress Test 2,177,832 taken
The Gender Test 4,987,339 taken
The Slut Test 6,671,413 taken
The Bastard Test 3,762,977 taken
The Bitch Test 8,166,467 taken
The Greed Test 1,754,608 taken

The Wealth Test 3,331,136 taken
The Sex Test 10,494,723 taken
The Un-Telligence Test 5,126,460 taken
The Pregnancy Test 2,549,635 taken
The Death Test 13,290,272 taken
The Purity Test 11,453,206 taken
The Death test is a sham. I should have died last Thursday.

Oh bummer, I'll only have sex with 12 people in my life. I disagree! But I do like that my sex will be in the back seat of a car. She'll remember me for all her life! Who's next?! lolz
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I'm a lil' bastard....sorta.....

The results are in. You are certifiably:

41% bastard!
23% of which is Tard

The worldwide average is 44% bastard.

How others compare:
3% (same as you)
47% (more bastard than you)
50% (less bastard than you)

Of the 3,597,857 test takers so far:

72% like to drink
56% gamble
52% will lie for sex
46% have cheated
17% would have sex with a relative
7% hate homosexuality, 100% of whom will die stupid and alone
7% like childporn

Interesting Results:

The most bastardly age group so far is 27 year olds. 27 year olds average 46% bastard.
Guys who like the taste of coffee are more likely to cheat on their girlfriends.
Men who have been with prostitutes have more smelly armpits.
Catholics are more likely to spit on you.
Dirtbags who like childporn should burn in hell.

it says i get to have post maritial sex with other people. put those pills away, my life isnt over yet!
I knew I was a Dreamer. But it was fun to find out. Nice little web site, thanks for sharing.
ok it says i will get sex, then out of no where, an hour later i get propositioned for birthday sex. damn im amazed
Well, there's hope.......

I'm not dead yet!

The info on your 22 future sex partner(s):
22 of them will be female
0 of them will be male
And you will actually love 1 of them!
It is very likely that you are an excellent lover.

Interesting test statistics:
(updated every 5 minutes)

How Females Describe Themselves Most How Males Describe Themselves Most
attractive (22%)
funny (22%)
sexy (21%)
cute (12%)
fun (12%)
pretty (8%)
smart (8%)
NICE (8%)
horny (8%)
sweet (7%)
funny (27%)
attractive (23%)
sexy (16%)
horny (11%)
smart (9%)
nice (7%)
fun (7%)
cute (6%)
hot (6%)
intelligent (6%)

9,891,439 people have taken The SexTest

55% of all test takers are female, and 45% are male.

42% are virgins.

5% are married.

70% believe in love at first sight.

32% of all Star Trekkies are virgins.

And 155988 have given a hummer to President Bill Clinton.

i think some trekkies are lying about having sex. trekkie= life long virgin.
RosevilleCAguy said:

Maybe you did and just don't know it yet.

I'd hope that the people around me would notice even if I didn't. I didn't take the test yesterday, I took it some months back. I circled the date on my calendar, Thursday, September 19th 2002. Maybe you will have to change your sig line to I type to dead people
