Tequlia and aspirin

I've never cared much for Tequila...to me, tequila tastes like how masking tape smells....ick. And what the hell is with the worm? Ugh!
Tequila....ugh. Got really wasted on the stuff once and would not like to repeat the experience!
Proof Positive

Tequilla is proof positive that given enough pressure, effort and inventiveness even the lowly cactus can shed blood ......
with all that coca-cola I drank before hand I can now feel the lining of my stomach come apart:eek: :(
Frankly, almost nothing mixes well with Tequila. It's meant to be accompanied only by a dash of salt (best when licked off the skin of a nubile, horny person of the female gender) and a wedge of either lemon or lime (used so nobody can see your mouth do what it wants to after downing a shot, and to limit the chance that you'll exhale the alcohol-laden fumes near an open flame.)
Re: Proof Positive

fallen5of7 said:
Tequilla is proof positive that given enough pressure, effort and inventiveness even the lowly cactus can shed blood ......


Tequilla has always been my answer to those days when nothing goes right, so why not fuck up the evening, too?

