Tensions with evangelicals threaten Trump White House bid


Jan 8, 2022
The Hill, January 21, 2023

Tensions between Donald Trump and evangelical leaders have spilled into public view, posing a potential threat to the former president’s election chances in 2024.

In an interview earlier this week, Trump said evangelical leaders are showing “signs of disloyalty” because they have yet to endorse his third presidential bid.

The comments highlighted the changing dynamic in GOP politics as the leaders of one of Trump’s most supportive demographics appear to distance themselves from the former president.



I was wondering when Christian conservatives would get tired of that dishonest, foul mouthed, adulterous pagan.
I'm not so sure they're "tired" of him, so much as he already gave them what they wanted: the Supreme Court and an end to Roe v Wade. So why pretend they ever liked the guy in the first place now?
Trump's big loss is not the Evangelical leadership. It is the poor white trailer trash; those people voted for him in record numbers in 2020, but they will probably revert to normal habits in 2024 and not vote at all
Those of the religious right have not been good at choosing presidents. In 1980 they abandoned one of the most sincerely Christian presidents the United States has ever had for a product of Hollywood who left his first wife, rarely attended church, and signed a law legalizing abortion in California.

In 2016 they reached even lower and supported a dishonest, foul mouthed adulterous pagan.