Temporal Displacement (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Simon cursed the stupid soldering gun as he stick his burned finger. The room was already brimming with the smell of well cooked wire and plastic, and the odor was surprisingly appealing. High glanced up at the clock on his wall. It was a quarter after one. Je had another forty five minutes before the security would switch out. Plenty of time

Je set the freshly soldered circuit board down on the table. He stood up in the expansive basemn, half I which he had turned into his little lab/workshop. His golden green eyes perverted his work as he team his fingers through his shoulder length blond hair. He lifted a finger to push up his glasses

Simon groaned as he hefted the well loaded back pack onto his shoulder. His 5'8 frame was broad and muscular. He hadn't been called a nerd in sometime. While his love of science was obvious, his build was that of a farm hand, thick and broad. He had also learned a long time ago that the quicker you stand up Tina bully the quicker they go away, of course that also assumed you knew how to throw a good haymaker

Je left his basement behind as he snuck out of the basement door, hopped into his car an headed into the mountains where one of the local colleges had an antenna/telescope array for searching the stars
For microwave signals. One k those extra terrestrial life search stations. Simon had a different idea. He wanted to send an outgoing call. He had spent months looking over th arrays set up, since highschool was so easy he had plenty of spare time, and
He thought that he could put out a signal ver a thousand times
Stronger then what typically sped into space. The trick was
The initial pulse. He was going to warp it, bend the waves back, kinda like a sling shot, then send it out

About twenty minutes later there he was, having snuck in with the shift change, hopking up his custom circuit boards to the main server, a quick hard tap, so there wouldn't be any evidence, and he had bypassed all of the central computers safety protocol. He crossed his finger and pressed the button

"Hey you!!!" he heard someone shout. And he ran. He tore the custom panels out, not wanting to leave any evidence. And bolted

During the initial run, his board ha been pulled during the warp, during the bend. Then the mainframe safety settings triggered, and the warp was left in a Fred back loop. It wasn't until two hours later that the tower twitched, going off like a giant spark plug. An the microwave warp, tore
Into space and time and distance

Had been laying on the ground, not far from the array, out of breath from
Running from the security when he saw the spark burst into being, then disappear. He heard a monstrous rush of air, and then was suddenly bowled over as something soft and warm knocked
Him to the ground
Jasmine woke up with her boyfriends and slipped out of bed to shower before they woke up. Last night had been almost perfect, but they still needed time to get to know each other if they were going to share her. When she got out of the shower and dressed, she wrote a note explaining that she had an appointment, there were muffins in the kitchen, and she hoped they could all three get together again later this afternoon.

She dressed quickly and looked at herself in the mirror. She was nineteen and had the best body money could buy, with perfect, round DDD breasts and a big round ass. Her waist was slender and her thighs sculpted to perfection. Her skin was a soft cappuccino shade and her black hair was worn in a high ponytail that spilled down around her shoulders. She had thick, soft lips and big brown eyes, and she wore a pair of gold high heeled boots and a gold bra that lifted her breasts up and left her dark nipples bare. Her skirt was just long enough to cover her ass but her smoothly waxed pussy winked out with each step she took. She caught the elevator to find the guy from the eighth floor with a blonde girl looking sated and flushed, and she smiled.

"Good morning," Jasmine said, as she kissed him.
"Morning," he said, squeezing her ass casually. "If I'd known I was going to run into you, I'd have saved some."
"You'll just have to make it up to me some other time."
Jasmine felt the blonde's fingers cupping her breasts and squeezing, and they introduced themselves as the elevator reached the lobby. It was a relief, she thought. Any more and she would have gotten truly horny and while she wasn't against having a quickie with a cute guy on the street, she wanted to get to her appointment on time. As it was, she gave the doorman's cock a good long squeeze as he called her a cab, and she felt the driver's eyes drinking in the sight of her.

"Orgy Plaza," she said, and he grinned at her. She felt her pussy flex in desire, and she moved up to sit beside the driver. "I have to make an appointment," she explained, as his fingers slid between her lips, teasing her clit.

"No problem, miss," the driver said. "Everyone's horny in the morning. It won't be long before I get mine."

It was a regular day in Amoria. The planet was a virtual paradise, and there had never been any restrictions on sex there. People took pleasure for granted, and shared easily with one another. Jasmine's two boyfriends would never think there was anything odd about her letting the driver rub her pussy as he drove, because it was small sex. The way other people have small talk, the people of Amoria have small sex.

Jasmine had a small orgasm before she got out of the cab, and kissed the driver sweetly. She passed several couples and larger groups getting off in the park, and then she went into the main government building. She had applied for a program that would teach her to be a therapist, to help those men and women who were emotionally unable to enjoy sex normally. The interview was her opportunity to show the agency that she was suited for the task, and she expected to be worn out by the time it was over.

She didn't expect the flash of light, and the sensation of being broken down into subatomic particles and hurled through space and time to land on someone in a dark field.
Simon rolled with the form, afraid some
Security guard had just tackled him, but they hadn't called out? He turne with them, rolling to the tip and he shoved pushing the guard flat to the ground


He wondered, his hand were on te guards chest, but he felt warm skin. Full soft skin, very full!! The initial commotion was over and he realize he was holding down a gorgeous girl!!! He was holding her tits!!! He quickly let go

"oh I'm so sorry. I unmm...." he said, blushing profusely. But with his hands off her chest now he could see her nipples in the low light cast from one of the far off perimeter lights. He quickly snapped his eyes back up to her, but not after realizing that she seemed to hardly be wearing any clothes

"Why did you tackle me" he asked, then quickly hopped up, realizing that he could be squishing this cute hardly clothed girl. He looked down at her short skirt, "and where did you come from. Some sort of club?" he asked as he tried to avert his eyes from her exposed nipples, but that was very hard to do
There was a flash of light and Jasmine felt herself pulled through space in a way that was terribly unnatural. She felt the body break her fall and she was so disoriented that she could hardly say what was happening as they tumbled over the rough ground. It was dark, and she could hardly see the man as he pushed her roughly down, his hands grasping at her breasts. True, dangerous violence was very nearly unknown in Amoria, but aggressive, rough sex was quite common, and her natural response to his grappling with her was to think he simply liked to dominate. She arched her back, lifting her breasts eagerly to his touch, wondering if this was somehow part of her interview.

Then he let go of her breasts as though they were dangerous.

""oh I'm so sorry. I unmm...." He wouldn't even look at them, despite her hard nipples pointing up quite obviously. She squirmed under him, trying to encourage him to pleasure himself.

"Why did you tackle me?" He hopped up to his feet, obviously flustered by her appearance, and suddenly defensive. The tension in his voice was actually frightening to her, but she was fairly sure that this was a test of some kind. Whatever else he was, the young man was clearly hideously repressed.

"And where did you come from. Some sort of club?"

"Club?" she giggled at the thought of wearing such a formal outfit to a club. She slowly sat up and got to her feet, brushing the grass and dirt off her skin. "No, I came from the waiting room," she said, and turned to face him, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuringly lascivious way. "I was going to my interview at the School of Advanced Erotic Rehabilitation. I guess it's been a long time since you had sex?"
She slowly rose, her light brown skin was dark in the low light, but her obviously gorgeous figure made Simon stiffen in an instant. Then her hands slid over those curves, brushing off dirt, but making them swell and jiggle

"Oh man" he whispered, only half hearing wr answer

"Waitong room? What waiting room?" he asked as he gestured to the trees around them and the night sky above them

"What?" he asked when she asked about his sex life, "umm. I... Well. Never mind that" he said as lights begain to flicker on aroun the facility. They were no doubt concerned about that flash of light, and god knows what that bright light was

And that made him pause. His eyes slid over her, and for the first time he wasn't looking at her with lust, but fascination. She wasn't from anywhere around here, and she had come from nowhere

Before he could say anything though he began to hear shouting

"where are you from? He asked as he grabbed her hand, "but first we gotta get out of here" he said a she tugged her along behind him

His car was only down the Gil and aroun a small bend, parked on the side of the access road to the facility. He quickly opened the door and tossed her in, then hopped in the other side

He turned te car on and began to drive

"what was the last thing you remember before landing on top of me" he asked, keeping us eyes straight ahead. Here in the car he was painfully aware of how little she wore, how beautiful she was, and how close she was to him. He could smell her, and she smelled delicious
There was no mistaking the look in his eye as he stared at her, and she grinned, proud of her body and the way it excited men to look at her. She turned slowly, to give him a good look at her all around, but when she turned back, he was frowning, anxious and worried. There was definitely something wrong, and it seemed like a perfect test of her skills, though the bright light and the sudden transport had certainly startled her, he was acting like they were in trouble.

Then he grabbed her hand and started dragging her down the hill, and she followed, mostly trying to keep her balance as they moved quickly through the darkness. Finally, they reached a primitive kind of road with an antique car parked, and the guy shoved her in. He jumped in the other side and started the vehicle, and she just stared at him in awe for a moment. It was an actual internal combustion engine. Next thing, he'd tell her they used computers with manual interfaces.

Then she noticed his clothes for the first time. They fit loosely and hung off him strangely, as though the purpose was to conceal his body instead of highlighting it. And he had said ... never mind ... when she asked when the last time he had sex was. It all seemed like some kind of twisted, repressive ancient world. The tension, the fear, the anger and frustration that seemed to radiate from the poor man like light from the sun was something that she had only read about in books. It seemed deeply rooted, as if he had been this way his whole life. In reality, people didn't get this way. He would have been taken to hospital and his needs thoroughly explored and seen to long before anything like this happened. She leaned over and put her hand over his crotch, wondering if he would at least accept this simple expression of good will.
He was finally feeling like he could relax. They were in the road, and there were no cops. Of
Course he had not had time to close the mainframe access panel, and of course he had been seen, but he had gotten away. He also knew the place well enough to know that there was no video surveillance where he had been.

But what was she, where was she from? She definitely wasn't a local, he thought as he suddenly remembered the way her body had felt in his hand. Just then he felt her hand

His cock throbbed in his pants, stiffening instantly as her hand landed in his crotch. It was only due to shock that he hadn't jumped and swerved off the road

He looked over at her, his eyes dipping downtown those full rounded breasts, her nipples stiffly capping those peaks, the gold bra only scooping along the bottom
Curve. Her stomach was flat and even in the bad light he could make out the toned muscles. Her gold skirt ride high on her thighs

"Whay are you doing?" he asked. But honestly he had to admit I was all to exotic
To be real. She was so lovely that he didn't dare stop her. This had to be some kind of dream. His legs shifted, spreading his thighs slightly

"Where are you from" he asked as his eyes slid over her outfit again

"I've never seen someone dressed like that before." he said. He was trying to think of what to do, but he was having trouble thinking. Her hand was on his cock, his hand was the only one that had ever been there
Jasmine purred softly as she felt him. As strange as his behavior was, she thought, there was no doubt that he was more than capable of normal interaction. At least physically. Yet, despite his obvious arousal and the desire that showed in his eyes as he ran them over her body again and again, to the point that she started to worry about him driving, he made no move to touch her, and actually seemed confused about what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" he asked, as if there could be any doubt.

"I'm touching your cock," she whispered.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Amoria," she said softly, squeezing his cock, feeling him stiffen in her grip. His need was more than obvious, it was astounding, and she felt the thrill of excitement as she imagined taking him, or better, being taken by him. She squirmed in her seat, shifting her legs apart.

"I've never seen someone dressed like that before."

She clenched her teeth and let go of his cock. She looked at the way he was dressed, and wondered if she had accidentally been transported to some backwater where sexual taboos made normal release impossible. It was impossible, she thought, there weren't people who still lived that way. Except, this boy clearly had some massive inhibition. It would be one thing if he was gay or just not attracted to her, but he wasn't even giving her a polite caress.

"This is how professional people dress where I come from," she said, sighing in frustration. It was like talking to an infant. She dug her nails into her palm and realized that for the first time since she became sexually active, she was unable to get sex, or even mild caresses.

"Where am I? What kind of place is this?" she asked, and then asked the real question. "How do people live without any sex?"
He couldn't decide whether he was happy or not when she let go of his cock

He had never ward of Amoria, and when she said she was dressed like a professional all he could think of was a prostitute or a stripper. But the title she had used. He had never even ear of anything like that. He found a side road, went down I about a half a mile and found a secluded little pull off. He killed the car, and looked over at her. Her eyes. Just her eyes

"We are in Kentucky. Middle of nowhere, up in the mountains, Kentucky. I have never seen anyone dressed like you" and then his eyes roamed. Her full firm tits swelled with each breath and his cock throbbed as he watched her thighs slip on the seat, her skirt had ridden high, and he could see her pink mound. She didn't wear panties

"And what is it you do, as a professional, exactly?" He asked as he finally wrestled his eyes back up to hers. Did she really want to help people with sexual frustration by giving them what, counseling? But by the look of her. She would cause more sexual frustration than anything else