

Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
Anyone else have a short temper? Maybe scream, curse, cry, and throw stuff?
Seems like I have been doing that a lot lately.
Real funny. No not meth but perhaps I need to refill my Xanax prescripton.
As a child, I had a temper.
But, like most people, I grew up and learned better.
My temper, or lack there of, has gotten me into trouble in the past.
Lol. You don't know the half of it clutch1. Even the dogs go racing out of the room and hide under the bed.
Anyone else have a short temper? Maybe scream, curse, cry, and throw stuff?
Seems like I have been doing that a lot lately.

Short temper? No

Do I get pissed? Yes

I don't scream much anymore. Give me a few weeks to heal and I am sure I can get back to it.
Its usually quick with me. I get so angry. I used to bite myself or punch myself. Now I punch a pillow but I still throw shit.
Lol. You don't know the half of it clutch1. Even the dogs go racing out of the room and hide under the bed.

I used to let things build up, at home, even at some bar with some drunk fucking with me until it reaches the point of enough is enough, and then I explode, and that's not good for anybody.
Now I let people know how I feel right away, or it's so inconsequential in my life I just let it roll off my back.
Little things like knocking over a full can of soda. Or family. Usually my brother will set me off.
But sometimes it is a friend who said or did something that upset me, sees I am upset, yet does nothing about it.
Little things like knocking over a full can of soda. Or family. Usually my brother will set me off.
But sometimes it is a friend who said or did something that upset me, sees I am upset, yet does nothing about it.

Honestly you need to grow up already.

Your feelings aren't your friend's responsibility.

You should have outgrown throwing temper tantrums before you got to elementary school. Go get some help (and I mean that in a helpful way, not an insulting way).
if you can't find a golf club...

You have the choice as to throw that switch on or not. The time to not lose control of you temper is early on, not after your angry juices are all lathered up.

Make the choice to stay calm. Stay true to that choice.

Your friends and loved ones will thank you.
Yeah. A friend of mine even joked about buying me a shit load of midol.
Yeah. Well see, here is the deal. I am not fucking joking about it. I am telling you that it is in or out of your control to be a dick. Stop it when it ramps up. Remove yourself from the situation. Calm the fuck down. It becomes easier to do in time.

Tempers lead to shaken babies, beaten loved ones, and holes in walls. Nothing good ever comes from it. Tempers have a way of landing your ass in jail, hurting the people around you, and causing friends and lovers to disappear.

Make you choices and live with them.
Yes I know. Its why I punch the shit out a pillow or smack myself. Or at least I used to do that. I've been told that I am without a doubt batshit crazy and homicidal. Its one reason I am glad we don't have a gun in the house. With my temper I probably would have killed someone.
I don't often loose my temper but when I do I scare the living hell out of people. Like Pete said you have to learn to control it and walk away. Most of the time I can follow that advise, but some people hit the right buttons at off I go. Case in point. My boss wanted me to do a job one night in the dark in semi traffic. He tried to twist my words and wouldn't let me talk to plant safety about it. I went off.. I think he almost broke into tears. Had 3 co workers call me abd ask me if I was ok on my drive home. Guess I was shakin and shit.

Funny... They say you mellow as you age

I'm more pissed off.