~*~ Temp ~*~

Vv Temp vV

Really Experienced
Sep 29, 2002
I thought I would create a thread seeing as I am a reg in this section of the Forums.. and all my people from the Mid-Western thread.. get in here...

open to anyone though.. feel free to come on in....

~*~ CC ~*~
Well Vv hon going to be able to keep up with this one as well as the others.
capricious_chic said:
Girl.. why didn't you open this in the playground??

Might get lost in the personals..

I'm on here alot of the day/night.. trust me, It won't get lost lol.. I will bump this thread beyond belief lol
Vv Temp vV said:

I'm on here alot of the day/night.. trust me, It won't get lost lol.. I will bump this thread beyond belief lol

lol.. where there is a will, there is a way!!
well now two of my favorite friends from midwest thread already. Vv this was a good idea hon.
Vv Temp vV said:

I'm 300 posts behind ya! I'm coming up on you.. mmmm :)

Well doll, you got more time than I.. so I am sure you will surpass me in short time!!

Becareful coming up on me ;) .. never know what I might be doing :p .

Hi ya Lewis :D
chic.. so what's your hours normally? like, when ya online? I always see ya leaving more so then you stay and post :-/
Vv CC I do hope to meet you both in person one day just never know when that will happen.
I know!!!

I got a few minutes in the wee hours of the morning...

About an hour in the afternoon...

Then.. depending on what is ON for the evening.. is how much time I have to relax, unwind, and surf a bit..
Although.. I don't mind relaxing and unwinding.. uhm.. doing.. uhm.. "things" :p

Dayshift sucks.. I don't know how people do it!!
Vv if you had been here I would have done that for you sore or not same goes for CC

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.. Indeed!!!

I love it when someone is watching.. or listening...

Just really makes it so much hotter!!!

I will be meeting up with my present beck an call boy in TWO weeks.. Then.. I am going to let HIM pleasure me until I can't see straight!!!

Very fucking awesome if you have actually had sex with the person... It becomes almost surreal..

And a fun way to play with someone you don't know..
so who is your boytoy? btw, I told my brother about ya from last night lol
Ahhh.. the hot brother...

My present beck and call boy.. is not a poster on Lit..

So I can't point him out to ya...

Just trust me that.. he has a wicked tongue, a lascivious imagination, hands that make you beg for more, and well.. the rest of him.. is just.. Yummy!

We are very open.. no restraints.. no restrictions..

How about you girly?? Got a boy toy?? girl toy??
Ahhh.. that is why you find the ones who are fun to be with.. fun to fuck.. make you laugh.. and give you complete and total freedom.. No strings... Just always on the ready.. Hence.. Beck and Call :D
Okay.. I gotta go for a bit..

Have fun!!! Good luck with your thread...

Perhaps you should post a few rules and such of appropriate behavior and what types of fun you wanna have here..

Catch ya later doll!
hiya Vv Temp vV nice little play house you have here. What fun and exciting things would you like to talk about today?
go to Mid-Western.. I posted about the news last.... what you think of what I posted?
Vv hope you are doing well today so far hon. Have all my bill paying done so relaxing time the rest of the day for me.
MI checking in

Hello Vv and Lewis. Michigander checking in here (Ihope I am not going to get any flak about football teams). Just hanging out at work trying to stay dry and waiting for 5:00 p.m. so that I can head north. How's life a little south of me ???