Tell me about Crispy Cream donuts, please.

guilty pleasure said:
I really want to know.

Yeah, what she said. I keep hearing about how great they are. What's the deal?

Psst - gp - I really love that av.
There not good for you.........fat and sugar!!

But somedays you just gotta have one. We call them donuts out here ;)
I dont see what all the rukus is with Krispy Kreme.....Dunkin Doughnuts are just as are Tim Hortons.

Nothing beats fresh donuts from the cider mill though.

Jug o' cider, and a dozen warm......
To me they just taste like any other greasy donut, but rumor has it that the way to eat them is while they are fresh and still warm. The eyes glaze over and people get orgasmic even with just the name being mentioned. And there is that "squirt" under your tongue thing going on...
just pet said:
To me they just taste like any other greasy donut, but rumor has it that the way to eat them is while they are fresh and still warm. The eyes glaze over and people get orgasmic even with just the name being mentioned. And there is that "squirt" under your tongue thing going on...

Ummm lets stick to doughnuts please

guilty pleasure said:
Yes, but why? Better than,say, Tim Hortons?

I am not familar with Tim Hortons...however....I am familar with Dunkin Donuts and they taste NOTHING like them!...

They are just light and airy...not too sweet....and when they are warm.....OMFG...

they are just....damn good....:)
Longer explanation … (As there is one about 45 mins from me, I stop if I’m in the area) you walk in & can see dough being made, doughnuts cut, and then they pass along a conveyer belt to be fried in oil & then glazed right before your eyes……… love them fresh. Not so much in convenience stores.
Killswitch said:
Ummm lets stick to doughnuts please


The beauty of doughnuts is that they stick to your hips even after the first taste fades
Personally, it's a bran muffin for me
Now there is a sweet with a purpose
Seriously you guys/gals have cider mills where you live?

Where they squeeze fresh apple juice and make fresh plain doughnuts?
Fried fat, covered in glaze. Warm or not, I think they're gross.
I think Krispy Kreme donuts are ghastly as well...

After eating them, my mouth feels like the grease trap from a carnival deep-fryer.
guilty pleasure said:
Yes, but why? Better than,say, Tim Hortons?

Well, as a proud Canadian living in a town with a Tims on every corner...i must reluctantly bow my head and say

yes...better than Tim Hortons.