Teens choosing virginity

Do you wish that because your first was a bad experience? Mine was perfect . . .and I have never regretted it.
apart from one . . . who was a teacher more than a lover, I had virginity forced on me *shrug*
i say wait until you find someone right for you. somebody special. i don't have a preference about the marriage bit, but make it mean something, damnit. you only got one first time. don't waste it.
I'mVan said:
apart from one . . . who was a teacher more than a lover, I had virginity forced on me *shrug*

did they run away screaming from you, too?
Nice to see teens highlighted for being responsible about sex.
I don't think teen sex is as bad as society makes it out to be. I was raised by a very liberal mother . . so sex was no "secret" or shunned topic. I think if parents explain it all to kids, and how to be responsible with sex . . it can be pleasurable for all ages ( within reasonable age of course ) My first was with a girl I had dated for 7 months . . and it was my 16th birthday . . was very memorable.
VISIT ANY AMERICAN high school and you’ll likely find a growing number of students who watch scabrous TV shows like “Shipmates,” listen to Eminem—and have decided to remain chaste until marriage.
Yeah, and Idaho is a great place to surf.
It is good in the sense that they are not mature psychologically speaking for a sexual relationship. We all know that they are physically able!

If they want to be virgins, more powere for them. Kids should stay kids as long as possible, you're an adult for most of your life.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Exactly my thinking.

Shudders at the thought that we have a common bond this early in the morning! How are you today pls? :rose: :kiss:
4laterer said:
I would say its more adult to refuse sex

its more adult and responsible to know sex is avaiulable to you, weigh up the situation and still not want it

True, but those nasty hormones are still running around the body!
pretty_lil_stranger said:
Well, drop me a note tomorrow and try all your lines on me, I'll tell you which ones work and which don't.
I thik my voice needs to be heard to get the full impact. Let me know when you're in BC, or WA.