Teen Stories!!!


Nov 18, 2002
I think there should be stories about more bisexual teens doing incest and messing around with other teens, having sex with teachers. I liked the one story i read about the cheerleaders and the whole neighborhood being open about sex. Everybody was messing with everybody!!!!!!! I loved those!!!!!:kiss: :kiss:
well, íf you want only teens, you limit it down to 18 or 19. Of course, usually teenager starts at 10 I think, but I guess you know the #1 rule of Lit - no one below 18)

Anyway: Could you be more specific about your ideas ? I mean: bisexual ? So do you only want bisexual girls, or also bisexual guys ?

As for the teachers .... I guess, for a hot looking girl (maybe a cheerleader) it shouldn't be so hard to seduce a lonesome teacher ... What about this: As I said, the teacher is lonesome. He is not that attractive. The student girl doesn't seduce him because he is so good looking - maybe it's a bet with other students ....

I also have another idea, but I don't know if it could work. Back in school, we had "sex education" - the teacher told us "where the babys come from" and all that stuff. The only problem that I see: When I (and the other pupils) had this sex education, we were like 10 or 11 ....

But what about this: It's not about sex itself. Maybe it's about AIDS and safer Sex.
So, there are many (?) boys and girls. (I guess, it wouldn't work if there are too much people. I would say: 5 guys, 5 girls, 1 teacher could work fine).
The teacher hands out a few condomes and some "fake cocks" - either dildos, or maybe bananas. But there aren't enough fake dicks for everyone, there are only 5. The teacher tells the students, that they should team up - one boy and one girl. At first, the guys should try put the condoms on the fake dicks) Then, the teacher walks around and takes a closer look if they manage to get the condom on.
Just for fun, one of the guys opens his pants and pulls his dick out. It's already hard, so instead of using the fake dick, he pulls the condom over his real dick. His teampartner starts to giggle, but she is also faszinated, because she is a virgin ....

Then, the teacher tells the students: "Take the condom off. And now, the girls will pull a new condom over the dick ...."
The girls do it, except for this one: She is kinda unsure if she should really touch his cock. But the guy tells her "Do it, my dick won't bite you ...."
So she tries it - but she is unexperienced, and her hands are shaking. She tries it again and again, but everytime she fails.
However, the guy becomes really horny - there is already some precum on his cock - if the girl continues to work on his dick like that, he will cum, soon.
But short before that happens, she stops. "Oh Ms. Smith, I have problems with the condoms. Please, help me."

The teacher comes over to the 2 students. Her eyes are not so good, and the light is too dark, so she doesn't notice, that it's not a fake cock ... "Oh come on, it's so easy. To be quite honest: I can do it without using my hands - just with your mouth" - "Oh please, show it, I want to see it"

So the teacher puts the condom in her mouth and gets in position. With her open mouth, she moves down on his cock. (and still, she hasn't realized that it's a real cock). Then, she makes a fast move forward, so that his dick goes right into her mouth. However: Accidently, she lost the condom. And now, when her tongue touches his hot cock, she realizes that this is not a fake cock. She wants to move back up, but both, the boy and the girl hold her head down, so that she can't get his cock out of her mouth .... and suddenly, the boy cums, right into her mouth .....
NASCARaddicted said:
... but I guess you know the #1 rule of Lit - no one below 18) ...
That was cruel, Nas. You know that BlessedBe has an exclusive on reminding us all about that rule!

Edited to add
In any case, that rule seems to have been relaxed a little. For example, Kelly's Fabulous Thighs by BuddyOne has been allowed to stay up (after being notified to Laurel) with 15/16 year old voyeurs in it.
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Un-registered said:

Edited to add
In any case, that rule seems to have been relaxed a little. For example, Kelly's Fabulous Thighs by BuddyOne has been allowed to stay up (after being notified to Laurel) with 15/16 year old voyeurs in it.

That's interesting. I haven't read the story, but does it involve sex with the 15/16 y/o?
well, I guess this 15/16 year olds are just peeping. I can't imagine, that a story where 15 or 16 years olds have sex would live long on Lit.

I mean, maybe the age could be lowered to 16 but somehow, 15 seems too low for me.

Anyway: I don't want to start the whole "age debatte" again - but if it would be 16, there would be room for some new stories, like "telling the innocent virgin daughter everything about sex" .... but then, this would also work with 18 year olds ....

However, like I said: I doubt that the age rule was changed.

But, back to the original topic. I would love to hear some comments about my idea ....
An interesting idea. How about this: the class is an actual sex ed class, as in the pupils are taught how to have sex? 'Volunteers' could be pulled out of the class itself and the teacher(s) - possibly one male and one female - could demonstrate on them different techniques, different approaches to safe sex, etc. Final exam day could possibly be an orgy including teachers and students to see exactly how much has been learned...
NASCARaddicted said:
well, I guess this 15/16 year olds are just peeping. I can't imagine, that a story where 15 or 16 years olds have sex would live long on Lit.
It goes as far as:
Suddenly Junior’s hands joined the other two and he began to kneed my ass cheeks just right, just enough to drive me over the edge. I couldn’t help myself any longer. Slowly, but surely, I began to spread my legs apart, exposing my hot cunt to the three horny teens. I couldn’t NOT do it. The hands were all over my ass and thighs, caressing, squeezing. I spread my thighs further and further apart.
“Look” Junior whispered.
“That is one gorgeous, hot woman gentlemen. One hot, gorgeous woman. Look at that wet pussy.”
Well, that about put me over the edge and I spread my legs even further and began to hump the mattress gently.
Age of consent is very much a subjective oppinion anyway, and in these days of the internet's ignorance of nationality and borders, it's a pity that people can't get out their little boxes of government bureacrat applied Ages of Consent. I'm in Japan right now, and the Age of Consent really is only 13...despite the confusion of the legal system's restrictions of schoolgirl prostitution making it appear to be higher. In some places, Age of Consent is 21...and no, people in that particular place do not wait that long (are you kidding?)... It's all laws applied from above anyway. Not all erotic websites abide by the 18 rule, most accept 16 is okay for characters in stories, and younger still if the characters are of similar age (eg. both 12 year olds). Ah, and a little pedantic correction for NASCARaddicted...10 is just ten, 13 is thirteen - then you're a teenager.
Lovelynice said:
Age of consent is very much a subjective oppinion anyway, and in these days of the internet's ignorance of nationality and borders, it's a pity that people can't get out their little boxes of government bureacrat applied Ages of Consent. I'm in Japan right now, and the Age of Consent really is only 13...despite the confusion of the legal system's restrictions of schoolgirl prostitution making it appear to be higher. In some places, Age of Consent is 21...and no, people in that particular place do not wait that long (are you kidding?)... It's all laws applied from above anyway. Not all erotic websites abide by the 18 rule, most accept 16 is okay for characters in stories, and younger still if the characters are of similar age (eg. both 12 year olds). Ah, and a little pedantic correction for NASCARaddicted...10 is just ten, 13 is thirteen - then you're a teenager.

well, you learn something new on everyday ....

And: Yes, the Internet is worldwide. But still, the Lit servers are placed in the USA. Maybe if this servers would be in Japan, we could have stories with 13 year olds.

Another thing is: Here in Germany, you commit incest, it's considered as a crime and you will be punished. But (as far as I know) in the Netherlands, you will not be punished because you commited incest .....

Each country is different, so I guess it really depends on where your server is.

Another example: Over here, in Germany, many Audio CDs have a copy protection. Some guys started a discussion forum about "how to copy CDs with protection".
But now, due to some legal stuff, this guys moved all the servers away from Germany - now the servers are in Switzerland. And since there are different laws, no one in Switzerland has a problem with them ....
I often wonder what the social scene is like in places where legal sex under 16. Here things don't get hairy until a 16 y/o has sex with someone that has athority over them, like a teacher. Else, there's not much to be said about it.

I was at the mall earlier and I saw this old guy with this girl that look younger than 16, eventhough she was made up. No one really paid much attention. That is, until he grabbed her butt. But, she could have been of any age at that point.

Really young girls are easy gets, but I fear them, because you will never know what they will do. I can't use that type of drama.

When I was in Korea I fucked girls that looked really young, but they all did.

Can someone enlighten me?
NASCARaddicted said:
well, íf you want only teens, you limit it down to 18 or 19. Of course, usually teenager starts at 10 I think, but I guess you know the #1 rule of Lit - no one below 18)

Anyway: Could you be more specific about your ideas ? I mean: bisexual ? So do you only want bisexual girls, or also bisexual guys ?

As for the teachers .... I guess, for a hot looking girl (maybe a cheerleader) it shouldn't be so hard to seduce a lonesome teacher ... What about this: As I said, the teacher is lonesome. He is not that attractive. The student girl doesn't seduce him because he is so good looking - maybe it's a bet with other students ....

I also have another idea, but I don't know if it could work. Back in school, we had "sex education" - the teacher told us "where the babys come from" and all that stuff. The only problem that I see: When I (and the other pupils) had this sex education, we were like 10 or 11 ....

But what about this: It's not about sex itself. Maybe it's about AIDS and safer Sex.
So, there are many (?) boys and girls. (I guess, it wouldn't work if there are too much people. I would say: 5 guys, 5 girls, 1 teacher could work fine).
The teacher hands out a few condomes and some "fake cocks" - either dildos, or maybe bananas. But there aren't enough fake dicks for everyone, there are only 5. The teacher tells the students, that they should team up - one boy and one girl. At first, the guys should try put the condoms on the fake dicks) Then, the teacher walks around and takes a closer look if they manage to get the condom on.
Just for fun, one of the guys opens his pants and pulls his dick out. It's already hard, so instead of using the fake dick, he pulls the condom over his real dick. His teampartner starts to giggle, but she is also faszinated, because she is a virgin ....

Then, the teacher tells the students: "Take the condom off. And now, the girls will pull a new condom over the dick ...."
The girls do it, except for this one: She is kinda unsure if she should really touch his cock. But the guy tells her "Do it, my dick won't bite you ...."
So she tries it - but she is unexperienced, and her hands are shaking. She tries it again and again, but everytime she fails.
However, the guy becomes really horny - there is already some precum on his cock - if the girl continues to work on his dick like that, he will cum, soon.
But short before that happens, she stops. "Oh Ms. Smith, I have problems with the condoms. Please, help me."

The teacher comes over to the 2 students. Her eyes are not so good, and the light is too dark, so she doesn't notice, that it's not a fake cock ... "Oh come on, it's so easy. To be quite honest: I can do it without using my hands - just with your mouth" - "Oh please, show it, I want to see it"

So the teacher puts the condom in her mouth and gets in position. With her open mouth, she moves down on his cock. (and still, she hasn't realized that it's a real cock). Then, she makes a fast move forward, so that his dick goes right into her mouth. However: Accidently, she lost the condom. And now, when her tongue touches his hot cock, she realizes that this is not a fake cock. She wants to move back up, but both, the boy and the girl hold her head down, so that she can't get his cock out of her mouth .... and suddenly, the boy cums, right into her mouth .....

Actually, i meant around the ages of 18 and 19. I'm not into that young kid stuff.
13 is teenager...

beyond that, 18 is legal in the US and that's where the site is run, therefore for legal reasons, that's why they set the limit at that.

I believe 15 is the average for losing your virginity in the US, but many kids aren't old enough to handle it...I teach this age group...and it's different for each child (how mature they are and such) but the most common problem is the equation of sex and love or sex and self worth. It's very easy to be coerced into thinking you're ready b/c you think everyone is doing it and you're going to fall behind your peer group, or to be emotionally manipulated by the s/o into doing things you're not ready for.
Real vs fantasy

Lovelynice said:
Age of consent is very much a subjective oppinion anyway, and in these days of the internet's ignorance of nationality and borders, it's a pity that people can't get out their little boxes of government bureacrat applied Ages of Consent...

True. But age of consent is a legal term applied to real-life sexual relations. In the US, it does not apply to works of art (including literature) or free speech. Otherwise, things like Nabokov's Lolita would be illegal. They are certainly NOT.

There are laws regarding pornography that prohibit the actual use of children (younger than 18 in the US) as actors, but they apply to 'real children.' The US Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down as unconstitutional portions of laws that have tried to apply the same criterion to situations with 'seeminlgy' underage persons (ie, adults pretending to be children, fictional characters, etc). In other words, if there's no 'real' child involved, it's protected free speech.

It's more or less the same situation as rape. In real life, if a real person is involved, it's illegal. But it's perfectly legal to portray it in fiction or other form of 'speech.'

So, the bottom line is that Lit's age rule is arbitrary and cannot be justified by invoking any legal requirements (note that such is not invoked in the case of rape fantasy stories). That said, it's up to the 'hosts' or 'publishers' to set the rules. It's their site after all.


Ther old age of consent thing is a pain in the rear to we authors specially fiction, the written word is still sacred worldwide.
In fiction you or I can write what the f**k we want and there's no law to say we can't.

It is of course up to the organisers of sites like this to decide what is and what isn't permitted here, they are the censors.

I personally don't want to write about underage sex acts, it doesn't interest me that much, what does mess up my writing is having to pretend all the world is a virgin until 18 but we have to put up with it.

The idea that 15 yr old's watching sex is a sex act is borderline, up to the censors to decide.

What always makes me laugh is that if I wished I could write about an 18 yr old being raped by her dad and three older brothers, assisted by the family dog and the neighbours Donkey, several very illegal acts in one session, but I wouldn't dare write a love story about two perfectly legal 17 yr old's getting married and starting a family.
Funny world aint it.

I have a web addy for a listing of all legal sexual consent ages worldwide somewhere, I'll post a link if anyone is interested, if I can find it on my PC that is.
Oh I am an untidy bugger for storing files and finding them later.
If anyone had sex with an 18 y/o lately who has not been very sexually active, should know that, it isn't what it's cracked up to be when they were that age.

I find that 18y/o girls, in general, are great to look at, but lack the sexual experience to be really enjoyable in bed. Unless you like the Ol' robot bitch thing.

Just food for thought.
Since it was mentioned in this thread once before, Laurel has removed Kelly's Fabulous Thighs. I think it's unfair to say that Laurel was notified more than once about this story and that she "ignored" it.
I have a web addy for a listing of all legal sexual consent ages worldwide somewhere, I'll post a link if anyone is interested, if I can find it on my PC that is.

Sorry to tell you, that site you mentioned isn't very accurate. I live in Japan, and can confirm what Lovelynice said about the age of consent being only 13 there. Only four years ago it was only 12.
Sorry, somehow doubled-up on the replies...removed it.
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2ndSight said:

Sorry to tell you, that site you mentioned isn't very accurate. I live in Japan, and can confirm what Lovelynice said about the age of consent being only 13 there. Only four years ago it was only 12.

How do people react to that? Do you normally see men with little girls?
Well, if there would be no age limit on Lit (or if the age limit would be 13), there would be more stories like "father deflowers his innocent 13 year old daughter".

But to be quiet honest: When I was like 12 or 13, I watched the older girls on my school (they were like 15 to 17) and I dreamed about how I would have sex with them.

Now, a few weeks ago (I am not 27), I meet a girl that was 16. She smoked and from all her "slutty" behaviour, I believe she ain't a virgin anymore - but still, she didn't arouse me. In my eyes, she was a kid ....
To be quiet honest: I thought "How would it be to have sex with her" - well, my own answer was "I can't have sex with this kid" ....

When it comes to the age thing, I think, the best would be, if you write something like "my young, virgin son" .... So, this guy could be 15 or he could be 20. I even know a guy who is 27 and virgin.

So, maybe it's best if the reader can add some of his own imagination. I mean, someone who likes stories with underaged people can imagine "he is 15". Someone who is offended by underage people can imagine "he is 20".

And, since we are in the "differenty country laws": Over here in Germany, the law says: "If a teenager between 14 to 15 wants to have sex with an adult, you have to ask the parents (I am not sure how it is when both are under 18). If the teenager is 16 or older, you don't have to ask the parents anymore.

Now imagine: A 20 year old guy talks to a father: Can I fuck your 14 year old daughter .....
Oh and: A good friend of mine (I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend - she denied) told me, she had her first boyfriend when she was 15 - and he was 25. I asked her, if they had sex, but she told me,"that's not your business"
I agree, let the reader determine the age of the character....young, virgin, girl, boy, is more than enough to write.