your a young teen celebrity who feels your age keeps you from more mature roles.
I play a notorious but very respected auture director, I'm famous for my graphic use of sex and violence in my films, but still having them come off as tasteful and artistic
his bold artistic vision, to have his film use an unsimulated sex scene where in his lead actress looses her virginity on screen
The movie, a paradoy of Disney urban fairy tales. The rich white girl moves to the inner city when her parents lose all of their money. Ordinarily the plot to this story is that the rich girl learns humility and peoples inner worth by meeting the locals and getting taken in by their lifestyle.
Instead you are a naive trusting girl who gets taken in by misleading new freinds. You develop a crush on a local drug dealer thinking that his cold, distant exterior is just a shell for a heart of gold, after all, thats been the plot to every movie youve ever seen growing up.
Your new friends are going to hook you up with him in exchange for some free drugs and you follow them along like a lamb to the slaughter
this RP is pretty complicated as its in two levels. one hand is you as the actress, young bu very mature for her age, willing to make the ultimate commitment to your movie role by agreeing to the unsimulated sex scene
on the other hand is you as the character, a young, naive trusting sheltered girl ignoarant of any of the true evils in the world and falling for the wrong guy.
this can be a pretty lenghty RP, a few hours, as it has a lot of build up and a lot of places to go after the actual sex scene.
Just PM me if your interested, also what actresses would you like to play, its not a requirement, but i think it be REALLY hot if you played a real actress doing this, i have a few ideas PM me and Ill tell you
your a young teen celebrity who feels your age keeps you from more mature roles.
I play a notorious but very respected auture director, I'm famous for my graphic use of sex and violence in my films, but still having them come off as tasteful and artistic
his bold artistic vision, to have his film use an unsimulated sex scene where in his lead actress looses her virginity on screen
The movie, a paradoy of Disney urban fairy tales. The rich white girl moves to the inner city when her parents lose all of their money. Ordinarily the plot to this story is that the rich girl learns humility and peoples inner worth by meeting the locals and getting taken in by their lifestyle.
Instead you are a naive trusting girl who gets taken in by misleading new freinds. You develop a crush on a local drug dealer thinking that his cold, distant exterior is just a shell for a heart of gold, after all, thats been the plot to every movie youve ever seen growing up.
Your new friends are going to hook you up with him in exchange for some free drugs and you follow them along like a lamb to the slaughter
this RP is pretty complicated as its in two levels. one hand is you as the actress, young bu very mature for her age, willing to make the ultimate commitment to your movie role by agreeing to the unsimulated sex scene
on the other hand is you as the character, a young, naive trusting sheltered girl ignoarant of any of the true evils in the world and falling for the wrong guy.
this can be a pretty lenghty RP, a few hours, as it has a lot of build up and a lot of places to go after the actual sex scene.
Just PM me if your interested, also what actresses would you like to play, its not a requirement, but i think it be REALLY hot if you played a real actress doing this, i have a few ideas PM me and Ill tell you