Technical question...Laurel? Manu?



Recieved an email from someone on my buddies list who had gone back to re-read one of my older stories again. They said they thought they had already voted for it, but did so again as it allowed them too. Then they told me that they had also voted on someone else's story, which they were pretty sure they had also voted on, and it allowed them to do that too.

Hence my question. Didn't there used to be a pop-up that said you've already voted on this story???

If people can go back and vote again...seems to me that something is definately wrong with the system here.

Just wondering.........
Thesandman said:
Recieved an email from someone on my buddies list who had gone back to re-read one of my older stories again. They said they thought they had already voted for it, but did so again as it allowed them too. Then they told me that they had also voted on someone else's story, which they were pretty sure they had also voted on, and it allowed them to do that too.

Hence my question. Didn't there used to be a pop-up that said you've already voted on this story???

If people can go back and vote again...seems to me that something is definately wrong with the system here.

Just wondering.........

I'm not Laurel or Manu, but I believe it's a timing thing.

The pop up catches immediate goofs (be they absent minded or fraud)

For "delayed" duplicates, they have to run the program that looks back in the database (comparing net addresses and such) to scrub the votes.
I've accidentally tried to vote a second time on several stories a month or so after I read it the first time, assuming I hadn't voted and I got a screen that says "I'm sorry, you've already voted on this submission"
deliciously_naughty said:
I've accidentally tried to vote a second time on several stories a month or so after I read it the first time, assuming I hadn't voted and I got a screen that says "I'm sorry, you've already voted on this submission"

this happens to me and then I feel SO ashamed - like everyone on lit is laughing at me!

deliciously_naughty said:
I've accidentally tried to vote a second time on several stories a month or so after I read it the first time, assuming I hadn't voted and I got a screen that says "I'm sorry, you've already voted on this submission"

It might not have been your fault. There was a problem for a while with voting. I know that I tried to vote on stories that had just been posted and was told I'd already voted. I talked to a few other people who were having the same problem and it appeared we all had AOL. It seemed that for some reason, the site was only letting us vote on one story a day. Hasn't happened in a while though, so I'm assuming it's been fixed.

I once noticed the number of votes for one of my stories actually decrease!
I told Laurel about this and she said it's one of numerous probs with the system.
Nothing's perfect but I think this site comes damn close to it!
I wish someone would answer my technical question, which is, would it help things if I were to submit my stories in plain text with html tags. I suspect that when you submit formatted stories, all the italics have to be stripped out and the italicized phrases flanked with html coding; and when a tag is accidentally not closed out properly, the italicization gets messed up, i.e., you have a long patch of text that's italicized when you don't want it to be.

Supplying the coding myself is something I can do, and would be glad to do, provided it's going to be taken advantage of.
SlickTony said:
I wish someone would answer my technical question,

I did answer it -- on the general board about ten minutes before you came here and posted.
Thank you, thanki you, thank you! Y'all have been quite helpful.
Well, I've done it! Seems to have worked, because I was able to preview it and even make a last minute embellishment in it as it is pending. Maybe this time it won't take a whole week to process.
It's all to do with your IP address and cookies. If you regularly clear off your temp files there is no way of the server knowing who you are. If you have a permannent connection to the net your IP addres remains the same. However, every time you make a new connection you get a new IP address!

Try this at home! Vote on a story then log out, close your connection and clear out all your cookies and temp internet files. Log back in and voila, you can vote on the same story twice!

The reason I found this out is because I DID vote for one authors story twice. My PC crashed after I'd clicked my vote and I wasn't sure if it went through so I re-booted and came back.

Just remember, NO CHEATING!!!
Text files

SlickTony said:
I wish someone would answer my technical question, which is, would it help things if I were to submit my stories in plain text with html tags. I suspect that when you submit formatted stories, all the italics have to be stripped out and the italicized phrases flanked with html coding; and when a tag is accidentally not closed out properly, the italicization gets messed up, i.e., you have a long patch of text that's italicized when you don't want it to be.

Supplying the coding myself is something I can do, and would be glad to do, provided it's going to be taken advantage of.

I use lots of italics, and I always submit my stuff as unformatted text files with imbedded formatting (<i> and things like that). That works very well. At first I used RTF, but they had to hand format it, and it caused delays and it didn't always come out very well.

I write in Word 6.0, then save as DOS text to submit . Works okay.
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I always submit my stuff as unformatted text files with imbedded formatting (<i> and things like that)

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, and it worked out very well. From here on out, if the italics are fucked up in any of my stories, it's no one's fault but my own. Thanks, Mathgirl.