Tech Support


Head Fish
May 14, 2002
Isn't it just about the httest thing to call a tech support number and get a woman? I sooo expect to talk to a guy. And then, when she's nice, has a sweet voice, I can fantasize for days on that one 45 minute call... Ummm.

Yeah. I have no life...
heheh. Couldn't have been you. My last call was an answering machine. Ok, why the hell do people call tech support BEGGING for help, then when you find their answer, they don't call you back?
People are funny- many times, they seem to try to inflalte their problem, thinking that you will work harder for them. Fuck 'em. Surf the web more :)
Gee, ok. I can do that. *grin*

My big project of the day is done...I made a fully informative time zones map of the US. Yeeeehaw. *yawn*

Is it Friday yet?

Wanna see my map? It's ugly, but it's useful, dammit.
;) hey all hehe just saw the thread. I used to do support for major computer company ( think C) tillthey laid us all off a month ago. yeah VERY few women there for support most were custoemr relations types, always thoughtit was funny they put all of the women on the phones for the pissed off people lol. Did have one gal friend of mine who got hit on over the phone when she got a call. was funny as hell casue the guy was asking her for her phone number ;). she told him our 800 support line lol. anyways just stopped into say hi ;). hope everyone having fun.

...not even sure why i clicked on this topic, perty damn sure i couldn't help with any computer help, hell I can barely spell most all topics, just hafta check 'em out...
Hey Nora- Like my AV?

Edited to say- sorry- you have them off now...:-(