Teachers, doctors, relatives


Really Experienced
Aug 26, 2012
Wanted for role plays.

I am a very creative, very experienced 47 year old female writer.

Please type fast. It's hard to do a role play when I am waiting for a reply and I type fast so.

Be single (a must).

Be over 40 years (this is a must).

Creativity welcome. Most of my players are never disappointed....

Please note: With little girl fantasies, I prefer to be innocent. I may create a more skilled additional character. But the little girl character is innocent, gets seduced and corrupted. Sometimes she is curious at the most but still a virgin.

Please pm me if interested.
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" Sweetheart, are you sure you want to marry this guy ? He just doesn't seem your type, and he is nothing like me ! After all I am your daddy and I know best. "
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