Tarot Cards


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
Do you use them? Know someone who does? Do you think they work?
know any good sites? like for information...NOT readings...I can do the basic one...but I need more information...
Tarot was on of the things that I was involved with in college. There is a huge liture on the subject, depending on which deck you are using, and how deeply you want to get invoved in it.
I use them every once in a while. Not enough to be proficient bt any stretch of the imagination. I'm not sure if they work or not. It's awful easy to find tangents between your life and the readings, but it's just as easy to bend the reading into what you want it to say.
I do like tarot cards as art as well. I have a couple of sets, and will likely have more some day.
"My buddies and I played poker one night with tarot cards. I got a full house and three people died."

- Steven Wright
Thrillhouse said:
"My buddies and I played poker one night with tarot cards. I got a full house and three people died."

- Steven Wright

*cough sputter laugh*

Damn, don't do that when I'm drinking. Please!
I own a deck never learned to use them thought and of course the work well in my opinion anyway
I collect Tarot decks.

I can do a few basic spreads, but I'm more interested in the artwork on the cards and the meanings that the creators of the decks give them.
I use them... they're not the most accurate devination tool in the world, but they're functional.

I'm wondering what you mean when you ask if they 'work'.
pagancowgirl said:
I use them... they're not the most accurate devination tool in the world, but they're functional.

I'm wondering what you mean when you ask if they 'work'.

she probably means do they really predict stuff
That's kind of what I was afraid of.

SilverLuna, I'm off to bed. If you want to, PM me and I'll try to answer some questions for you, give you some links, etc.
I have two decks and usualy do either a cross (three month short term spread) or a tree of life (yearly spread) but sometimes use the 12 card past/present/future spread. There are a lot of good sites, which I can't point you to a few if you are still intrested.

For beginners I like the set of cards that say right on them what they are so you can get used to using them and don't have to flip back and forth to a book. Then, when you have the basic meanings down carefully select a deck that you feel you could read from most easily.

I always always always ask for guidence and protection from God before beginning, and I ask to help to find the path he wants me to take. Which isn't the same, a lot of times, as the simple answer I was hoping for.
I've been known to use the cards on occasion, as for if they work, depends on what you mean. I generally use them to reflect my inner thoughts. Mainly, I'm just a collector. :D I've got about 56 decks that range from the more commonly used decks, to some handmade ones that my friends did for me.
LadyDarkFire said:
I've been known to use the cards on occasion, as for if they work, depends on what you mean. I generally use them to reflect my inner thoughts. Mainly, I'm just a collector. :D I've got about 56 decks that range from the more commonly used decks, to some handmade ones that my friends did for me.

Oooh! I'm jealous. :D I have 12 decks.
LOL, Rania, you should see what it looks like when gift time comes around this house. People who don't know about my collection constantly comment that it looks like alot of people got me the same gift. I love my decks though, particularly the personal ones. My latest two decks are from close friends. One is a photographic deck, my friend went out with his camera, props, and models, and shot pictures for each and every card. The second one is done by a friend of mine who's a genius with pastels. Both are close to my heart.
I don't think they really work for fortunetelling the way Miss Cleo bills them. The impressions you get from the cards help you to communicate with your subconscious. The Thoth and Rider-Waite decks are usually used for divination, but others (like osho zen) are usually used for insight into your own motivations and image.
I have several decks myself ... I use 1 or 2 of them, but the others are cos I like the artwork. Plus I screwed up my Cat People deck ... It doesn't give me a good reading.

Weather they work or not ... It depends on how focus I am when doing a reading ... I don't do reading too often because I get really tired afterwards ...
I used tarot cards for about 3 years. Over time I came to realise, that we will interpret them how we like; our perception of what we would like to happen, or how we perceive things will happen can greatly affect the interpretation we gain.

Often the interpretations can become obscured with our own needs of reassurance, and this should be kept in mind when doing a reading for oneself.
sabbathstorm said:
I've used Tarot cards a few times and have had some pretty accurate readings.
Ditto, has been a while though.