The first tank vs tank engagement of the war has occurred, it doesn’t sound like the Iraqis did too well (now that's an understatement)!
I also heard on the news that one Iraqi T-72 was hiding in the giant Iraqi tank graveyard from the first Gulf War when the M-1 Abrams came face to face with Iraqi Republican Guard T-72 tanks outside Basra. They didn't know until it opened fire, rather clever, hiding in the mist of knocked-out tanks, I'll give them that.
The first tank platoon of Charlie Company encountered and destroyed two Iraqi T-72 tanks. "I came up over a ridge and saw a T-72 and fired," said Sgt. Melvin L. Green. "I saw the turret pop off. My wing man hit the other."
I also heard on the news that one Iraqi T-72 was hiding in the giant Iraqi tank graveyard from the first Gulf War when the M-1 Abrams came face to face with Iraqi Republican Guard T-72 tanks outside Basra. They didn't know until it opened fire, rather clever, hiding in the mist of knocked-out tanks, I'll give them that.