tank vs tank


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
The first tank vs tank engagement of the war has occurred, it doesn’t sound like the Iraqis did too well (now that's an understatement)!

The first tank platoon of Charlie Company encountered and destroyed two Iraqi T-72 tanks. "I came up over a ridge and saw a T-72 and fired," said Sgt. Melvin L. Green. "I saw the turret pop off. My wing man hit the other."

I also heard on the news that one Iraqi T-72 was hiding in the giant Iraqi tank graveyard from the first Gulf War when the M-1 Abrams came face to face with Iraqi Republican Guard T-72 tanks outside Basra. They didn't know until it opened fire, rather clever, hiding in the mist of knocked-out tanks, I'll give them that.
The Iraqi's using T-72's is a myth. Just before the escalation of hostilities they recieved a shipment of old Japanese type 89's.
My uncle, a US tanker from WW II said that the Germans used to do the same thing. So US forces got into the habit of putting a round in any knocked out tank they encountered during an advance.
The Iraqi's using T-72's is a myth. Just before the escalation of hostilities they recieved a shipment of old Japanese type 89's.

lol, yeah right! :D
I see the armchair warrior is back. Your encyclopedic index brain sure could be used on the front lines Frimost.

Sorry, I forgot about your bad back, gland problems, being 26, and not liking micro-management.
I see the armchair warrior is back. Your encyclopedic index brain sure could be used on the front lines Frimost.

I took the ASVAP in High school, at that time I qualified for 99% of all MOS's.

I went back to a recruitment center a few months ago, this time an army one. I took a pre-test, kind of like an indicator as to how you would do on the ASVAP. My mathematical skills have degraded considerably over the years as much of the algebra and geometry you learn in HS is rarely if ever used afterwards in most jobs the average person gets. So based on that test I would definitely not get the same score on the ASVAP and if I did join I would want to be an intelligence officer.
Frimost said:
I took the ASVAP in High school, at that time I qualified for 99% of all MOS's.

I went back to a recruitment center a few months ago, this time an army one. I took a pre-test, kind of like an indicator as to how you would do on the ASVAP. My mathematical skills have degraded considerably over the years as much of the algebra and geometry you learn in HS is rarely if ever used afterwards in most jobs the average person gets. So based on that test I would definitely not get the same score on the ASVAP and if I did join I would want to be an intelligence officer.

Yet another of your long list of excuses.

1) I have a bad back
2) I have a gland problem
3) I'm 26
4) I hate micro-management
5) I don't like breaking a sweat
6) My ASVAB (yes, ASVAB) wouldn't be high enough.

You're a piece of work Frimost.
Frimost said:
I took the ASVAP in High school, at that time I qualified for 99% of all MOS's.

I went back to a recruitment center a few months ago, this time an army one. I took a pre-test, kind of like an indicator as to how you would do on the ASVAP. My mathematical skills have degraded considerably over the years as much of the algebra and geometry you learn in HS is rarely if ever used afterwards in most jobs the average person gets. So based on that test I would definitely not get the same score on the ASVAP and if I did join I would want to be an intelligence officer.

oh enough already.

ty bob.
april-wine said:
Intelligence Officer.............LMFAO............

coffee spew...........:D

Hey it could be true. Im an intelligence officer and I am as dumb as puddle of mud.
In fact, that seems to be the type of people they hire.
I think intelligence officer is just code for:

guy who can't lift more than fifty pounds without delegating

has problem with authority...or just doesnt know who is in charge

is preoccupied with sex.
I did tank vs tank stuff, back in the early 70's.

I usually drove the white tank.

It was a bitch. If you got trapped in certain parts of the maze, the balck tank could blow you up pretty easily.

There were also lots of mines in the center of the battlefield, but you could usually avoid those because you could see them. Sometimes you could shoot them with your tank.

Atari came out with a version you could play at home, but it wasn't the same.

Am I dating myself or what?