Tan lines?


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2012
I don't like em. On anyone. It just looks odd. But my SO, he loves them. Especially on me!
Summer is fast approaching and this year we've worked out a system whereby half of the summer I have them and the other I don't to keep both of us happy (last year he missed out).

It's made me wonder though: how common is this tan line fetish? I'd never heard of it before my SO. Is it just a guy thing, or are there females out there that also reckon whoever they're with looks sexier with tan lines? Do you think YOU look sexier with them?

All comments appreciated :)
That one made me think....I like tan lines. Very distinct tan lines on a woman...small bikini type of tan lines. But I also like no tan lines. I love olive skinned women. I guess I probably wasn't much help.
I like 'em. I do, but if you don't, maybe you could hide the fact with a little vegemite? (From the land up over.)
I do like them...but evenly tanned is great also. A teeny bikini tan does tend to focus my attention, while exemplifying just how tan she has become.
If MrsK wold be willing to go topless or get a full (no tan--lines) I'd be a happy man...but, since she won't. well....I think her tan-lines are hot.

and since L.E. has a deftly horrible file sharing size... I can't show them.
Strictly no-no for me - much prefer an all over tan rather than glowing signposts for the best bits of a woman's body ;-)
im not big on tanned women anyways. i love really light skinned women. but....if i were to choose, tan lines gross me out
I like them. It's a voyeur thing. By definition if you have tan lines the portion inside the tan line wasn't covered by your bathing suit, ergo im not suposed to see it.

For some reason though I prefer tan lines when you're more or less dressed in other words you have tan lines from a more full coverage swimsuit or your swimsuit is shifted over to display the tan line.

If it'll make you feel better about going to the effort of not sunbathing in the nude.... you could start a thread here displaying your results that way you can have more horny voyeuristic perverts deriving self pleasure there from.
I prefer no tanlines, as well. It's sexier to think that they've been tanning nude. I don't mind slight ones, but I dislike really stark ones.
I always think it's hot when a thicker woman has tan lines. It means you know she is confident about her body and likes showing it off.
I've got a big thing for tan lines, and I even wrote a story revolving around it.

I think the appeal is that it brings out, and provides more contrast, to a woman's naughty parts. Like if a woman is tanned her tank top opens a little when she bends over, and she has a bikini tan line (with pale skin) peaking out underneath, that's really hot.
Thanks for all the responses everyone, what a wide variation of opinion! Thanks also to those who gave their reasoning behind liking/disliking tan lines :)

I like 'em. I do, but if you don't, maybe you could hide the fact with a little vegemite? (From the land up over.)

Bahaha, maybe if I rub it in enough!

If it'll make you feel better about going to the effort of not sunbathing in the nude.... you could start a thread here displaying your results that way you can have more horny voyeuristic perverts deriving self pleasure there from.

Sorry, I can't do that. The other half gets pretty possessive over me (which I quite like) is not willing to share me under any circumstances.