Tall English beardy man seeks complete opposite

Thanks very much for the warm welcome and the PMs everybody! Everyone seems pretty lovely so far :)
Ah, time differences can be overcome with late nights and naughty early mornings! How is everyone today, any other Londoners enjoying the respite from crap weather?
Feel free to message me on yahoo, henryjr1986
That ad definitely deserves a bump for originality, wit and English charm! :D
Hey, people are lovely here huh? Had loads of nice messages so far, got completely distracted at work too, which is a good thing. :D
hmmm let's see.......tall? not even close. Bearded? I have a beard of sorts, prolly more than most men have but mine is not on my face so that's a no also, not born in England and don't have guy parts so I guess I am the complete opposite. Is this a contest and if so what did I win? :D
Well thanks, I can be super cute when I want to be. I'm usually ruggedly handsome of course.

I have the day off today after working a full 10 days in a row, so if anybody is around I'd love to meet you x
Hi, good afternoon/morning/evening depending on your point of view.
Just checking in to see if there was anybody with a little time on their hands who fancied a chat? :) x
Hey, how's everyone today?

Just checking if there was anybody that fancied hanging out this afternoon. Also, I have some new pics up here if anybody is curious ;) xx


From one tall Beardy british man to another, the world needs more of us.
Got asked the strangest question about mine on Saturday night, "do you wash it?", was surprised when i said yes, She then asked if she could get a sniff.

Got the nose buried right in there.
There are some lovely peculiar people out there :D