Taking You Down


Literotica Guru
Sep 2, 2013
Taking You Down (closed)

(closed to PIX)

Bree Andal only had a few minutes left before she was going to present, and that insufferable man had just sabotaged her. Not that that wasn't usual. They did that to each other if only to show their boss that they're better than the other. A Vice President position was at stake and neither could afford to look bad in any way shape or form. Both of them were highly skilled and amazing at what they do. In truth, their skill at managing the business was on equal terms, though they did have different strength, which made it difficult for their boss to decide. And this presentation was the deciding factor.


Shit. No more time to fix the rest. Bree took what she could and saved it on her external drive before running to the elevator. Her high stiletto heels and short pencil skirt didn't stop her from running quickly and catching the elevator before it closed. And there, right beside her was the most hateful creature on the face of the earth. But she ignored her. No, he wasn't worth her time. Quickly, she took her dark, curly hair and tied it up in a neat ponytail and brought out her compact to make sure that she looked good enough for the presentation.

Actually, she always did look good. For some reason, she always seemed like she was fresh out of...well, freshening up. Her clothes only need a little pulling to be inn order and there was nothing out of place to reveal more of her slender, shapely legs. Her buttons were all intact holding in her ample, but not overly stuffed, breasts and her skirt wasn't too tight as to make her ass look sluttier than it already was.

Once she was sure she was alright, she straightened and continued to pretend he didn't exist. She had to admit, he scored one on her with the presentation. She only hoped she was the one who got the idea of bribing the IT department head and messed up his files, but she would bounce back from this. Tomorrow, they would decide who the Vice President would be and Bree could already see her name in the announcement. Then she would make his life hell.

She was not nervous at all, of course. It was just a matter of being the right person for the job. Unfortunately, both of them seemed the right person for the job as much as she hated to admit it. And she would not let Yale down by losing to this...pig!
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Grey Walters stood on the elevator next to his most heated rival. It was not just the fact Bree Andal was his most tenacious competitor at the company, but throughout his entire life, Grey never was linked to someone for so long fighting tooth and nail to get ahead. Sure, he had seen plenty of competition at Columbia, vying for the valedictorian spot, that Grey eventually won, and of course many men throughout his life, fighting over the same women, but Grey always came out on top. Bree was different though. Not only had he never met a woman who was such tough competition, he had never met anyone who stayed neck-and-neck with him for so long. If not for file fiasco he masterminded, Bree might have already stole the VP job from him, but the sabotage might have just been the nail in her coffin.

Grey stood a good six or seven inches above Bree, and filled out his expertly tailored suit with the right muscles being shown off under the fine Italian fabrics. His subtly applied Dior cologne wafted throughout the small, enclosed elevator. His thick, dark brown hair was combed into a side part as he held his tasteful leather briefcase.

As the elevator dinged Grey leaned over to the woman trying so hard not to acknowledge him.

"Good luck," he said sarcastically with a smirk as he walked over to his desk in the room filled with young people at desks on phones and computers working ferociously.
Bree snarled behind Grey, letting him get off the elevator first, fanning his perfume away fro her face. She didn't have anything against Dior--in fact, she loved the scent--but everything he did just galled at her. Even his breathing. "Asshole," she hissed loud enough for him to hear, but soft enough for anyone else not to notice.

Finally the elevator reached her stop and she gave her presentation. Overall, it was above average, as usual and the board and the president commended her for that. Unfortunately, her data was lacking on the screen and that was where they bombarded her with questions. Why wasn't it finished? Where were the documents? What was the proof to her claims? She answered each end every question with finesse, but she could feel it--that sinking feeling that she had finally lost after fighting so hard. She felt it even as they congratulated her with smiles on their faces and invites to go out to dinner. Offers that she declined. All she wanted to do was go home and get a nice hot bath and forget the worst day of her life.

At least she was right about one thing: Gray was a complete and total jerk! And she would make sure that if he got the job, she would make him look bad. there would be no way in hell she would go down without fighting, and he certainly could not do anything about that!

Office hours came and went until the day of the announcement arrived. The party black-tie was attended by all of the employees working at the company and there were many who wished her good luck. It was good to know she had a lot of people on her side as she avoided Grey at all costs, talking to the heads of the company with a charming smile that complimented her red cocktail dress that was sexy, but didn't push the boundaries of decency.
Grey was holding a flute of champagne in his right hand as he chatted with some of the board members. He told them all an anecdote from his junior year at Columbia which made the members laugh. Grey flashed his toothy smile as he stood comfortably in the Gucci tux he bought months ago when the VP position had opened up. He didn't just buy it for that special occasion, he bought for all of the black tie events that a newly minted executive would have to attend over the coming years.

The CEO went on stage to the podium and got everyone's attention by speaking into the microphone. After a tiny bit of feedback, the CEO began giving his speech. He thanked the former VP who had retired and talked about how integral the position was and how he trusted all of their employees which is why he and the board decided it would be best to keep the new hire in-house.

"After months of careful deliberation," the CEO said with calculated seriousness. "We are proud to name, Grey Walters, as our new Vice President."

Grey was not surprised, but he was relieved it was now official. He graciously took the stage and waved to a few of the board members and flashed a thumbs up. Grey took the podium and gave a speech where he vaguely talked about preparing for the future, and how he hopes to make the company ahead of the curve. Then he thanked the board, the CEO, and his fellow employees. He then saw Bree in the crowd wearing her red cocktail dress and gestured towards her.

"And I especially wanted to thank, Ms. Bree Andal," he said gushingly. "Since we both started working here at the same time, her tireless drive and incomparable skill has pushed me to where I am now, and I look forward to working with you for a long time in the future."

Grey then asked everyone to raise their glasses to Bree and toast. Everyone did and applauded. The CEO shook Grey's hand and the new VP walked off the stage and was greeted by several people.
Bree downed the contents of the champagne in her hand in one go as Grey's name was announced. The position was hers and he took it away in the most sneaky and despicable manner. That presentation really hurt her chances and that devious little, annoying prick was rewarded for a successful sabotage. She wanted to hurl the empty glass toward him, but she kept her calm and composure. And that was a good thing too, as he suddenly mentioned him and people looked at her.

Keeping her temper in check, she smiled at him and raised an empty glass as if she was being a good sport about her loss. As all the attention went back to him, she walked away toward the restroom hearing snatches of conversations from the girls. Some talked about seducing their boss to get a higher pay and others were plotting to make him theirs and make their lives better. She turned up her nose at them and checked herself in the mirror to see if she was still looking as composed and graceful as ever.

Bree couldn't deny that Grey was a looker. He was a dreamboat in every sense of the word if he wasn't such an ass. Unfortunately, she was the only one in the company who knew that side of him, and she didn't tell anyone because, quite frankly, she was the same toward him. But then again, he was the one who started it all. He was the reason she became a bitch to him.

Satisfied that she was looking good, she walked up to him, her dress tracing every luscious curve of her body. "Congratulations," she extended him a hand. "I hope you won't have any difficulties with those under you." She smiled at him, but the threat was there for him to understand. She would make his life hell for him and she was declaring it to his face. "You can always count on me, of course," to be the one behind it, she added in her head.
"I'm glad you said I can always count on you, Bree," Grey said with smirk that signaled he was obviously hiding something behind it. "Because I wanted to get a head start on the Flint account before our conference call on Monday. So I am going in tomorrow, on Saturday, at 9 in the morning, and I expect my most valued employee to be there as well. A lot of work to do this weekend, Bree, so go easy on the champagne."

Grey gave her a smile and walked off. For the rest of the night he talked with bosses, investors, and board members. He was charming and didn't imbibe too much throughout the night and made his way to the valet.

As he was getting his car, a lovely receptionist approached Grey.

"So, congratulations Mr. Walters," the receptionist lauded him.

"Thank you, Tiffany, did you have fun tonight?" Grey asked, not caring too much what her answer was. He could tell what she was after, and it wasn't a road he was stupid enough to go down.

"I have, but I was thinking there is more fun to be had elsewhere," she responded in predictable fashion.

"Well, Tiffany, I hope you find what you're looking for, good night," Grey said as he got into his car and drove away.

It wasn't that he didn't find Tiffany attractive, he did. However, he didn't want to take on too much that he couldn't handle right away. A dalliance with a subordinate would definitely throw a wrench into his machine, especially if things turned sour. Although he found many of his employees attractive, he didn't want to risk all that he had gained. He knew that if he was to engage in a relationship, it would have to be one where he knew discretion and security would be in his control.
Bree smiled nodding, but inside, she seethed. No good will ever come of his plots and his words reeked of a plot. Bit more than that, his first directive as a vice president was to order her to work on a Saturday!

"His most valued employee, my ass!" She muttered too low for anyone to hear. She turned around to find one of the members of the board suddenly in front of her. She held her chest startled. "Sorry, sir. I didn't see you there."

"No, I'm sorry I startled you. And I'm sorry it didn't work out for you." The old man smiled at her.

"It was the last presentation, wasn't it?"

He nodded. "If it's any consolation, you're still my favorite girl." His hand held her shoulder, and not exactly in a friendly manner.

Bree would have snapped his nose off if he wasn't her boss. But unfortunately, the lecher held her pay and her job, so she couldn't. Instead, she chose to be diplomatic. "Sir, I know the party is still in full swing, but our new Vice President just told me we have work early tomorrow. Maybe we can chat more after?"

The board member didn't hide his disappointment. "I understand. I'll be seeing you soon then."

"Of course," she nodded to him and went home, images of breaking the old man's neck running through her mind. The old man wasn't the only lecher in the company, but he was the boldest if only because he held so much power. She had put off sleeping with him for as long as she could, and soon, it was time to break it. First she have to prove to be invaluable to Grey before breaking it off with the board director. That way, no matter what happened she would still keep her job. And then, when they were all complacent, she would strike.

She would have liked to strike sooner but she was in between a rock and a hard place. A Blitz attack wouldn't do. She had to take slow and steady baby steps or else, she would find her throat slit and her career in flames. She heard what he did to those who refused his advances. Ew! She would sooner sleep with the janitor. Now he had a nice body, if a tad bit on the air-headed side.

Why did she have to deal with this old lecher on top of Grey?


The next morning, she went to the office as Grey instructed, but thirty minutes late if only to tell Gray that he didn't hold her completely in his grasp, even with his new position. She was dressed in her usual pencil skirt and blouse, her hair in a ponytail. She knocked on Grey's new office door and came in without waiting for his call to come in.

"So, what about the Flint account?" she asked, arms crossed under her breasts.
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Grey arrived at the office earlier than when he told people to come in. He really wanted to get a head start on his first big project. The Flint project was one that could make a career, and just be the gateway to a much brighter future. However, there was a second side to that coin. It could also be a career ender if things went south, and that is why he felt he needed absolute control over the project and the people under him. Grey knew he couldn't afford any mishaps, and when the clock struck 9, and Grey had been sitting in the office for an hour, he was not at all pleased to see that Bree had yet to arrive.

Around 9:15, Grey strolled around the empty office to see if Bree was off somewhere, making coffee or settling in, but there was no sign of her. Grey went back to his office and poured over some documents. He figured he would call her at 10 if there was still no sign of her.

Then the call was rendered moot when a surly Bree Andal walked into Grey's office.

"So, what about the Flint account?" she asked, arms crossed under her breasts.

Grey tried to collect himself. He figured her tardiness was nothing more than some form of adolescent rebellion, but it still pissed him off.

"What about the Flint account?" Grey asked sarcastically. "What about the Flint account? Let me tell about it. It's extremely important, and needs to be your, as well as my, number one priority. And I don't just mean number one priority while we're here, no. This has to be your number one priority in life. So give it the proper respect it deserves, and come in on time. Maybe not have those last few drinks, and get a good night's sleep. Do I make myself clear, Bree?"
Bree shrugged. "Sure." She acted as if things were no big deal to her, hiding the fact that she was going to really focus on this. But if she could unnerve and rattle Gray, then she would do all she can for it. "Just don't get your panties in a twist." She sat in front of him and pulled out her tablet. "So, what are we going to do?"

Bree took in the papers on his desk, scanning and her eyes leaping from paper to paper, assessing where he was. In her mind, she was scheming where she could possibly pull the rug from under him and get the credit for herself. She put notes in her tablet about where she could do such things and then focused on Grey's face waiting for what he wanted to say or do.
Grey swiveled a bit in his oversized, leather office chair. Part of him told himself that his rivalry with Bree should probably subside given that he finally got the promotion, but every other part of him was screaming to take her down. She was, after all, one of the most smug human beings that Grey had come across, and the fact that she attended Yale, where he was rejected, wore on him.

So Grey gave her an essential, yet very mundane task. "You go through their last ten tax filings, and make sure our valuation of them is accurate. Meanwhile, I will be working on how to manage their portfolio, understood?"

Grey leaned back with a childish smirk on his face.
Tax filings? She hated tax filings! He was just really doing this to irk her! But nevertheless, she knew they were important. So even if the work set her teeth on edge, she went over to the cabinet and rummaged through the files, calculator in hand.

She sat silent as she looked them over and checked for any errors, crossing a number once which caused a chain reaction in the entire computation. She growled and continued to correct the mstake. Whoever did it was certainly going to hear from her. Oh the mistake could easily be overlooked, but still! This was an accountant's job and they should have seen it. Not her. For crying out loud, this had already gone through the head of the finance department and they still didn't see it?

It was noon when she finished, judging by the way the sun moved in the office. Grunting, she took the file to Grey and dropped it on his desk. "Someone is definitely going to get an earful for this." If Grey bothered to look at the file, he would see the difference of almost $1.8 million.
Once Bree had left with the tax filings Grey sat in his new, corner office admiring the surroundings: the solid oak desk, the small matching conference table and chairs, the office credenza with its built-in refrigerator. He had truly arrived, the goal that he had held since he joined the firm. And, on top of that he had bested his hated rival, Bree. True, he had partly won by sabotaging her presentation with help for the corrupt IT guy, but that was only the final straw. He had fended off her maneuvers as well over many years.

The Flint account was important; he hadn't lied about that to Bree. In fact, if she was not so humiliated by being passed over and stuck with the firm, success on the Flint account would help her as well. Of course, he would make sure that she never surpassed him, but it would be good for both of them.

However, there was something that he hadn't told her: Today's work was really not the absolute beginning of work on Flint. The CEO had told him three weeks ago that the VP job was his, as long as Bree didn't suddenly shine through. He had given Grey materials on the proposal that the firm had submitted to Flint in order to get the account. Grey had been able to do considerable work in advance, and in private. With just a few hours of work, most of which he could do at home, he would be ready for Monday's presentation. That it was urgent to work on Saturday was just an ruse to be able to issue a command to Bree that he had not been able to do when they were co-equals.

Someone is definitely going to get an earful for this.

Grey gave one of the fake smiles that he often gave to Bree. He was sure she would see his expression for what it really was. Behind the smile, though, he was seething. "Shit! She found the nearly $2 million error that I inserted in the copy I gave her." He had hoped that she would miss it, giving him the excuse to really dress her down.

Grey took the files with a perfunctory "Thank you", then added. "It will take me about an hour to check over your work. Go to lunch if you want, but be back here by 1:00." He smiled to himself as he watched her lovely ass leave through his door.

He had a quandary, though. When she returned, he would have to acknowledge that she found this mistake. How do to do this and still press on with his campaign to further deflate her? The game was changing some; he needed to readjust.
"It will take me about an hour to check over your work. Go to lunch if you want, but be back here by 1:00."

Check over her work? She tried not to let the insult show. As if her work needed double checking. She kept a straight face and shrugged as she walked out the door.

Part of her felt that he was still trying to sabotage her. Everything was impeccable and the error was hidden well. It could be an oversight, but still. She shook her head. Probably an oversight. There was no reason why he should still take her down.

Walking over to the office vending machine, she took a can of cold chocolate and sipped it bit by bit. It was one of the things that calmed her. It might not be the adult thing to do, but there were just times when you had to be a kid to calm down.

As she bought her lunch, she considered about getting Grey some. After all, he was staying behind to work. Although it was a little insulting, it was still his job to actually check that things were going right. He is now a true boss, after all...no matter how it grated at her.

Well, probably not lunch. That would be too generous. Taking a sandwich and a bottle of water with her, she went back into the office and tossed them on his desk. 1pm on the dot.

"Just giving credit to where credit is due," she said defensively. "Don't think too much about it."
Having found that Bree had discovered the error that he had inserted Grey concluded that he didn't actually need to do any more checking. While Bree was out getting lunch he tried to concentrate on the few hours of work that he needed to do to be ready for Monday's presentation, but his mind kept drifting back to thinking about her. Pushing aside, at least momentarily, the competitive rage that he felt whenever he saw or thought about her Grey realized that he had never doubted her competences; she was good. No, damn it, she was really good. To be honest, she was as good as he. As much as he would have liked to humiliate her, he needed her work on the Flint account in order for him to score his success. That required more than just a grumbling "thank you".

Grey was still pondering what to do when Bree returned and entered his office without knocking. Bree's tossing the sandwich and water on his desk took him aback. What the fuck? Still, he realized, he couldn't afford to not be gracious, notwithstanding her flip remark.

Taking a quiet, deep breath he replied, "Uh...thank you, Bree. That's very thoughtful. Per your request, I won't think too much about it."

As Bree turned to leave Grey swallowed hard and added, "Um...your work, Bree, on finding that nearly two million dollar error was very good. As your superior, you know, I do have to review your work but I have always respected your competence even though we...well... have not been on very good terms. I only now need to wrap up a couple of things, so you are...um...free to go and enjoy your afternoon."

Grey thought that he might have struck the right tone but when Bree actually turned to leave, showing off once again her glorious ass outlined by that pencil skirt she always somehow managed to wear, some feeling rolled over him that he couldn't name.

On an impulse that he didn't even see coming in himself, he added: "Bree, uh, hold on for a moment. I actually have only about an hour's worth of work to do here in the office before Monday. As a new boss that hopefully understands the need to express well-deserved thanks with more than just a word, how about if you let me buy you a glass of wine at the little bistro on the corner at about 2:00. I'll understand if you're not free, no pressure, but I'd like to say 'thank you' a little more concretely."
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Bree spun around as he called her back, trying not to raise her eyebrow at the invitation. What was that all about? That could not be a real invitation, could it? A million things ran through her head. And then it hit her. There was still the presidential position down the road and Grey was playing the long game.

He knew how capable she was. He knew how invaluable she was under him. With her at his belt, he could make himself look even more stellar. She had to hand it to him. He almost had her.

But at this point, it was not a game she could win, so retaliation was not an option. For now, she will play along. See what his true plans are, then turn it on it head and then flip him. Besides wine at 2pm with (as much as she hated to admit it) a hot guy was not so bad. Every girl in the office would kill for an opportunity to be taken out by Grey. And if he wasn't such big competition, she would have found this romantic. But with who they were and how they stood, this was thrilling in a James Bond spying sort of way.

"Fine. 2 o'clock. You know you owe me," she grinned and stepped back out, ass swaying naturally.

With nothing else to do, she went to a cafe and ordered some cheescake to pass the time as she went on social media until she found she was stalking Grey. Damn, that man was handsome. And, as she scrolled down his photos, built like a god in his swimwear. She was about to ask herself why the man was still single and she shook her head grinning.

"He's an asshole, that's why," she said to herself.

At 2 pm, she was at the bistro to find that Gray wasn't yet there, but had made the reservation. She went to the table and waited for him, knowing he wouldn't be long. And even if he was, she'd just binge on whatever was here and put it on his tab.
Fine. 2 o'clock. You know you owe me.

Bree's not-very-subtle one-upmanship in response to his impulsive invitation didn't surprise Grey. He was more surprised that she had accepted. But, what really surprised him was that he had made the offer to begin with. "What the fuck was I thinking of?", he muttered to himself loud enough that Bree would have heard him if she hadn't moved quickly down the hall. "Shit! In the #MeToo era she could even claim harassment if I'm not careful," he scolded himself.

Grey decided that he had to play it as the self-assured, competent junior executive. Meet her at the appointed time, maybe just a minute or two late so as to not seem too eager, have a casual, business-like conversation over one glass of wine each, then repeat his appreciation for her work, then get the hell out of there, but without seeming anxious.

Grey didn't have a change of clothes at work but he was able to leave his suit jacket and tie in his car, allowing him to unbutton the top button of his starched, white shirt and roll up his sleeves to mid forearm. Looking in the mirror in the men's room he noted that his three trips to to the beach this year had left him nicely tanned over his whole body, except for the parts covered by his swimsuit. "At least," he mused, "I'll look like the handsome corporate executive. Now, all I have to do is act like one."

Entering the bistro he immediately saw Bree, eating what appeared to be cheesecake and being engrossed looking up something on her phone. He had to admit it, she looked every bit the part of a hot, successful business woman. "Damn," he thought, "if I came in here and didn't know her I probably coldn't resist trying to hit on her.

Moving calmly, Grey strode over to the table where Bree was sitting, lightly placing a hand on the table, and said, "Hi, Bree. I'm glad you could make it. Let's get the server over here with the wine list."
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"Hi, Bree. I'm glad you could make it. Let's get the server over here with the wine list."

Bree quickly turned off the screen on her phone hoping he didn't see her checking him out as she looked up at him appearing casual and composed. Her eyes quickly went from his face to the V of his chest now exposed with his top buttons undone. Now, she felt overdressed in her usual business attire of a blazer, a button down shirt and a pencil skirt in high heels.

"Feeling casual today?" she quipped hiding the sudden attraction that flared up every once in a while. "I could've changed if you told me this was actually a social call. I just thought you weren't capable of having a social life, but you know..." she grinned at him. The barb she threw at him was definitely one borne of old habit. And one that she hoped masked her strange reactions.

"Cheesecake?" She offered him, taking a forkful of her own and slowly sliding out the fork from her lips leaving a trail of the cake on the fork, lips pouted as she let the dessert melt in her mouth down her throat.
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Grey had tried to be well-controlled, having gotten himself into this awkward situation through some impulse that he didn't understand. Greeting Bree with a business-like comment and suggesting that they summon the server immediately was an attempt to set the tone as being something like an informal business meeting.

Feeling casual today? I could've changed if you told me this was actually a social call. I just thought you weren't capable of having a social life, but you know...

Bree's flippant remarks took Grey by surprise. She was almost teasing him. Or, was this just hostility masked as humor? And her damn comments about "casual" and "social call". "Shit!," he thought, "I should have kept my suit jacket on."

Trying to remain calm as he took a seat across from Bree and giving the server who had just arrived his drink order, Grey practiced some quiet deep breathing as Bree ordered her drink. When he had her attention again, he said, "Oh, I just ditched my suit coat in my car; it's kind of warm out and my suit is a little too heavy for this weather."

Grey paused before continuing, but was momentarily distracted by Bree having shifted slightly, drawing his attention to the tightness of her blouse across her firm, sculpted breasts. "No, Bree, don't think of this as a 'social call' as you describe it. And, yes, believe it or not, even though you think I'm an asshole, I do occasionally have a social life. Or, something like one. "

Having retorted to her bard, he continued. "No, inviting you to have a drink is all business. Let's be honest. We have been pretty hostile to one another for a long time, and until now that has stopped me from acknowledging to myself, let alone to you, that your work is very good...no...wait, it's more than that...your work is really excellent. I realize that we will need to work with each other to make the Flint account a success."

Grey's homily was interrupted by the server's arrival with their drinks. That past, Grey continued, "Yes, Bree, that's what this all about. I want to recognize the excellence of your work and how much I can depend on you. In fact, there isn't anyone else that I would want right underneath me."

Grey almost never blushed, but he could feel the reddening rising from his chest to his neck and up to his face. He added quickly, "Uh...I mean...uh...of course being...uh..under my supervision."
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Bree hid her suprise as Grey talked about how he needed her skill. He was actually praising her and, honestly, she didn't buy that one bit. Oh, of course, he needed her. Who else in the company could do what they could do? But he didn't buy the honest praise act, which was cut short by the arrival of the waiter.

She took the wine glass and hid her puzzled expression behind a sip. Should she play along? Turn the tables on him? She put the glass down, expression becoming neutral once again.

"Is that really what this is about?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Bree, that's what this all about. I want to recognize the excellence of your work and how much I can depend on you. In fact, there isn't anyone else that I would want right underneath me."

It all sounded very business-like, but...her mind suddenly spouted an image of her under him. Naked. Man! What was wrong with her? She shook herself mentally even as she felt a tingle run through her.

"Uh...I mean...uh...of course being...uh..under my supervision."

Bree immediately picked up on his cues. His reactions, body language, words and delivery all pointed to one thing. The same thought crossed his mind as it did hers. Perhaps, it could be time for a little attack.

"Why Grey," she said with a little half smirk. "If you don't watch your words, I'd say you're coming onto me. Maybe you have more than just thanking me in mind?" She teased him, taking the last piece of cheesecake and placed it on her tongue just at the edge of her lips before deliberately closing her mouth. She made a face that looked like she was in the at the end of an orgasm, closing her eyes as the cheesecake melted in her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at him wiping her mouth.

"You really should have had a piece. That was absolutely delicious." She smirked at him.

The game she was playing was something that gave her an advantage. The #meToo movement lit up a fire in the asses of everyone in HR at the never ending reminders against men sexually harassing women, which made most of the men at their company walk on eggshells about these things. Including Grey. And while, she could always use the HR as a shield, she was not the kind of person who wouldn't take what she dished out. She wasn't a coward. And that was probably why, with all the sabotage between him and Grey, neither of them had been in HR for any unbecoming behavior. Going to HR was like running behind mommy's skirts after you've flung mud on someone else. But, the severity of the #metoo campaign made sure that every man was at their best, non-sexually suggestive behavior...

A thing which some of the women she knew at the office were a little disappointed at. Because honestly, what woman did not like the attention of a man? What woman did not want a man to notice and pursue her? Which was why stories of after-office hours grew.

"Right," she said, straightening back as if remembering the point of them being there. "Thank you. And, I have to hand it to you. Juggling such a difficult sabotage while doing so well at your own job is not easy. You deserved that promotion."
"Why Grey, if you don't watch your words, I'd say you're coming onto me. Maybe you have more than just thanking me in mind?"

Grey was still blushing and embarrassed and confused by his statement that was something like a Freudian slip when Bree let out with her taunt. His emotions began to oscillate between fear that she would use this against him and anger that she would not have just let it pass. Uncommonly, Grey was momentarily speechless, only dimly processing that she was vamping him with her sensuous eating of her cheesecake.

Right. Thank you. And, I have to hand it to you. Juggling such a difficult sabotage while doing so well at your own job is not easy. You deserved that promotion.

Grey's emotions now coalesced into rage. Granted, his praise for her abilities was somewhat self-serving but it was genuine. Yet, here she was mocking him. What the fuck? He could feel his face reddening again, but this time the color change reflected anger.

The dam burst. "Fuck you!," Grey snarled, not with the yelling of someone out-of-control but with the firm voice that conveys deep hostility. "I thought meeting with you in a nice spot, sharing a drink or two, and conveying my genuine regard for your abilities might re-set our working relationship, but instead you've reverted to the conceited asshole that I have always thought you were. "

Grey stood up abruptly, throwing two $20's on the table to cover their tab. Slamming his hand on the table and leaning in close enough that Bree could feel his hot breath, he said, "On Monday when you come into the office - assuming that you haven't quit yet - you had fucking better be every bit the poised professional, willing to work with me on the Flint account in a dispassionate way, because if you bring in any of the shit that you've just shown, you'll find that gorgeous ass of your sitting on the sidewalk unemployed, tight pencil skirt and all."

By the time Grey got to his car he was shaking so hard that he wasn't sure that he could drive. He sat behind the wheel trying to calm himself down. Surprisingly, through his anger floated the vision of what it might be like not only to see what was only hinted at under Bree's tight-fitting clothing but what it might be like to actually have her under him. "Fuck that," he told himself, "and fuck her," then adding "Oh, fuck everything."
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Bree blinked as Grey exploded and walked out in a huff. Normally, the man would have some sort of barb or retort to answer her, but he...seemed genuinely pissed off. Did she miscalculate? was he actually mean everything he said?

She sat back stoic feeling every eye on her after his outburst. A murmur buzzing among the crowd. The scene he caused was very embarrassing, especially since everyone around their table heard him. It could have been worse, the whole bistro could have known what he said with every eye turned to them after he slammed the table. The only reason not everyone did was because he didn't shout out his words.

Trying to hide her embarrassment, she downed her drink and went out of the bistro intending to relax before Monday.

On Sunday though, her thoughts were preoccupied with Grey as she took her yoga, ate brunch and walked around the park. The thing was, she couldn't shake off some of the words he said. Specifically, "gorgeous ass" and "tight pencil skirt". Had he been checking her out? Had she really affected him to the point he'd unconsciously blurt it out even in his anger? Oh she knew he wouldn't have any qualms about firing her. And while she had a lot of prospects in other companies, having a resume that said she was "fired" was a big smudge that wouldn't go away.

Part of her wanted to be at her best behavior because she was a professional and she might have been wrong about his intentions, but another part of her wanted to get back at him after embarrassing her at the bistro.

Come Monday, Bree looked at herself in the mirror, dark hair tied behind her, looking every bit as professional as her usual self...except for a few minor changes. Her blouse under her blazer was tighter than usual stretching over her ample breasts. The pencil skirt that usually came to her knees were halfway up her thighs, though not as tight, dodging the standard office "slutty look" no-no by a small margin. Of course she'd help with the Flint account and be professional and mechanical about everything. But she didn't promise she wouldn't be distracting.

Oh Bree knew he checked her out. Distracting him and making him crave what he can't have would be all the revenge she would need. He definitely wouldn't have a reason to fire her. Ha!

Grinning to herself, she headed out of her house and came to the office every bit the confident manager she was. She made her way to the small office she had and paused glaring at Grey's new big room. Sighing, she went to her office and started to work.

With the documents done, she took them and entered Grey's room without knocking. A small and petty defiance, but something that wouldn't escape his notice.

"Here are the documents you need for the file," she said handing him the papers, one hand pressed on the table pressing against the side of her breast emphasizing it as she leaned over. Every movement was casual and seemingly non-suggestive, but if he looked at the right places, well! It was obvious what kind of assets she had underneath.
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Grey finally calmed down enough to drive back to his apartment. It was good that he had left his suit jacket in the car because he discovered that his shirt was soaking wet from perspiration, not sweat from heat, sweat from emotion. Showering, he changed into casual clothes for the rest of the evening. Ordinarily on a Saturday he would have gone out to a bar for a burger and a couple of beers, but he just wasn't in the mood. He microwaved some leftovers for dinner.

What bothered Grey most was why he had gotten so furious with Bree. God knows, they had traded barbs many times and it didn't ever have this much effect. Her comment about him working so hard as sabotage should not have been a shock either. Granted, she had never previously accused him of it, but he was pretty sure that she had always known that he had sabotaged her presentation.

With his anger somewhat abated, Grey tried to calmly replay the scene up to the point at which he exploded. Reluctantly, he concluded that all of her comments might have been more of a tease, though a barbed one, than something sharply hostile. So, what did bother him so?

In part, he decided, what bothered him was that at least in his mind his praise for Bree's work was genuine. He had only recently come to that conclusion, so that, combined with their history, may have made her see his comments as an artifice. He actually had hoped, though self-serving, that they could begin to have a dispassionate working relationship. Her actions suggested otherwise, but maybe he was wrong and he had now poisoned the well further.

Laying on his living area couch and turning this all over in his mind, Grey was sure that there was more beyond the taking him as genuine thing, but he still couldn't name it. Odd, though, he realized that he was getting the beginnings of an erection. What the fuck? Well, that did sometimes happen when he was really worked up, so maybe that's all that that was.

Returning to work Monday in his fresh, pressed suit Grey quietly took his place in his large, corner office. He wanted Bree to come to him, partly because such symbolizes her subordinate position and partly because, for some reason, he was a little nervous about seeing her.

Grey almost laughed when Bree entered his office without knocking. She was, if nothing else, predictable in some ways. She was not some filly that would easily be broken. But, that thought was quickly replaced by another. It seemed as though Bree looked hotter than usual, maybe just his still emotionally revved up state.

Here are the documents you need for the file.

Then, he noticed the specifics, the tighter-than-usual blouse, her ubiquitous pencil skirt, but this one substantially shorter than usual. And, to top that off, a posture that was meant to be alluring. "Shit!", Grey thought, "Bree's vamping me. Holy fuck! The chutzpuh of this woman!"

What to do? He had to do something now or she would have the upper hand for quite a while. He decided on a frontal assault. Taking the papers and laying them on the desk he rose slowly. Given her posture leaning over his desk, their faces nearly touched as he rose.

"Bree," he said calmly, gesturing to the chair on the other side of his desk, "please sit down". As she did so, so did he. "I lost my temper badly at the bistro on Saturday and caused a public scene. As you know, I'm usually more controlled even when I'm angry. You threw what I thought were hostile words at me, but you and I have had similar interactions before and I have usually kept control of my emotions. I don't know what got into me. I don't apologize for all of my thoughts but I do apologize for creating a public scene. "

He paused, gathering his words, "That said, I want you to know that I can see what you're doing this morning. I have seen how you usually dress and how you're dressed now. Interesting tactic in our war; it's not going to work. How about we call a truce? What do you say?
The wheels in Bree's head started turning as Grey spoke. A truce? And yet, he admits that they were still at war. Part of Bree would be happy about the truce. No more extra effort. No more devious tactics. But on the other hand, she still couldn't let go of the fact that she could have gotten the position he had if she wasn't sabotaged in the first place. If he thought that was easily forgivable...

"Hmmm...so you say." She grinned tapping her lips as she stood. "You say it's not working, but we have to wonder," her hand glided on his desk as she walked around it toward him, "you say you're always in control, but admit it," she leaned toward his ear as she bent over, left hand on the table as her right snaked across his shoulder along his back to his ear. "You're checking me out and that's what's making you lose control," she whispered, making sure that her hot breath spread from his ear to his neck as her thumb and forefinger played with his other earlobe.

And then suddenly, she was gone, standing straight and started walking backwards to the door. "Talk to me about a truce when you're ready to hand over your position. Or you can lose enough control, make mistakes and I get the job. And well, we both know that I'm not sabotaging you at all. I'm doing my job like a good employee and just being a woman. That's all." She grinned and turned around ass swaying provocatively as she headed toward the door.
Grey was aghast once again. Bree had not merely vamped him, she was violating every piece of the corporate code on sexual harassment. As he watched her lovely ass swaying down the hall, he dedicated himself to putting this aside for the moment and concentrating on his work.

It didn't work. Grey could scarcely think of anything other than her outrageous, ballsy taunt for the rest of the day. By late afternoon he gave up, told his administrative assistant to hold all calls except any from the CEO and closed and locked his office door. He needed to think of a way to counter Bree's assault. This wouldn't, he knew, be easy.

Grey began to consider his options. An obvious one was to file a formal complaint with HR. The problem with this, he decided, would be that it would end up being "he said, she said". He might be able to prevail, but in the company court of public opinion, he'd be lucky with a draw.

A more feasible option crossed his mind. He was one of three vice presidents, each heading a division. He could ask the CEO to transfer Bree to one of the other two units, simply telling the CEO that after years of he and Bree competing for the VP job, they just couldn't work as a team. He wouldn't even have to imply anything bad about her and, in fact, his claim would be truthful. Having Bree transferred to another division would solve his daily problem; they would see each other only seldom. To be sure, losing her talent would be a big blow, but he could work around that over time.

This idea was so practical and had so much promise that Grey actually began to relax a bit. He began to send an e-mail to the CEO's administrative assistant to schedule an appointment at the CEO's earliest convenience. Half-way through typing the e-mail, Grey stopped. It didn't feel right. He was treating this as an employee-relations problem. It wasn't that. This was personal and Bree had just upped the stakes considerably. Her move had to be countered with equal force. But how?

Grey mulled all of this over for a good hour or so. Then, it struck him. He'd turn the tables on her precisely. She was using sexual attraction as her weapon; this could wash both ways. A big, shit-eating grin crossed Grey's face as a plan formed itself in his mind.

Ducking quietly out of his office he sped back to his apartment. Unlike women in the corporate world, he was constrained to wearing a conventional suit; he couldn't wear clothes that were as alluring as Bree had done, but he was not without some options. Arriving home he quickly showered, shaved for the second time that day, and dug into his closet to find the light blue dress shirt that he had bought before he had started working out to build upper body strength. Donning the shirt and tie he felt like he was wearing straight jacket, but the upper body muscle mass that he had acquired over the past year was clearly visible through the tight-fitting shirt, arms, chest, the works. As an added touch he applied a very small amount of expensive men's cologne on his face and neck.

Returning to his office, he sent an e-mail to Bree informing her that he had read the documents that she had prepared and that her work was excellent. However, he noted, there was some detailed material on page 19 that he didn't quite understand. He ended his e-mail thusly: I'm going to be tied up for the rest of the afternoon. Please stop by my office at 6:00 so that you can explain the material to me. My administrative assistant will have already left for the day, please feel free to just come right in to my office.

When Bree arrived at the appointed time, Grey gestured for her to take a seat at his small conference table. Making a show of closing his office door, he laid a copy of her report on the table. Standing next to her he mimicked her earlier movements, sliding his hand across the back of her tight blouse and leaning over so that he could speak directly into her ear, all of the time making sure that his hip was pressed against her side.

"So, Bree," he began with a tone that was just short of a snarl, "there's two things that you need to understand. First, I won, you lost. You claim that I obtained the VP position through sabotage, but you don't have any actual proof of that, now do you? Do you actually think that Brenden, our CEO who chose me, is going to take your word over mine? That would make him look bad now, wouldn't it?"

Grey paused only briefly, moving even closer, making sure that his muscled arms were clearly visible to Bree, letting the cologne do its magic. "Second, you should know that I have never lost any serious competition that I was in, not in grade school, not in high school, not at Columbia. And, I'm not going to lose this one either. So, if you want to engage in a contest to see who can drive the other one so crazy with sexual allure that he or she cries out "I give", bring it on. I'll leave you with panties so wet you'll have to swim home."

Given that Bree was still seated Grey walked confidently, sat down in his chair and said softly, "Now, get the fuck out of my office."
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Six. Grey wanted her to be at the office at 6. Of course, it had to be after office hours. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to check on her computer what was in page 19. She read and re-read it. It was pretty straightforward. Of course, business jargon notwithstanding, everything was pretty basic. Which means only one thing: Grey wanted something else. She didn't want to assume that Grey was going to immediately act on his male instincts, but at least she had the assurance that she knew enough of self-defense to immobilize him if he did do anything.

At 6, she went into Grey's room and her eyebrows arched at his appearance. Well, damn. He was using the two-can-play-at-this-game tactic. Not that she minded. That shirt traced every delicious outline of him but it's not enough to distract her.

She sat down and listen to him as she took a whiff of his cologne. Nice. She liked that scent. She also liked the feel of his hard muscles against her. Felt the ends of her hair stand where his touch left a trail almost making her shudder. As he spoke in her ear, she couldn't help but shiver as she felt his warm breath on her. But his words stopped her from reveling in his attention. Say...what?

Then he was gone from her side, sitting in front of her every bit the confident boss.

"Now, get the fuck out of my office."

Bree stood and went to the door but stopped and turned back to him before she turned the handle, smirking at him. "You think that's how this is, huh? Well, all I can say is I'm sorry you can't get what you're salivating after. Because unlike you, I can walk away, while you have to keep your hard on a secret before getting out of the office. Besides, you've lost as many times to me as I did to you. Maybe I didn't win this position, but as you know, nothing is permanent. And when you make a mistake because you need to jack off so much, I'll be here waiting to take your place like a good employee." She gave him a flying kiss and closed the door behind her as she headed home.

Honestly, that was one hot man. Perfect if he wasn't such a jackass. And yep, he also had quite an ass himself. Not for the first time, she wondered if she should have just apologized instead. He was being sincere, but there was just part of her that couldn't let this go. She didn't know why...or maybe she did.

Yes, she remembered how he seemed to flirt with the other girls while he saw her as a rival on their first month as employees of the company. As if he were a man. It shouldn't have bothered her, but she had a crush on him and all he saw in her was competition. Come to think of it, she started this intense rivalry, and now, the rivalry was transforming into a different beast--that again she started.

It had to end sooner or later, and she felt that at this stage of the rivalry, when it was going beyond professional lines, the cycle of rivalry will stop when one of them loses. Gritting her teeth, Bree pepped herself that it wouldn't be her. That crush was in years past anyway.