Taking photos of the past is possible.

Well, the article delves into some psuedo-scientific mumbo jumbo, but I did notice several mentions of what could be characterized as seismic related anomolies. That is of interest because at least one lab has create hallucinations of an alien abduction by replicating the electromagnetic fields generated during certain seismic conditions (rocks rubbing together creating the field).

With that knowledge, reading this person's accounts of his encounters with UFOs, and those phenomenon just evaporating - it seems that such a seismic induced hallucination could be an explanation for what he experienced.

The rest of the article, especially where he talks about aliens and alien life, etc. - are just huge leaps in logic, apparently intended to support his conclusions that these phenomenon are alien spaceships.

Me, I find it a lot easier to believe that these are mass hallucinations induced by seismic disturbances.
Of course you can take photos of the past.

hook your webcam up to the Hubble and click away. That's looking into the past, that is
From the article:

"Our nature registers and fixes everything that happens around us. It works like a film. When ‘today’ goes in the past, it is possible to retrieve the ‘photographs’ of the past. It is possible to do that, if a camera manages to catch ultraviolet rays, which cannot be visible to human eyes. I invented such a camera."

And I can create cold fusion if I clap my hands together and believe in faeries.

"According to George Bush, space aliens exist, it is only a question of time, when the humanity gets into contact with them."

Was that in the State of the Union? I must have been peeing.
Using this rationale all pictures are of the past, albeit very recent past.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
And I can create cold fusion if I clap my hands together and believe in faeries.

Just make sure you click your heels together beforehand