taken from behind (A?for the ladies)


Dec 13, 2001
I want my husband to take me for behind with out me asking him to go there? What a woman to do, and I do have a nice behind I must say.:devil:
While I'm sure you have a very nice behind, the one thing that I might suggest is that you let your husband know you'd like this sometime. Talk to him about it. Yeah, I know it takes the spontanaiety out of it but as caring men, we're NOT supposed to take women so aggressively including wives or girlfriends. It's kind of an awkward taboo that we guys are saddled with to avoid lawsuits & the fear of hurting our significant others.

You might want to try using signals to one another that it might be okay. While I'm sure it does take some of the spontaneous combustion out of the moment, it beats you getting seriously surprised or God forbid, hurt accidentally. Or for that matter, you might even end up smacking him one out of reflex!


Good luck with it!;)
Lust Engine always gives great advice...

If you want to give him nonverbal cues... you could always just be on your bed on all fours naked when he gets home... turn around and look at him and say like this today please? and bat your eyelashes...
lilpriss said:
Lust Engine always gives great advice...

If you want to give him nonverbal cues... you could always just be on your bed on all fours naked when he gets home... turn around and look at him and say like this today please? and bat your eyelashes...

Awwww shucks! (kicks sand at feet in a circling motion & blushing)

Many thanks for the compliments lilpriss. I'd also have to say you tend to give a very honest & straight forward opinion from the ladies' point of view. Great advice you give here too.

I sincerely hope that they'll help Xrunner in what she desires from her man.
XrunneR said:
I want my husband to take me for behind with out me asking him to go there? What a woman to do, and I do have a nice behind I must say.:devil:

Nothing wrong with screaming in the throes of passion, "Oh baby, please fuck me from behind............." I don't think any man would say no................
Re: Re: taken from behind (A?for the ladies)

psyche said:
Nothing wrong with screaming in the throes of passion, "Oh baby, please fuck me from behind............." I don't think any man would say no................

I know I sure as heck wouldn't!:devil:
I definitely agree with the waiting on your knees thing....what man wouldn't love to walk in and see his lover waiting on her knees, hot ass all in the air? What I do sometimes to is while I'm on top, I turn around so that I'm riding him backwards....then I slowly ease forward onto my hands so that I end up on all fours....unless he wants to slide out, my lover is usually quick to follow me.....and voila! I end up getting it the way I like it best :)
mytasteislikecandy said:
I definitely agree with the waiting on your knees thing....what man wouldn't love to walk in and see his lover waiting on her knees, hot ass all in the air? What I do sometimes to is while I'm on top, I turn around so that I'm riding him backwards....then I slowly ease forward onto my hands so that I end up on all fours....unless he wants to slide out, my lover is usually quick to follow me.....and voila! I end up getting it the way I like it best :)

You're not the only one who likes that! Wow... it's getting kinda steamy in here isn't it??:cool:
To be honest this is just another thoery into saying how do i ask my partner to go down on me etc, we never need to ask as it comes naturally or we use our hands to guide our partners where we yearn for them to touch us the most....if you want you're partner 2 take you from behind but you don;t wanna ask him then postion you're body into the doggy style, but if ure wanting it up the ass(sorry 2 b blunt there)you have 2 tell him as he may just think you;re being a wee bit kinky n want it up the pussy from there...Try rubbing ure ass hole that may help him to get the idea that is where you want it...but if you've been married awhile i would asume you have a gr8 talking relationship side of things and would be able to talk openly about this sort of thing.

when i wanted to try it up the ass i told my partner i wanted him to do me there and turned over with my ass in the air(try doing that n he'll soon get the picture)!!!!

But a ? i want to ask is that when im feeling really dirrty that's when i ask for anal sex and i aint lubricated up there, even though my man told me it would hurt i didn't listen i lusted for it, should it hurt as much as what it did to me as both times i tried i screamed way 2 loudly than i normally did.....how do others who have done it before get it to be soo enjoyable????
i believe communication is the key to any relationship. if i even wanted a lover to try something, i would talk to him or her about it afterwards, and do it nicely. i would also ask him/her if there was anything i could do to make their experience better, all the while knowing they wouldn't have much to add because i know what i am doing between the sheets.

As for the anal sex question, you need to relax your sphincter and try to keep it open wide, have some KY at the bed ready, it really is easier for you until you learn to relax.
sinnndy said:
i believe communication is the key to any relationship. if i even wanted a lover to try something, i would talk to him or her about it afterwards, and do it nicely. i would also ask him/her if there was anything i could do to make their experience better, all the while knowing they wouldn't have much to add because i know what i am doing between the sheets.

As for the anal sex question, you need to relax your sphincter and try to keep it open wide, have some KY at the bed ready, it really is easier for you until you learn to relax.

I think this person(sorry don't wanna presume if you're male or female as i can't tell by the name) has got it spot on, just relax and take things slowly that way you'll find it'll be a whole lot nicer experience for the both of you....maybe you could try key words 2 when you want 2 have that certain thing so you're partner knows that is what you want...that way you both are happy n comfortable!!!!
XrunneR said:
I want my husband to take me for behind with out me asking him to go there? What a woman to do, and I do have a nice behind I must say.:devil:

Instead of asking why don't you just put him in that situation?? Create your own role play. Be in the kitchen bending over the sink in a short nighty and no panties. Tell him to look at you as you (insert erotic/sexual act here) and draw him over.

Grab hold of something and guide him in.

repeat often :D

Happy Loving
You could tell him that you want that sometime, not during sex, and then give him signals (i.e. getting on all fours) during sex....
ShyMinx69er said:
But a ? i want to ask is that when im feeling really dirrty that's when i ask for anal sex and i aint lubricated up there, even though my man told me it would hurt i didn't listen i lusted for it, should it hurt as much as what it did to me as both times i tried i screamed way 2 loudly than i normally did.....how do others who have done it before get it to be soo enjoyable????

Ok, this sounds gross but it works. As he's going in push out just like you're going to take a dump. Make sure he goes in slowly at first. Then once he's in all th way you can go at it. Just use tons of lube. Once you get the hang of it it's mind blowing. ;)
Re: Re: taken from behind (A?for the ladies)

OnyxEros said:
Instead of asking why don't you just put him in that situation?? Create your own role play. Be in the kitchen bending over the sink in a short nighty and no panties. Tell him to look at you as you (insert erotic/sexual act here) and draw him over.

Grab hold of something and guide him in.

repeat often :D

Happy Loving

That'd work with me! Try it!:D
Send him a pic of a hot scene your after.


Play the foot rest game: take turns, You each get one minuet to have your way with the other person using the foot rest. It is perfect hight to get what you are after. position the other person with the foot rest then you get to have your way with them . Let him go first. You may be surprised.

Then when it's your turn and you've got it, Rock his world forget about the time and make him thinks he's rockin yours. If he sees your really getting off he'll keep going....
Anal Virginity

I actually lost my anal virginity before my regular virginity, because I wanted to please my boyfriend, and I didn't want to get pregnant. And it did hurt like hell, at first, but so does losing your regular virginity, and it goes away, to be replaced with pleasure, just like the other.

If you want it doggie style, or up the ass, just tell him. Anytime. Even if he thinks that you're sick and disgusting, he still loves you. And he'll probably go wild, because all men, no matter how conservative, want to try that stuff. Having you as a willing partner, initiating it, even, will make him want to do it.