Take our Daughters to work Day!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Take our daughters to Work Day!
Why not BOYS? Is this sexist? Would the N.O.W. crowd stand for the reverse?

The New York Observer, a paper that is as witty as it is (frequently) misguided (although never, of course, when Rick Brookhiser is contributing) has a special edition out to celebrate fifteen years in business (if there's a link to the anniversary items I am too incompetent to find it). This splendidly sour little gem from 1996 deserves repetition. The author is Jim Windolf.

"Taking Our Daughters Straight To Hell"

"See Daddy. See Daddy yell at people on the phone. See Daddy get bossed around all day long. Oh, what a splendid idea, taking little Jennifer to work.

The first thing she noticed was that Daddy's desk was smaller than the one he had at home. He was in a grouchy mood, too - it was pretty much like his mood on Saturday morning, when the errands begin - but he had a tight little smile, a smile he never used at home, and it looked so strange. He ate a giant doughnut in the morning and said, "Don't tell Mom." He drank two big coffees right in a row, and his breath got bad. He had French fries at lunch, even though he had told Mom he was "off the fries." And he disappeared for a while in the afternoon and came back smelling like a cigarette, although he told Mom he quit.

See Daddy crack dirty jokes with the man at the next desk. See Daddy gossip. See Daddy fawn before his superiors. After Take Our Daughters To Work Day 1996, Jennifers all over the city went home with a sad realization: Daddy is kind of a jerk".

Looking forward to work on Monday, folks?
busybody said:
Take our daughters to Work Day!
Why not BOYS? Is this sexist? Would the N.O.W. crowd stand for the reverse?
Women have just started entering the workforce in comparable numbers to men within the last generation. Girls have not had the same professional role models as their brothers - Dad went to work, Mom stayed at home.

The Take Your Daughters to Work Day started as an attempt to introduce girls to the workforce, to see a multiude of women working outside the home, to help them realize this was a choice for them as well.

Today in most workplaces, the day has changed to Take Your Child To Work.


Then the SHOUTING Im ready to do, wont work,will it?
BTW, does anyone ever look forward to work on Mondays? :confused:

If yes, you're lying.
Originally posted by busybody

Then the SHOUTING Im ready to do, wont work,will it?

Ok, keeping quiet. The story is cute btw and very true.
Even stranger, Pet Sitters International established "Take your Pet to Work Day" 4 years ago. I have heard of wanting to be Top Dog at the office, but this is a bit much.

What on earth does a company do with all the barking, accidents, crotch sniffing and furballs? And what do they do about the pets? ;)
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.

But seriously, I feel sorry for the janitors.
I have never been in favor of this activity. Let the kids be kids before they learn what dad or mom do at the office all day. Besides it is just another excuse for the kids to skip a day of school.