Take Me Away


Romantic Swordsman
May 8, 2009
Looking for a woman that has the strange desire to have a geeky man of her very own to keep.

Looking for a woman that's not looking to be provided for.
One that has no kids, but with a desire to have some one day.
A woman that would love a guy that can cook for her.
She should be between 27 and 35.
If she's nerdy herself, all the better.
No drugs, no smoking, and limited drinking (I don't drink at all, but I can handle a woman who does casually).

So if a woman like that would like a guy to complete their lives, I'm available.

PM me if interested.
Bump for injust--I mean, four-leaf clovers and all the other lucky stuff!
Well, since noone's interested, maybe I might just bump this to break 100 views.