Swinging For The Fence... (Closed)

Oct 10, 2008
Swinging For The Fence

Dan Simpson had just stepped into the shower after a morning run when he heard the phone ring. 'Screw it' he thought. He had just lathered up his short brown hair and couldn't think of anyone he wanted to talk to bad enough to rush out of the shower dripping wet with soap in his eyes while he struggled for the phone. Who could it have been anyway? His mother? She could certainly wait. Could it be the blonde from the bar after last night's game? But he didn't remember giving her his number. Unless asshole Bob slipped it to her while he was in the bathroom. Wouldn't be the first time he pulled a dick move like that. Why does he keep hanging out with that asshole anyway? Just because they were teammates didn't mean they had to hangout together after games. But then again, that blonde nitwit WAS a peach last night. He closed his eyes and began reliving the evening as he washed his chest and his flat, ribbed abs. His soapy hands continued lower, lathering his heavy cock and balls as he began to stroke himself slowly. Her name was Mary. Or Marie. Or some such name that started with an M.

He was the starting center fielder for the Round Rock Express, the Triple A affiliate of the Texas Rangers. He wasn't in the big leagues but there were worse places to play minor league ball than Austin. A thriving town with lots of young professionals and a major university to keep a steady supply of hot coeds running around. And then there was 6th street. The most happening row of trendy bars and night clubs this side of New Orleans. Last night they played the Tulsa Drillers and beat them 4-3 in a close game. Dan had a good game, going two for four with a double that led to his scoring in the 4th inning and a single in the 7th driving in the winning run. But the best part of the night was running down a fly ball in the 8th inning and throwing out the potential tying run at the plate. As the game ended and the team headed to the locker room, it was 'game on' as the guys all joked about their various plans for the evening. Some were going home to wives or steady girlfriends. Some were headed to the bar adjacent to the ball park for a quick hook up with the groupies that hang out. And some, like Dan and Bob were headed downtown to 6th street to troll for drunk coeds. It never failed. As baseball players, they were all tall, good looking and athletic. And wearing an Express hat was a sure fire ice breaker. If the gals didn't know who they were, the guys did. And as soon as the guys noticed, the gals noticed. They were hanging out at one of the trendy bars chatting up some gals when 'Mary' came up to the bar in search of a drink. Dan offered to buy, flashed his model like smile and the rest was easy.

Dan was just starting to relive the evening with the hot blonde, closing his eyes and stroking his hardness as the warm water cascaded over his shoulders and ran down his chest when the phone rang. Again. He didn't give out his number often. And as a newcomer to town, he hadn't made many friends. So who in the hell was calling so insistently? He assumed whoever called earlier had left a message. So why were they calling again? By now his 'moment' in the shower had been interrupted. He might as well finish his shower, hop out and find out what was so damned important. Stepping over the lip of the tub, he towel dried his hair, his shoulders, his back, his arms, then his chest, stomach, crotch, and legs. He then tucked the towel into the rack and reached for the phone, calling up the caller ID as he headed towards the kitchen in search of a cold beer. It has been the manager of the Express. Calling him twice in ten minutes on an off day. What could he possibly want? He reached for the bottle opener and popped the top of a Shiner Boch before plopping down, naked not he couch and hitting redial...

Nikki McGraw heard her phone chime as she was walking back to her dorm from her last class that day. It was Friday - thank God - and she was ready to just go home and forget about school for a few days. And she was going HOME. She wasn't gonna stay at the school and party all weekend. She needed to just get away for a couple of days. Finals made it that way.

Pulling her iPhone from the front pocket of her tiny denim shorts she saw it was from her brother, Greg. It merely said that when she got home, he would be there, and he had something to tell everyone.

This was good. She was close with Greg; they always had been. They had never had that sibling rivalry that most siblings apparently have. They'd always gotten along quite well. When he had moved two hours away to play baseball she was proud of him but she missed him terribly.

"Sound important. I will be home in two hours".

She hit send and then jogged the rest of the way to her dorm. Normally she should have been having softball practice or a game right then but their postseason had disappointingly been cut short by two incredibly unlucky and poorly played games. A sore loser, Nikki had been like a bear for days. She liked to win and hated to lose.

Once inside her dorm, she tossed her books aside- general education books such as math, English, biology and psychology. All of the classes students hated. She had et to get into classes that actually involved her major- early childhood education. She wanted to be an elementary school gym teacher. She not only had the personality and love for kids, but people said she looked like an elementary school teacher, petite, wholesome and beautiful. At only 5'2 and 115 lbs she supposed they were right.

She packed a few outfits and other necessities before hitting the road. One bonus of being a sophomore was she had her suv on campus now. It was incredibly convenient. Her stuff in the back, she rolled her windows down, turned the music up and hit the gas.

1 hour and 45 minutes later she pulled into her parents driveway and saw Greg's truck in the driveway already. She pulled in behind his truck and walked inside.

Greg and her parents were in the living room waiting. Nikki smiled at them as she brushed her long brunette hair from her face.

"So what's this news?" She asked, her green eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Hey coach. It's Dan. What's up?" he asked as the coach answered on the first ring.

"Dan, we need to talk. I need to see you in my office within the hour"

"We're talking now. Can't you just tell me what you need to tell me now."

"It's a little sensitive and I would rather talk to you in private. Face to face." The coaches voice sounded very serious and it made Dan a little uncomfortable. Dan was blessed with natural talent. And while he wasn't in the big leagues, things came easily for him. He wasn't used to stress and he was struggling to imagine what was so serious about the call.

"OK coach. I'll be there as soon as I can get dressed. Give e 30 minutes." With that, he threw on some khaki shorts and an Express golf shirt and headed out the door to his Tahoe. It was a beautiful spring day and Dan preferred to drive with the windows down and music loud instead of worrying about the talk with the coach. He pulled into the parking lot and maybe his way casually across the drive, gazing skyward and enjoying the warmth of the sun on his tan face. The look on the coach's face was serious as he stepped through the open door. "What's up coach?" he asked as the man stepped around his desk to give him a firm, reassuring hand shake.

"Dan, please. Sit down. Can I get you anything?" Dan nodded no and the coach sat down behind his cluttered desk. "There have been some sudden problems at the Rangers this weekend. Jose twisted his knee in the loss last night. And Wilson hurt his arm in the fourth inning. So they are thin all over the place. But that's not why you are here. Jackson failed a drug test this past week. We just got word this morning. It hasn't hit the media yet but it will soon. He is in for a least a 50 game suspension. He could appeal but that would only delay the suspension. The brass want him back as soon as possible for the stretch run later in the year so they have advised him not to appeal. Which means, we need a replacement center fielder. Immediately. They want you Dan."

"But???" Dan could see there was a but. This was supposed to be great news for him but the coach was clearly not happy. In triple A ball, the coaches are all about the big league team. So losing Dan would not have caused any issues. in fact, they are usually more excited than the guys when they get called up. But the coach was clearly stressed.

"Look Dan. You know this is a business. And I've always like you. You have been the best thing to happen to this team for a long time. Which is why I want to be straight with you. They are looking for a short term replacement. They need you right away. for tonight in fact. But they are looking for someone else to replace Jackson for the suspension. Someone other than you. You are headed up today for the game tonight. But you might only play one game. Or two or three. The thing is, this is not your big break. I hate to break that to you because I Wanted this to be your chance to move up. For good. But that's not going to happen. Not if they can find a replacement for Jackson. What I'm telling you is don't pack like you're moving. We'll have a car waiting for you in two hours. Just pack clothes for a couple of days and the team will take care of the rest when you get there. Now get out of here."

Dan sat stunned. Going to the big leagues, to play for the Rangers on national TV was a dream come true. But it would not be the dream he had hoped. He thanked to coach for being honest and headed back out the door. This time, the sun seemed hot and unbearable. He packed his bag and zipped it up as the phone rang announcing the car was out front. He loaded his bag in the bag and hopped in as they headed for the airport and the private jet for the short flight to Dallas.
Nikki's eyes widened as her Greg revealed his news.

"You're gonna be playing for the Rangers? Like, THE RANGERS?" she asked increduously. Greg held up a hand to pause her rant.

"Remember though its only for like two weeks, tops. The coach called me this morning, and asked me to come in. But he said Wilson's arm will be better soon, according to the doctors, and they just need me until then."

Nikki jumped up and hugged her older brother. "But do you realize what that means for you?! Other teams will SEE you. They will know you're out there. Hell, the Rangers will you see firsthand themselves. What if something happens in the future? If you play well- which you always do -they will know your name and you will be the first that they will go to! Ron Washington will know who YOU are."

She was pacing back and forth, her parent's were merely sitting there smiling and shaking their head at her. She seemed more excited than Greg was.

She rolled her eyes at them, exasperated.

"You all show no emotion. Your son is gonna be playing for a pro ball team."

Her dad stood up and hugged Greg, followed by her mom. Both of them congratulated him and then left the room. Nikki flopped down on the couch.

"I know this isn't your "BIG" break, but its a break. Did you say Jackson is suspended for 50 games also? Who's replacing him?"

"For now, some guy named Simpson, but I don't know him yet, and he's a temp just like me. Its gonna be some new dynamics on that team with three key players gone. It should be interesting to see if we win any games or not."

Nikki smiled at him. "You could end up playing like the softball team did. Two and out." She frowned. It really still bugged her that they had lost like that and not made it any farther into the off-season than that.

Her brother gave her a small smile and nudged her chin with his hand.

"Chin up, kid" he said. "There's always the next two years".
Dan was quiet on the ride to the airport, thinking about the last few hours and what the next few days or weeks might entail. The driver was just a local driver and knew nothing of the situation which was fine with him. It wasn't until they approached the airport that Dan realized this was no normal flight. They passed through a security gate and headed around the back of the main terminal to the private area of the airport. There would be no security line, no taking off his shoes. And no sitting in a cramped middle seat. It's was first class all the way. The car pulled up to the sleek private jet. Dan didn't know what kind of plane it was. It was expensive and private and exclusive. That was as far he knew. Or cared. Before he could get out of the backseat, the driver had already opened his door and had his luggage out of the trunk ready to hand it to him. He tried to tip the driver but he refused saying it was all taken care of. Then as fast as they arrived, the driver was gone leaving him to stand there on the concrete ramp before turning towards the plane.

"Mr. Simpson!" A female voice shouted as he glanced up to see the stunning woman standing in the doorway. She was tall, maybe as tall as he was, blonde and beautiful. She was wearing a nice blue suit. Short skirt, jacket and white, billowing blouse as she waved him aboard. "Just leave your bag right there and Joel will take care of it for you. Right this way please."

As if on cue, a man in a black suit appeared, took the bag and loaded it into an open cargo door on the other side before disappearing as fast the driver had before him. Dan proceeded up the steps of the plane and ducked his head as he stepped inside the cabin. He could see the pilots to his left, settled in and checking the various gauges as the young woman approached him.

"Welcome aboard Mr. Simpson. I hope your ride to the airport was uneventful. Come this way, please." She said before turning and stepping through the bulkhead door. The plane that looked so small on the Tarmac outside looked positively cavernous on the inside. Dan was accustomed to flying and always found planes to be cramped and terribly uncomfortable. But his plane was different. The aisle was wide, the floor lower so it had plenty of ceiling height, and the chairs were larger and looked more comfortable than typical first class seats. "It's just the two of us today so please take any seat you like. Can I get you something to drink? Beer? Cocktail? Water? Soft drink?"

This was all so foreign to Dan as he struggled to take it all in. "Ummm well, I guess a beer would be good if it's no trouble."

"No trouble at all. What would you like? We have most of the typical brands including a few imports."

"How about a Shiner Bock?"

"Excellent. One Shiner Bock coming right up." With that, she spun smartly around and headed to the galley in the rear. Dan spun his seat around to watch the woman as she walked away. She had a refined elegance that excited him. She was tall, with a larger chest than most skinny models, a sweet, tapered waist leading to full round hips tapering again to long lean legs. Accentuated by a sensual walk that rocked her hips side to side as she disappeared behind the curtain. He was still staring as she suddenly reappeared with the beer and a chilled glass on a silver platter. She walked up to his chair, then slowly leaned over as she set the glass on the table. Her blouse was loose and open halfway down as her ample breasts were rocked gently side to side slowly pouring the beer into the glass. Dan couldn't help staring again, mesmerized at the sight before him. Glancing up, he saw her staring straight into his eyes as she offered a model perfect smile. "Can I get you anything else Mr. Simpson?"

"Uh no. Thank you. Thank you very much for the beer." he said shuffling in his seat. He was suddenly very thirsty as he reached for the glass and downed a third of it in one drink.

"No problem. Anything you want, just ask..." and with that, she turned and sat int he seat across the aisle and buckled up for take off.

Yep, he could used to this! He could certainly get used to this kind of life. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt the plain accelerate down the runway before lifting off into the clear blue sky. Anything? He wondered...
Nikki went up to her room after that to unpack her few things for the weekend. She glanced around at all the photos on her walls from high school. There were photos from everything- softball, parties with friends, school events, family functions, even from her high school job as an aide at a local daycare. She had lived the ideal high school student life.

She had gone to school and played softball during the week, parties on the weekends, and worked during the summer. It had been an awesome time.
College was proving to be great as well, but it was a lot more work and sometimes she missed the easier years of high school.

She closed her dresser drawer just as Greg walked in and flopped on her bed. Nikki looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So... I have some tickets to my first game tomorrow. I have to drive there in about an hour to meet the team and practice and whatnot. I have a few tickets for the game but only one to come down on the field beforehand. I figured you'd be the most interested... So are ya down? You'll get to meet some of the players and stuff. Should be a good time".

Nikki grinned. "Hell yes! You know I'm in." She immediately went I the closet and began digging through. "I gotta find my Rangers jersey!"

Finally she came up with it in her hand and found her favorite denim shorts that would barely even show under the long jersey but whatever. "What time do I need to be there?"

They finished hashing out details, and then Greg had to leave for his first practice and player meeting. Nikki spent the evening laying in her bed, just relaxing and reading a book that was NOT school related. She went to bed early that night in anticipation of the next day and her excitement. She thankfully slept like a rock.

It was a 1pm game so she had to be to the field by 11am. So after she had cleaned up, she dressed in her jersey and shorts with her long hair brushed down to her butt. She added a pair of tennis shoes and headed out.

As she approached the stadium she got nervous... She quickly entered and looked around for her brother, following the guards directions. She finally saw Greg standing with several other guys- hot guys in the rangers uniforms. Her stomach knotted up.

"Hey" she said to Greg's back who spun and smiled at her.

"Hey y'all this is Nikki, my baby sister" he said and she blushed bright pink.
No sooner did Dan start to enjoy the cold beer than the plane was rushing down the runway and lifting off steeply into the sky. No announcement about turning off electronics and no one taking his beer from him. This was the kind of luxury he could get used to. As soon as they took off, the stewardess turned to him, flashed her sweet smile and asked if he needed anything else. He still had half a beer telling her he was fine for now and before he could ask her name, she turned and disappeared into the back of the plane. He admired her once again as she walked away.

Before he knew it, the plane landed and he was whisked away once again in another limo. The new driver hardly spoke other than the tell him he was directed to take Dan straight to the ballpark to check in for the game later that afternoon. His head was really spinning now. Where would he stay? An apartment? A hotel? He had no idea what was going on at this point.

As the limo pulled up to the ballpark, Dan was shown through the gate and another attendant escorted him to the locker room. He was shown to his locker where his gear was already waiting for him. The assistant coach told him he needed to get dressed and out to the field for early warm ups. This was all moving so fast. He has no idea what was going on. He had dreamt of playing in the big leagues all his life. But truth be known, he felt like he had been in a bit of a rut. He played hard, but he treated it more like a game than a job. He had fun on the field and even more in the bars after the games. He had begun to wonder if he would ever be more than a womanizing minor leaguer. And while he wasn’t exactly focusing on baseball, he had been on a good run the last two weeks. Lots of hits, stolen bases and great play out in the field. Which is why he got the attention he did when the Rangers started having trouble with the guys in their lineup. And now, there he was dressed out. In a Texas Ranger uniform!!!

“You must be Dan” a voice came from around the corner.

“Yeah that’s right” Dan answered as he reached out his hand. “Pretty easy to pick out the new guy huh?” he asked.

“Not at all. I’m Greg, Greg McGraw” he said shaking Dan’s hand firmly. “The only reason I know who you are is because there are two new guys here. And I’m the other. Only I got here yesterday. Come on, I’ll show around.” And with that, Greg walked Dan around the locker room, showed where everything was and then motioned out to the field. “They’ll be looking for you. So we need to head out.”

As they walked out of the tunnel, Dan was stunned by the sight before him. Into the dugout and then up the steps and out on the field. This was the ballpark in Arlington. Where the Rangers played. THE Rangers. It was starting to sink in. He had finally made the big leagues! Dan followed Greg out onto the field and was introduced to the Manager Ron Washington who smiled and offered him a hearty smile, a hearty handshake and welcome before pointing to the infield telling them to start stretching and loosening up.

It was all so strange. The players were all staking out spots on the infield and stretching on their own. And there were others on the field too. Not players. Not media. They looked like fans, friends and maybe family. Dan began stretching when he noticed a beautiful young woman walking up behind Greg.

"Hey" she said to Greg's back who spun and smiled at her. Greg gave her a big bear hug and Dan imagined she must be a wife or girlfriend.

"Hey y'all this is Nikki, my baby sister" he said and she blushed bright pink.

Dan just stared at her for a long moment as a smile slowly spread across his face. Did he say baby sister? She was one small, tight, sexy package. She had long brown hair and beautiful green eyes with a wonderful smile to match. Of course she was wearing a Rangers jersey that hung on her shoulders, over small firm breasts and down around her hips with a hint of denim shorts peeking out underneath. With strong, athletic looking legs. Dan could feel a slight jump in his crotch as he imagined what she would be like in the sack as he walked over to say hello.

“Nikki is it? I’m Dan. The other new guy.” He offered with a big toothy smile. “It’s very nice to meet you. Do you always come down before the games?” he asked.
Several of the men standing around Greg immediately introduced themselves to her when Greg announced who she was. They were all big. They were all hot. They were all wearing their uniforms. It was a girls wet dream, being surrounded by so many gorgeous players like this. But one man stook out to her. Dan. He had said he was new like Greg.

"Hey Dan, nice to new you" Nikki told the "other new guy". "I haven't been here before" she said shaking her head. "It's only Greg's first game too". She watche as Dan began to stretch while she talked. "I'm in college though, so I don't get to watch him play nearly as much as I'd like. My days are filled with classes, studying and softball. I bet you're excited to be playing, huh? Greg is. But he'd never admit it".

This last comment was made in a very loud whisper which earned her a glove to the back of the head gently. She laughed softly, her beautiful eyes twinkling merrily as she teased her older brother. She stood back then and watched quietly as her brother as the other players warmed up.

Her gaze kept trailing back to Dan for some reason. She knew he had to be nervous but he truly did not show it as he warmed up with the team. He looked cool and collected. It seemed he could fit in easily with this crowd. She wondered absentmindedly if he had a girlfriend or a wife.

One hour til game time and it was their opponents turn to warm up on the field. Nikki followed along behind the Rangers. Greg was engrossed in a conversation with a pitcher from the team, Joe Nathan, so she kind of hung back by herself as they walked. She didn't want to be that pesky kid sister who got on everyone's nerves. She noticed Dan coming up behind her and gave him a tentative smile.

"Almost game time," she said. "You ready? I'm sure you are. You both will be great and they won't wanna get rid of you... Mark my words" she said smiling at him as he approached.

Man he was hot. A lot of the players were but this guy was like the epitome of her dream man. She had to hide a smile at that thought. He was tall, towering over her petite frame. His hair was cut short and he had a sexy five o'clock shadow covering those chiseled features. Her eyes darted to his hand. No ring. But he could have a girlfriend. Not that she would ever ask anyway.

She smiled at him again and turned her attention back to following along after the team.
Greg’s sister was cute. Not only was she hot, she was legal, an athlete and had a good sense of humor. He liked the way she teased her brother and he could tell they were close as siblings.

“I probably should be excited. Or even nervous. But everything has happened so fast I’ve hardly had a chance to think about it. Hell, I don’t even know where I’m staying!” He laughed easily and gave her a smile before adding, “Well I’d better go get warmed up. IT was very nice meeting you Nikki.” And with that he turned and jogged toward outfield. As he got settled in, he thought about what she had said. Was he nervous? Should he be? Dan was a lot of things including a realist. He knew he wasn’t called up because he was the next great thing. He was called up for one reason, and one reason only. The starter Jackson had failed a drug test and would be out for fifty games. And his coach made it clear, the team was looking forward to his return. Which meant, he would play his fifty games and be gone as fast as he was called up. So what’s to get nervous about? He was going to relax and have some fun. He’d play hard as he always did. But he was also going to enjoy the high life as fleeting as it might be. Which meant, keeping an eye out for sexy fans and spending a lot of time in the bars after the games in the hopes of being recognized.

Speaking of sexy fans, Dan’s thoughts kept running back to Greg’s sister Nikki. She was certainly attractive and he kept thinking what it would be like to hook up with her. But there was a problem. Greg was new the team like Dan was. And he was nice enough to reach out to Greg in the locker room. So he figured they would hang out together a bit. And the last thing Dan wanted was any drama associated with hooking up with the sister of a fellow teammate.

They stretched, then threw the ball around the outfield stretching their arms and getting their timing down. Then they took a few fly balls from the infield before heading off the field back towards the locker room. He was starting feel a little nervous about what was to come as he used his long, graceful stride to make his way toward the tunnel when he noticed Nikki hanging back as the other players filed by. She looked as hot from behind as she did from the front. She was a short, tight package to be sure. He long brown hair hung down nearly to her waist, obscuring the name and number on the back of her jersey. He thought it might be a Darvish jersey but he wasn’t sure. Her shirt flared out slightly at the bottom, framing her nice round ass followed by the outline of her short denim shorts and then her firm tan legs. His long gait slowed to a casual walk as he approached her when she turned around and greeted him. Her encouraging words made him smile and relaxed his nerves as he continued on with the rest of the team.

Once inside the locker room, he moved his way towards his locker where he was mostly ignored by the veteran players. They knew as well as he did he would be gone as soon as Jackson returned. No reason to make friends with the new guy. Except there seemed to be a crowd around Greg. Dan looked up and watched as he saw the veterans all slapping him on the back and teasing him about his hot little sister. Asking for her number, her email address, asking if she danced at the local strip club, the usual. Greg seemed to be taking it all in stride but Dan wondered and was now thankful he hadn’t made any comments earlier. The coach came in and everyone settled in around their lockers as he read off the line up and gave the team a few last minute instructions. Dan would be starting in center field but not batting until the eight slot. And Greg would be in the bull pen available as a middle reliever. And with that, they were back out to the field.

The Rangers would be in the field to start since they were playing at home. As they came out of the dugout Dan was overwhelmed with the sight of the ball park. It was filled to the brim with a sellout crowd. Jogging out to center field, he noticed the other players all waving to the area of the stands behind the dugout. That’s where all the family’s sat each game. He didn’t have any family there to see him, but he turned to look, wondering if Nikki was there and if she was, could he see her. And sure enough, there she was. She was standing on her seat to see above the others and was waving wildly out to the field. Dan knew she was waving for Greg and not the other new guy. But he allowed himself to fantasize that maybe she was waving for him and rooting him on. “This is just temporary Dan.” He said to himself as reached his position in the field. “Relax and enjoy it while it lasts. And above all, have fun with it!”
Nikki was on the edge of her seat, both literally and figuratively as the game began which was silly since Greg wasnt even pitching yet. What she realized, though, was that she was also nervous for the other new guy on the team, Dan. Which was silly.

She didn't even know Dan. But she did know that even though he wouldn't show it, Greg was nervous. And Dan probably was too unless he was just remarkably cool, calm and collected. She knew whenever she had a big game to catch for, she got nervous. This was huge.

This was the MLB.

The crowd around them settled slightly and yet Nikki was still standing. Eventually she sat down, albeit on the edge. She watched as the first an second batters got up. The first guy struck out as the second grounded out. She took a deep breath to relax even more. The crowd was still buzzy with excitement as the game progressed. Cheers and chants erupted from the loudspeakers and the fans around the stadium.

Batter number three came up and settled into the batters box. Two balls were thrown and then one right down the middle. Swinging hard the player connected and sent the ball sailing towards center. The stadium collectively held their breath as the new center fielder ran in from deep in the field to get under the ball and try to make the play... But Nikki felt she was holding her breath more than others.
The crowd was electric as the game got started. The Rangers were playing the LA Angels for a late afternoon game and Dan was suddenly aware of the shadows cast across the field. This could be a problem. The Express games were almost always early in the afternoon with the sun directly overhead or night games with lights all around. But this was a little different. As the first batter stepped into the box, Dan tried to get a feel for the space and lighting. Two called strikes followed by a ball left the count two and one. And he hadn’t even swung yet. Dan was hoping to at least see a swing to work on his timing and settle his nerves a bit. Then a swing and a miss for a quick strike out. The next batter up swung and connected on the first pitch with a hard grounder to short and an easy second out. But Dan could see picking up the ball as it left the outfield would be a challenge so started backing up a bit. Better to charge a short fly ball than turn his back and run to catch one over his head. Singles are better than multiple bases he told himself.

Two outs, bottom of the first. The third batter in the lineup with the Angels center fielder. A big guy with a powerful swing. First pitch low and outside. Second pitch low and inside but close. At least the pitcher was keeping the ball down he thought. Should be a good night for the Rangers. Low ball pitcher means lots of ground balls to the infield. But third pitch was up in the strike zone, right down the middle and the batter didn’t hesitate. A long, smooth powerful swing, crushing the ball in the gap in right center field. The right fielder was taking the long position, looping around to pick it up and try to limit the hit to a double. But Dan broke early and quick and raced as hard as he could toward the gap. It was going to be close but he knew he had help deep so he could take a chance. As the ball began to drop, he dove and used all 6’2”of his frame plus his long arms to stab at the ball. The ball, his glove and his chest all converged on the ground at the same time. Did he catch it? Or did it slip my him? As he began sliding across the grass he closed the grip harder in his glove and could feel the resistance of the ball buried deep within the well-worn leather. He had it! And the side was retired. The crowd erupted as he just laid on the grass for a split second before bouncing up gracefully. He nodded his head politely and be began the long job back the dugout. He was trying to be humble. Something he remembered long ago from Lou Holtz, the old Notre Dame football coach who once said, in response to making a touchdown, “Act like you’ve been there before.”

The crowd was still going nuts as he reached the dugout while the announcer made an announcement reminding the crowd this was the new guy brought up from Round Rock, Dan Simpson! He glanced up into the stands and could see Nikki waving and shouting “Way to go Dan!” He stepped down into the dugout with the biggest smile on his face as the veterans all ran up to him giving him high fives. His heart was pounding as he reached for some water and tried to catch his breath. He wouldn’t be batting for a while and probably not that inning anyway so he paced back and forth as he cooled down. So this is the big leagues huh? He had made great plays before. And back in Round Rock, he was a star. But nothing like what he felt just then. It was all just a blur. The first batter flied out deep to right field. The second batter grounded out to third. The third was walked. And the fourth, the cleanup hitter popped up a foul ball caught by the first baseman. And just like that it was back to the outfield.
Nikki watched as Dan came up with the ball and he cheered, probably louder than anyone in the stadium. She was beaming from ear to ear as he came jogging in. She could tell be was excited but holding it back... Trying to be professional she figured. She was disappointed when their at bat didn't amount to much in the way of men on base, and nothing on the score board. But there was still 8 innings to play. A lot of ball game left.

The Rangers took the field again, and the pitcher had a shaky start. One walk and one base hit- a ground ball right down the middle between third and short stop. The stadium grew quiet as they had an infield conference in the pitchers mound. And erupted as a ground ball to second resulted in a double play. But there were still only two outs and a man on third. The go ahead run was ready to go.

And then a pitch a tiny bit low and to the outside erupted off of the batter's bat and over the fence in left field. The score was now 2-0. The stadium grew loud in angry boo's. They weren't happy with the pitching at all. Nikki watched, wide eyed as Greg got up in the bullpen.

Oh shit, she thought. They were gonna give him a shot. Her palms grew sweaty and she sat on the edge of her seat. Her eyes traveled down to the line of men leaning on the dugout railing. All she could see was the backs of their heads from her seat, but then she looked farther down and was surprise when her eyes connected with Dan's.

She smiled tentatively and blew out a huffed breath while giving him a thumbs up. The worry for her brother was etched plainly on her face but she was happy for Dan and his big catch. That was the kind of stuff that made major league ball players.