Swingers Clubs

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Ok, when I did a quick search on hedonisim, I came up with a swing club by that name, and started looking it over.

I've heard of them before, and well, it sounds interesting.

Anyone been to one?

The site I was at gave quite a bit of info, but still didn't quite explain it all.

Also, anyone know of any in Michigan? I did a search, and most of what I came back with were personal ads.
Gilly, I've been to a couple of them. One was on-premises and the other was off-premises.

I never had sex with anyone other than the person I went with. I did kiss (and feel a bit) a few men and women at the off-premises one, and I kissed another woman at the on-premises one. I also had sex with the person I went with at the on-premises one while other people watched. It was pretty wild, but fun. It's not something I'd like to do on a regular basis though.

Most of the people at those places are very respectful, and will back off if you let them know you're not interested.
Gilly Bean said:
Ok, when I did a quick search on hedonisim, I came up with a swing club by that name, and started looking it over.

I've heard of them before, and well, it sounds interesting.

Anyone been to one?

The site I was at gave quite a bit of info, but still didn't quite explain it all.

Also, anyone know of any in Michigan? I did a search, and most of what I came back with were personal ads.
Gilly you might want to check out nasca.com they give clubs all over the us. As for has anyone been to one we have been to several here in florida and they are all differnt. Some are on-premise (sex allowed on site) others are off premise (ne sex) most of the on premise sites here in fl are down south towards miami since jax is the buckle of the bible belt. Hubby and I always have a good time when we go and sometimes even Anelize ventures out with us to one here in jax that is off premise. If there is anything else I can help with just pm me will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have best I can :nana:
The Hedonism III resort is also supposed to be swing-ish, though I've not been.

I guess when they say all inclusive they mean all inclusive...

Michigan swingers....seems to me CarolineOh posted about swinging in the greater Detroit area. You might want to search her posts and/or PM her.

To echo what LilMinx said, I have found that people in this lifestyle are almost ALWAYS veryyyy respectful. No MEANS NO. It is the "looky-loos" who are the problem, not the lifestylers. I always have a great time going out with Tranquility and J to off-premises places. Its fun to dance as nasty as you wanna be with girls, flirt as nasty as you wanna with the guys, etc. Basically, you all know why you are there LOL. The atmosphere exudes sexiness, and it's just plain FUN, even without any sex going in the room.
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I looked up Nasca, and found 1 in michigan, but it's website is down. :(

There was also one i tracked in Oak Park (???) that is strictly off-premise, with parties on the 4th Friday of the month.

From looking at various sites, both on and off premise, I think I would prefer on, because there is supervision, and someone is there if things get out of hand.

I am not even sure we (or rather, Hubby) would want anything to happen, but neither of us would be comfortable going home with people we had never met, or bringing them home to us.

It just seems like you could wind up with an awful headache if you put your trust in someone you don't know.

Thank you for the info, guys, I 'preciate it. :)
I found one in Indiana that sounds good, and fits what we both just talked about...

Maybe instead of Cedar Point this year, we can try this. Hmm. Pondersome.
There are several clubs in Cleveland and Dayton..........So Ive been told:)