Swinger Family Immersion


Literotica Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Kinda complicated idea, completely unrealistic and ridiculous, please bear with me.

Al is a shy, nerdy teenage boy who just turned 18. His dad, Bert, got divorced from his Mom, Carol, about a year ago, and then went and married her friend Desiree, a widow with 19-year old twin daughters named Ella and Felicia. What's weird is that Carol, who'd moved to another city, flew in for the wedding, and didn't seem to be at all upset. In fact, she keeps flying in and then going out with Bert and Desiree.

For his birthday, Carol, Bert's sister Gloria and her daughter Hannah (also 18), and Desiree's mother Isabelle have all flown in, and they explain to Al what's going on.

See, while Carol was raised in a very conservative home, Bert and his family are swingers. When Carol and Bert married, she embraced the lifestyle, but they decided to keep it quiet because of her family. They met Desiree, fell in love, and decided they wanted give bigamy a try; when Carol got a job offer in another town, the obvious opportunity presented itself.

The reason they're telling him this is that now that he's 18, he can participate in the lifestyle; just as Ella, Felicia, and (for the last two or three months) Hannah do. Al decides that he wants to, but admits he's not sure he's comfortable with the idea. After some thought, the decision is made that the best way to acclimatize him to the sexy new lifestyle is through immersion.

And thus, from then on, everyone (including Gloria, Hannah, and Isabelle, who will be staying around for awhile) is to go naked whenever they're in the house. Al's DVD and comics collections are boxed up, and replaced with porn. The posters on his wall are taken down and replaced by pin-ups. His bedroom door is removed, his underwear is thrown away, and his outerwear replaced with skimpier items. Al is instructed to masturbate at every meal, to have someone join him whenever he showers...

So, what do you think? Any further immersion ideas? As with all my ideas, this one is available to anyone who wants to use it.
good idea

to add to this exciting idea,

While everyone is nude around the house and their private backyard with a swimming pool,
The girls casually swimming in the nude with him and play rough in the water with a lot of accidental touching on their genitals,

Or sometimes one of the girls only wears short loose t shirt with the hem just around her navel, naked from the waist down, showing her ample pubic hairs, either doing a stretching in front of him or casually chatting with him by the poolside both of them sitting on a launch chair facing each other, while at the same time the girl is doing some pedicure or polish her toenails, doing so one of her legs is up on a chair folded on the knee an spread , thus making her pussy very exposed to his gazing eyes...
As he is naked and talking with her, he can't help but have an erection looking at his step sister's pussy so close in front of him gaping open that he can even see the pink inner lips and the clit that is winking at him.

The mom would go out by the pool also naked and noticed what was happening. The mom just stopped and stand beside her stepson.
Then she said to her daughter as if reprimanding her..." honey...watch the way so sit... that is very un girly like. your vagina is so exposed to your step brother...and my gosh...the lips are even parted...no wonder he is having a hard on"

The boy then apologized, and the step mom said that it was ok and then she held his head and pulled him towards her with loving gesture stroking his hair...

doing so his face landed accidentally between her legs in her hairy pussy...
He reacted accidentally by breathing hard and doing so he was able to inhale his stepmother's pussy odor.

The daughter saw it laughing and said..."eewww...mom...he was able to sniff your hairy pussy..."Then grinning...she asked her stepbrother.." how does it smell?...musky...isn't it."

Then the mom looked down at him and smiling and was waiting for his answer.
He said that smell is musky indeed...also pungent but very erotic.

Then the step sister said " would you like to smell mine....?

He then knelled and put his face close to her open pussy and sniffed hard. she even help by spreading her pussy lips with her fingers to open it more. Then said..." there...now the aroma is coming out more.... I hope it's not too smelly for you.

Then the mom said as she watches them..." ohh... you two kids are very naughtyyyy.

to be continued...