Sweet Submissive


Jun 9, 2012
Name: Lynn West
Occupation: Secretary
Description: Caramel complexion,hourglass figure, green eyes, curly honey blonde hair
Height: 5'7
Race: Human/Fae

Lynn loved her job as a secretary and loved working with people but lately has felt like her life has been lacking something.. Oh yeah..A MAN. Sure she got hit on and drinks got bought for her but the clubs just weren't working and sex really wasn't as hot as she wanted it. She decided to spice it up by going to a vampire fantasy themed night club to see what they had to offer.

Being half fae had its advantages of healing quicker and small little powers but she had never explored the "other world" out there that her moms parents always warned her about. It seemed paranoid but she wanted to know exactly what was in the other world?

(Inbox if interested before posting)
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Name: Andrej Vukovar
Age: appears to be in his mid-thirties.
Description: 6' 0", Black hair, pale complexion, muscled, piercing blue eyes.
Race: Human/vampire

Andrej's eyes swept the club.
After having to hide what he was for centuries,
he couldn't help but smile at the fact that it was his very
nature that now helped draw a crowd. He chuckled at that.
How times had changed.

Wearing a coat and tails with cape and wearing the classical Phantom of the opera mask, he'd already attracted a little flock of sweet little nothings. Cackling amongst themselves whilst eyeing each other up, the rivalry between the little airheads was fierce.

Andrej's eyes lit up, as a captivating female form entered the room. Not heeding the protests from his little flock of fans, he brushed them away and approached this vision of womanhood. She would be his. He stood in front of her, demanding her attention.

"Do me the pleasure of dancing with me" he said, his eyes taking in her curvaceous body and golden hair. Something familiar about her... But no, that couldn't be.

He held out his hand.
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Lynn stared at the man before her and trembled feeling the power practically oozing from him. His were hypnotic and his body looked to be delicious underneath the attire. His voice sounded familiar but she shrugged it off and decided to dance.

" Sure Id love to" she said taking his hand. It seemed a bit cold but strong and contrasted well against her caramel complexion. She was glad she didnt hesitate to dance. Tonight she intended to have alot of fun.

She decided to head to a costume shop after work and bought a sexy Black and red corset with a black ruffle skirt and red thigh high boots to match and to top it off she wore a black leather jacket for the cool ride on her bike which added to her look.

She followed the tall man with sexy voice and they went to the dance floor..
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Her ensemble, though in stark contrast to his, was captivating.

He led her to the dancefloor and held her tightly. Taking command and leading, he led them through a whirlwind of a dance where she was tossed and thrown seemingly recklessly around. But he always held her and caught her, his grip firm and demanding. You are mine now he seemed to say, and his hands started exploring her body as the dance neared its end.

When the dance had finished her chest was heaving deliciously, a slight sheen of sweat like a fine mist covering her skin. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her throat, flicking his tongue to taste her salty emission. She tasted fresh and sweet.

He smiled as his eyes made contact with hers again.
Lynn gasp catching her breath as they finished their dance. The way he took charge and demanded everything from her in one dance was exciting and when he touched her and licked her neck she couldn't help but tremble.

She didn't know whether to be afraid , turned on or both. The man was dark and delicious.She knew he wasn't what she'd usually go for and thats why she wouldn't play it safe tonight.

He smiled as he looked at her and she returned one. " Your incredible!" She grinned "You mustve been doing that a while" she said
"Oh, a fair few years I have had to practice, yes."

He wanted more, needed more.
He wanted to look into those green eyes and see his passion mirrored. He wanted to run his cold fingers through those lovely blonde curls. He wanted to delve into her body and make her moan with delight. He wanted to drink from her at the height of her passion.

He firmly grabbed her by both her cheeks and pulled her towards him. He kissed her deeply.
Lynn moaned into his mouth stunned by the action. She hesitated at first to return the kiss but as he deepened it she returned back kissing with equal fervor. "Mmm you want to get out of here?" She said between kisses.

She knew if she had sex with this man it would be worth it. 'One time lynn dont punk out' " I know a place near here where we can have privacy" she winked
"Lead on, sweet girl!"

He had his arm around her shoulders as they left the nightclub, pairs upon pairs of envious eyes following them. Andrej hungered for her now. He followed her blindly, letting her lead him to wherever she wanted to consummate their pairing. He could hardly keep his hands or mouth off this entrancing woman.

Was there a smidgen of something otherworldly about her? Her almost too perfect features certainly hinted at that.

Be that as it may, they soon enough arrived at their destination.
Lynn walked them to a bar with private rooms above that was a few blocks away from the club. She had gone there for happy hour once and knew they were clean.

She smiled up at his as he walked with his arm around her almost as if to lay claim. His scent made her swoon it was masculine and powerful and she could drown in it if she let it consume her.

" Here we are" she said smiling as they approached "Hollows Inn. They have cozy little rooms where we can get to know each other better."
Andrej took charge and arranged for a private chamber, his urgency to be alone with the woman obvious. Half impatient gesture, half jokingly, he swept her into his arms and carried her upstairs. On their way to their room Andrej could not stop kissing her. Her scent was intoxicating as was the taste of her lips and mouth.

Before he knew it, they were outside their room. Much fumbling with keys ensued before they were inside. He threw her down on the bed, pausing to look at the beautiful young woman that had captivated him so. He went over to her and started undressing her.
Lynn watched him completely turned on and grinned as he began undressing her. She kissed him deeply and began undoing his shirt. She admired his muscular body and how eager he was to get into her.

" So..whats your name by the way handsome?" she said as she trailed a finger down his chest and plant small kisses there.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled closer near him as his hands roamed her body and explored. She knew they were moving quick but his alpha aura excited her.
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"My name is Andrej. And you are?"

Damn but she was eager!

He smiled to himself as they kissed and groped. Having her would be sweet, blood given at the throes of passion tasted sweeter somehow. He pinned her arms as he slowly started kissing, licking, sucking and nibblin his way around her body. Her ears he bit tenderly, her neck he kissed and suckled, her breasts he worked over with his teeth and tongue until she squirmed with pleasure. Her cute belly was kissed and tickled.

He loved to tease. He made as if to dive for her vagina with his mouth, but made a detour down and up first her right leg and then her left. He wanted to consume her whole, her taste was out of this world. He paused and looked up at her with a teasing grin, his mouth inches away from her clit and withdrawing each time she bucked her hips to meet him.

"Do you want it?"
"Andrej" she whispered as his mouth drove her insane. " My name is Lynn" she said smiling. She felt like her body was on fire beneath him and the way he was in control of her body she grew even wetter.

He began to kiss and suck on her body playing and teasing her and made his way toward her center.

"Do you want it?" He asked with a grin present in his voice.

"Yes.." she moaned helplessly "I want it Andrej"

She was ready.She knew this sexy man was going to give her one of the wildest mind blowing nights and she was looking forward to every inch of it.
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Like a predator pouncing on his prey, he attacked her clitoris with his mouth and tongue, alternating with stroking and licking her pussylips. He kept up his assault on her tenderest parts for a while before inserting a finger into her moist tunnel. He pumped vigorously building her up to an earshattering climax.
Lynn moaned alternating from grabbing the sheets to running her fingers through his hair and arching her back off the bed. " Uhhh! G- wait -I-Im close!" She panted and licked her lips as her hips sought more of his finger within her.

She rode his fingers moaning as he pumped in and out of her pussy. His thick fingers fit perfectly and she grabbed the sheets tightly as she threw her head back anf her body shuddered " ugghh im cumming!"
Andrej pushed her through her first climax, then warmed her up for her second. As she again writhed and moaned with pleasure, he entered her and slowly started to fuck her.

Straight off, he knew he'd have to be careful with his timing as he preferred drinking as his victims climaxed. He alternated between kissing her mouth and nuzzling her neck as he pounded her towards a new climax.

As she arched her back beneath him and started to thrash and moan again, he plunged his fangs into her neck and drank her sweet blood. Andrej came at the same time, his roar dulled by her neck.
Lynn felt absolute pleasure as he fucked her almost unconscious she writhed and moaned and was sure possible bruises were there but she didn't want him to stop.

He kissed and nuzzled her and then she felt two sharp points,'fangs.. hes a real vampire' before she could say anything he began to feed and they came again together as he roared making bite more pleasurable.

"Andrej ,," she whispered soft and tiredly " Im not fully human I dont know what fae blood will do to you"
Fae blood?
Andrej was ecstatic! Fae blood!

"Lynn, fae blood will render me able to walk in the sun again! For a couple of days at least. Oh how I've missed it!"

He drank his fill, then looked on in silence as her wounds closed on their own.
Yes. There was no doubt. Fae blood. He'd built up steam again and was soon plunging into her anew.

"You must never leave me, Lynn! I must feed off of you so I can walk in the sun with you!"

He was going faster still, nearing his second climax. He waited for Lynn so they could come together.
Lynn moaned and neared her climax quickly. She was afraid...will he drain me? Kill me? She felt herself becoming weak. He kissed her neck where he drank and she looked at his as some coloring and rosiness filled his face and cheeks.

She smiled how was it possible he could look more handsome. "Andrej you-you mustn't drink too much please.. if you do I'll - You know"

She rolled away slightly remembering the stories her grandparents told of fae hiding from others and wondered if they were true. She suddenly felt cool and shivered slightly.
"I have no wish to kill you Lynn! Your blood I will need from time to time, but you are more of use to me alive. And see, your wounds are healing already."

He practically beamed, his fucking never stopped while they talked.

"I will have you over and over again, Lynn. You are by far the sweetest girl I've ever laid with."

He pulled out of her and flipped her over on her belly, invigorated by the magic-infused blood. He vigorously entered her from behind and started fucking her at an even more frantic pace.
Lynn moaned as Andrej continued to fuck her hard and deep. She believed his words but she hoped he didn't tell anyone what she was oterwise there'd be trouble. He moved her hips matching his pace as his cock brushed against her g-spot making her swear under her breath and hold onto him .

"Yes.. mmmm right there... uhuuuhhhh!" She groaned feeling him grind deep inside her.
Andrej gripped her wrists and pulled her arms backwards as he continued vigorously fucking her, her moans deepening. He pulled her upper body towards him so he could fondle her breasts and nuzzle her neck while still pounding away at her.

He felt his dick engorge even more, infused now with her magic blood. He was close to coming now and...

Oh my! His third orgasm was by far the most intense. Weak in the knees, he collapsed. He pulled her with him as he collapsed on the bed, sweating and gasping for breath. It seemed her blood made his body revitalize to a degree he'd never imagined.

He lay next to her, stroking her golden curls now streaked with sweat.

"You are magnificent!"
Andrej gripped her wrists and pulled her arms backwards as he continued vigorously fucking her, her moans deepening. He pulled her upper body towards him so he could fondle her breasts and nuzzle her neck while still pounding away at her.

He felt his dick engorge even more, infused now with her magic blood. He was close to coming now and...

Oh my! His third orgasm was by far the most intense. Weak in the knees, he collapsed. He pulled her with him as he collapsed on the bed, sweating and gasping for breath. It seemed her blood made his body revitalize to a degree he'd never imagined.

He lay next to her, stroking her golden curls now streaked with sweat.

"You are magnificent!"
Lynn smiled panting "Mmmm so are you" she smiled " your amazing Andrej" she said laying her head on his chest. She looked at the time " Omg Andrej I have to head out its 12 am and I have work at 8 and paperwork due the boss will be pissed im sorry! I need to get home " she quickly began gathering her clothes
She smiled and kissed him "of course we can you were amazing.Ill probably walk funny tomorrow" she giggled " here" she said pulling her card from her bag "My cell and email are on there. I work in HR as a secretary pretty hectic and tons of gossip and drama but it makes my job interesting I guess. Maybe we can go dancing sometime? "