Swedish Exercise


Jun 9, 2002
No, don't worry, I'm not gonna make you learn my language. Today. Another time, perhaps. But not today.

I just wanted to follow in the footsteps of the brilliant exercise-makers Wildsweetone and TheEarl, and post my own little author's exercise. Something to keep your writing skills on top in between stories. OK, no more babbling, here's the exercise:

Write a sexscene, without actually saying that the couple is having sex. No "pussy", no "dick", no "cum". Use eufemisms. In short, write a sex scene in such a way that it wouldn't matter if a kid read it, because they wouldn't ever get it that it was about sex.

OK? Any questions?
how many words do you want it?

does it have to be in swedish?
Chicklet said:
how many words do you want it?

does it have to be in swedish?

Hurrah! A reply!

As long as you yourself feel it needs to be, in order to be good. And no, it doesn't HAVE to be in Swedish. Though you'll get bonus points if it is.

Yes, I'm keeping score. Weren't you???
Story with euphemisms in Swedish

Svenskaflicka said:
And no, it doesn't HAVE to be in Swedish. Though you'll get bonus points if it is.

My story:

"Yumpin yimminy! I kiked down the dor and got it off in her fase."

Please note the use of Swedish words, Svenska.

I find the idea very challenging...

It's like writing a love poem without ever using the word love....

Fingers gliding like spring rain down soft leafy stems we explored each other's wonders. I tasted the run off after a coastal storm's flood at her center as waves of turbulent undertow thrashed us upon the shore again, and again. Entangled like snaking vines in our own personnal rain forest writhing with the will of the wind against each other in life's strangling struggle for mutual satifaction. Our glorious joy like a frothing cappiccino milking our souls until at last our cups were emptied, and the rush of caffine lay awake waiting its turn to comfort us.

Re: Story with euphemisms in Swedish

MathGirl said:
My story:

"Yumpin yimminy! I kiked down the dor and got it off in her fase."

Please note the use of Swedish words, Svenska.


Brilliant exercise maker? I don't count SF, no-one replied to mine.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Brilliant exercise maker? I don't count SF, no-one replied to mine.

The Earl

No-one? Like, my reply didn't count? Why, thanks a lot there, Earl.

TheEarl said:
Brilliant exercise maker? I don't count SF, no-one replied to mine.

The Earl

Yeah, I really wanted to, but it meant finding the video and winding it to the right spot to make sure I got all the little details right... It's not the effort that's the problem, but the persistant interrogations of the family that get on my nerves.

But I digress:

No, it appears yet again the house is full of people determined to break my concentration on this difficult task. I will return when they have entered a land of slumber and at last my mind has some peace.

The fact that I'd get bonus points if it's in Swedish makes this an excercise I can't refuse.

I'll be back when I can actually think of a scene.lol
Go, Swedes, go!:D

It's so good to have a fellow countryperson to talk Swedish to. Annoys the heck out of those Yankees...:devil:
Kerstin kunde kanna hur hennes hjartslag borjade bulta hardare och hardare. Det kandes som om nagot magiskt tagit over henne, hennes tankar blandades med bilder och hon log mot Anders. Hallandes om varandra kunde hon kanna hans kropp pressas mot henne och hans armar drog henne narmare for varje andetag. Hans hander kandes starka och hon alskade hur de holl om hennes midja.

Hon sankte sig ner granse over honom och de mottes i en passionerad kyss och omfamning. Hungrigt kyssandes mottes de i en omfamning olik alla andra och for varje hjartslag, varje andetag kom de narmare. For Kerstin var detta nagot helt nytt, att vara med Anders var som ett oskrivet blad och han holl pennan.

Med varliga svepande rorelser borjade han skriva pa det tomma papper som var hennes kropp och hon borjade kanna sig euforisk. Orden, de sma sma orden som formades genom hans lappar och formedlades via hans kroppsprak penetrerade henne och hennes tankar blev uppfyllda av dem.
Det verkade som om han aldrig rann ut av ord, for varje avslutad mening paborjades en ny. Hon kunde inte fa nog, dessa underbara ord. Smekande och o sa sensuella.

Orden verkade floda som en stortflod ur Anders hand och han verkade som uppslukad. Ju mer han skrev, desto mer kom ut. Ju mer Kerstin eggade pa honom, viskade uppmanande sma meningar i hans ora, desto mer skyndade han pa.

Som all bra historier har aven denna ett slut och i en sista svepande gest avlustade Anders sitt verk.


Sorry tjejen, that was the best I could come up with on the top of my head. Damn, I suck at these excercises. :p

You got the idea in one Lovepotion, my 12 yr old just read that all the way through and had no idea there was any sex going on in it, wow. Wink.

I wrote this a bit ago, but seems to meet your criteria.

ice cream

it's been a long day its time for a treat
your favorite way to beat the heat

straight and tall, majestic and grand
the conical shape fits nice in your hand

extending your tongue and using the tip
lick the stray drop that's next to your grip

two licks to the left then two to the right
neatly nibble your captured delight

descend from above -- mouth wide and warm
softly envelop the formidable form

back gently away with a lingering swirl
the tip of your tongue in a practiced curl

with a flurry of flicks devour your prize
marvel how quickly it shrinks down in size

complete the treat with a muffled moan
satisfied by a man sized cone
Very good, 69. And, like pop said, totally impossible to guess that it was a bout sex...;)
You get a 4 + an extra point for the Swedish, which makes for a total of 5 out of 5 points. (No, I'm not giving her the highest point possible just because she's Swedish, how DARE anyone think that???:eek:)

OT - excellent! Funny and discrete, the sex only visible to the perverted eye. That's another 5.
Svenskaflicka said:
Go, Swedes, go!:D It's so good to have a fellow countryperson to talk Swedish to. Annoys the heck out of those Yankees...:devil:

Dear Svenska,
I assume you're talking about the little story in which I used some Swedish words. I know I say, "Yumpin Yimminy" like a native, but I'm not really Swedish. I'm actually an Okie-Jew mixture.

Would you like another quote from that great Swedish heavyweight champion Ingemar Johanssen?
Hey, I'm just good like that. :D

Yaaay, I got a 5/5! :nana: (and not even any penalty points for not using three Swedish letters!) Now, as long as nobody asks me to translate all of that... lol
Hey, I'm just good like that. :D

Yaaay, I got a 5/5! :nana: (and not even any penalty points for not using three Swedish letters!) Now, as long as nobody asks me to translate all of that... lol

OT I liked your poem!

MathGirl, I definitely think your sentence deserves a 5.
Ooops, I thought I stopped the first post when editing. Sorry about the double post!:eek:
Svenskaflicka said:
It's OK, I like you anyway.:p

You really know how to hurt a person, Swede.

I obviously can't compete with LP69's AV.
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MathGirl said:
You really know how to hurt a person, Swede.

I was ofcourse referring to thefact that you're not Swedish. It's OK. Some of my best friends are not Swedish. In fact, my own Hubby is not Swedish. In my opinion, you non-Swedes are people, just like the rest of us. Well... some of you are.